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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. In six months. Whoa...you DO win. If I didn't group so much together I'd probably have that much. I have Prime and I still tend to order several things when I order.
  2. Yes, thank you. :hurray: I also order quite a bit of subscribe and save.
  3. If you go to the order history then it will tell you _____ orders in 6 months. I've placed 65 :001_rolleyes: If I look and see how many orders I placed it in all of 2014 it might say 159 :blushing: So someone make me feel better about this....anyone have more orders than that? :001_wub:
  4. After years of battling it, I have been using something for a few weeks that has made a remarkable difference. I bought it to help with a dark spot because it was cheap on amazon. It hasn't really done anything with the dark spot but I have also used it on my whole face and the difference in my rosacea is unreal. It is only $9.99 and it is organic. It is called Belitae Vitamin C Serum. I am not sure I am allowed to link on here and this is not intended to advertise anything. I have simply found something that works (for the first time ever) and I wanted to share for other rosacea sufferers. Maybe this will help someone else? :thumbup1:
  5. Ya'll are depressing :lol: Seriously, I have no idea. Kids would probably have the shock of no mom and school all at the same time.
  6. I think you've gotten some great input. I am in the "start with incline push ups" club. That being said... Grab some dumbbells and start light and work your way up. I would like to suggest a little book called... New Rules of Lifting for Women. Many women only get through stage 2 or 3 before they move on to another plan but it is worth it for the introduction and those first two stages. Good luck.
  7. We do not eat at McDonalds, Chickfila, burger king, pizza hut, etc. We rarely eat out though. When we do it is Schlotzkys, Panera, Culvers, or Chipotle (sorry to the haters).
  8. Thank you. Sometimes it is nice just to know that you are on the right track :thumbup1:
  9. :iagree: I had a post just like this written in my head.
  10. I don't believe in softening blows...I call it like it is. I am a mom to a 14.5 year old boy and I call it like it is....please stop being lazy. Do it right and do it right the first time. Laziness may be your natural mode at this point in life but you need to man up and do the few chores you are assigned and do them right. I guess I am a mean mama. :lol: ETA That being said, he still has to be reminded and sent back to correct things constantly.
  11. I posted at the same time as you
  12. I *think* she was just trying to give you a phrase to use rather than "lazy" "Please do it the right way" Maybe I am not reading her response right either?
  13. Yes, I know :( Oh well. I guess either my bleeding will pick up and feel more like a real period or I'll have to POAS sometime next week.
  14. I'm glad to see that someone in this world thinks that 37 is "so young". haha.
  15. We sponsor through Compassion International. They are a Christian organization. A friend visited their headquarters and was very happy with the simplicity. Some of the aid organizations build monuments to themselves and so little go to the children. Not so with Compassion. We get letters from our child.
  16. I guess, haha. I haven't had any signs of menopause and I am still a few years from 40?
  17. Actually everything I have read says days 6-12. That is why I am concerned. Since tea would have come first with ovulation less than 24 hours later, implantation would probably fall on the earlier side of things and not later. or it could just be a period. Who knows. I really need to not worry about it, I suppose.
  18. I think I need to wait a few more days for that to be accurate. I think I read 7 days after implantation? I'm not good at waiting. It kills me. Surely I'm not pregnant though.
  19. Bless! Seriously? Was it really almost like a light period?
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