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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. Sounds exactly like my yoga pant attire.
  2. Gosh, I really don't want to be a birthday crasher but... they stink (bad), they spray urine everywhere, they are very messy, and did I mention that they stink?
  3. and what about yoga pants...are yoga pants considered "appropriate"? I keep going back and forth on this one. I love my yoga pants and I definitely wear them to the gym. They are not super duper tight. Are they considered appropriate outside of the gym? In your opinion?
  4. Ok so like so many other things in my life....this is just another unnecessary burden that I don't need to be carrying.
  5. Sunday is my rest day. I began something recently that really ramped up my lifting sessions and I love it. Most of my rests between sets are now active rests. Rather than taking a 45 second rest, I am jumping rope, doing jump squats, etc between my sets. Talk about an increase in sweat and heartrate...oh yea, that's what I'm talking about ;)
  6. Love my arm band. I run my earbuds into my sleeve, down my side, and then back up the center of my sports bra. Works great :)
  7. Have you ever read The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner? It isn't as deep of a read as The Count. In fact, it might even be considered young adult but I still love that series.
  8. I have never heard of such a thing. If there is something I really want I just hold out and bid at the very last possible minute and make it count when I do.
  9. We have a great cabinet and all is wonderful until someone uses them and doesn't put them back properly. I think what DH and I have decided is that we need new children, rather than a new game storage system, hehe. I'm mostly kidding ;)
  10. Thank you. I am sincerely interested in feedback on this.
  11. Everyone has areas of strength and weakness. Whether it is book smart or not, everyone has areas where they excel. Can they respect each other for their individual strengths? Maybe one is super smart academically and the other is very strong/athletic. I think that mutual respect is the key. That being said, the non-academic will probably need to be smart enough to carry on a conversation with the academic person about thoughts, ideas, etc or there won't be much in common, right? But do they have to be as over-the-top into whatever subject interests the other person....no, they don't.
  12. Wow, when I read this I thought for a second that I had already replied and then forget. :laugh:
  13. It really won't be a problem taking it this summer if it is offered. If it isn't then she will need to wait a year on Chemistry and she wants to take physics her senior year. So I guess I should reword...if she can't take it this summer then should she just skip taking math and science at this school?
  14. I really want dd to take Chemistry at the community college next year. They absolutely require her to also take the math and she doesn't want to take math there. They will not allow her to test out of the class completely. She can register for the math and then ask the prof if she can test out. It will be up to his discretion. The math is not a co-requisite it is a pre-requisite and it "may" be given this summer but maybe not and we won't know that until much later. So "if" it is given this summer and "if" there is room after normal registration then she might be able to enroll and then maybe be able to take a placement test to skip the test. All of this to take chemistry. So, do we just ditch the idea of chemistry and only DE for things like Psychology or History? or do we attempt to jump through the hoops and hope for the best? Any experiences? Thanks :)
  15. I hate it. There was a part of me that thought, at first, that maybe the HS kids getting turned away simply didn't have the academic rigor, etc to meet Davidson's standards but I just keep hearing story after story of HS students who are stellar getting turned away or getting no financial aid (even if they are very low income). I have crossed it off my list.
  16. Thank you. You articulated how we feel in a way that I cannot. Honestly, my dd doesn't want a Christian school for some of the same reasons. We probably won't even look at Liberty or Baylor unless she gets National Merit finalist and no great financial aid other places. She has said "if they require me to take Bible classes then I would prefer not to go there".
  17. This is why we are mainly avoiding the private conservative schools. High price tag and very little aid. We just can't do that and do not think it wise for dd to go into such debt. My brother was offered zero aid for Liberty and a full ride at NCSU.
  18. Many people seem shocked that I would even consider allowing dd to go to a secular or non-conservative university. We are fairly conservative in our beliefs. Everyone I know will only allow their kids to go to college if it is to Liberty or Anderson, etc. We haven't even planned to look at those schools. We might visit Liberty if she gets National Merit since they give good aid for that, I think? Only because there aren't any schools close to us that provide good aid for finalists. Are any of you conservative and how important is it to your family that your student go to a conservative Christian school?
  19. My husband is convinced that Davidson is simply weeding out certain classes of people. He works for a lot of really, really big money people and they all went to the super expensive private school for k-12 and then to Davidson for college. That is what their kids are also doing. He thinks that turning away HS kids is just one more way of deciding what type of person goes there? Just his theory :/ Not sure what I think about his theory.
  20. I always love this thread but I'm not on the WTM consistently enough to join it. I see some great workouts going on! I'm a weight lifter and yesterday was legs and then I tried to run with my dog this AM....only made it 45 minutes. I know not to run after leg day.....I really do :/
  21. A kitchen scale is great. Then you can measure things more accurately in grams or ounces. The key is consistency - if you measure that cup of spinach the same way (and all of your other foods) then it is accurate for you. You may need to drop your cals by 200 because you are putting too much pasta in that cup so your 1600 cals is actually 1800, but as long as you are consistent it will work, right?
  22. I don't think they are accurate but I think they move up and down fairly accurately. For example, it might tell you that you are 22% bf when you are really 28% BUT I think as you lose bf it predicts it fairly accurately. I have seen change on my bf scale in bf when the weight didn't change but I also saw a drop in inches so I think the drop was accurate. If that makes sense?
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