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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. I think that scenario is more likely to take place in PS. Most PS students here take the class for GPA boosting purposes with no plan to take the exam. As homeschool parents, we need the exam to prove what we did, imho. That being said, we are having to do this with one of dd's classes this year. We had a testing location for AP Art history. The counselor said she would test dd even if no other students were taking the exam. That counselor left after Christmas and the new counselor will only give it if other students are taking it and no other students are taking it so neither can dd. I am hopeful that attaching a note about the situation along with dd's other AP exam grades being sufficient will allow them to view the course as a true AP course :/
  2. I can't imagine it sufficient for the AP Exam, but maybe I am wrong. I am leaning toward either DIVE with the AP addition, labeling it Honors but having DD take the SAT Sub test (rather than the AP Exam) or Dual Enrollment chemistry. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
  3. Thanks ya'll. I called the admissions office and they are giving tours that day so it is a start. If she is admitted and torn between more than one college, we could always visit again Senior year :)
  4. Here is the course description, if this helps :) A two-semester introductory course to familiarize students with the basic principles and calculations of chemistry: chemical formulas and reactions; atomic structure and the periodic table; chemical bonding; gases, liquids, and solutions; thermodynamics; equilibrium; electrochemistry; chemical kinetics. The laboratory introduces basic chemical techniques and the use of standard laboratory equipment (class, three hours; laboratory, three hours per week). Offered every year.
  5. I am pretty sure it is the last week of school. I wish we could go earlier but we had to move our vacation later because of AP Exams. :glare:
  6. We are in the same boat. DD is thinking she will switch to Spanish 1. She doesn't love Latin and she wants to be done with it ;)
  7. I know this isn't ideal. The last day of class at Washington and Lee is May 22nd and we can make it there on the 18th. We are going right through the town that day and it seems crazy not to visit since dd is very interested in this school. It is over four hours away. Also, it is the only school that DH has shown interest in visiting (it intrigues him for some reason). Most other schools we visit will just be DD and me since DH works a lot and we have three other kids at home. Last week - exams, etc.... I know that it isn't ideal but how "off" will it be from a normal school week? It will be ok, right?
  8. What if I use it and pair it with the BJU text. Anyone tried this and had their student take the Chem Sat Sub Test? Has anyone's student prepped and taken the AP exam after this? I just question whether it would be enough. We would add in prep books too, of course.
  9. Our CC does not have the best reputation for quality. They want dd to completely change her math sequence, retaking her math with them and dd doesn't prefer that. I wish she could take it there because it is very convenient to us and the 4 year is a little farther. A friend's son tried the CC this year and they were extremely unimpressed. Most classes are online without enough instructor contact and the classes that were on campus were pretty bad. For example, over half of the kids dropped the chem class before the end, most kids just played on their phones or read non-class material, the prof. stated right up front that she hated teaching, and though she never taught she would just give random tests that weren't necessarily related to the textbook. My friend's student was very frustrated and even she dropped said class.
  10. Since pre-cal algebra is the only prerequisite, I can't imagine that there is calculus. This is not a STEM college, it is a liberal arts focused school. Mostly produces education, history, and English majors. DD is completing pre-cal algebra/trig this year. She will start calc. next year.
  11. What do you mean by 'for-majors'? I was considering at DE class at a local 4 year, private university. It is not a science/math school. It is introductory chemistry 105 & 106. They don't have a chemistry class below it. If that helps.
  12. I am just trying to decide between going with a regular High School Chemistry class, Dual Enrollment General Chem class, or AP Chemistry (probably a stretch for a student who hasn't actually taken a regular HS Chem class but I want to check. DD is bright and the math would not be too challenging.
  13. These decisions are tough, right? We've decided to keep trucking forward for now but we are willing (and even see it as a great possibility) that DS will have 5 years of HS and we will need to adjust his transcript accordingly.
  14. Would you let your child dive into AP or DE Chem if they haven't technically had a basic HS Chem class? Just thinking it all through ;) thanks
  15. That is quotable and it sounds similar to something my dd said the other day. I love it.
  16. I overanalyze everything. It is torture. lol The main reason I even think about this though is all of the talk on the WTM about visiting to see where the student feels right? I kind of got the feeling that no one applies to schools they can't "get the feel of" before they visit? That is why I asked. To see if my perception was true ;)
  17. I hear ya'll when you say "cast the net wide" and look at schools not within a 4 hour driving distance of home. What if you really can't afford to visit a ton of schools and long trips weren't really an option? Would you apply to schools you couldn't visit? Just curious :)
  18. If my child didn't like the school and *if* we had the resources to help them get somewhere else (resources not including huge piles of debt for parents or child) then I would definitely let my child go to the preferred school. If the only choice was deep debt or the full ride school....well, suck it up buttercup ;)
  19. She isn't interested in engineering. I have no idea why. She loves math but she always shuns the idea of engineering. I think she could get into NC State as a safety as long as she isn't looking at a competitive program. She is more likely to go into accounting than engineering. *If* she can get into a school where simply the education and connections from being there can get you places (internships, etc), she'd probably make the gamble and be an English/creative writing major. I do have concern with the peer group at a non-competitive school. She is very bright and not in the way that means testing well but not loving education. She LOVES to learn. She is always learning, always discussing, always researching. She yearns for higher ed not to get a job or for the college "experience", she wants to learn more and be around people who also love to learn. She doesn't really have that IRL here. Her peers could care less about the things that interest her :(
  20. Thanks for sympathizing. I wish there were schools closer to us with good national merit scholarships. If she even gets NM? She may not? You can't bank on anything at this point. Especially with a completely revised test coming in the fall. She doesn't want to go too far. I think the feeling that she could technically come home on a long weekend is comforting for her. I think the closest NM school to us would be U of KY which is huge, right? It is like 7 hours away.
  21. If she gets NMF then she will be choose a school that offers a free ride to list. One thing that is limiting our college search in general is she prefers to stay within a 4 hour drive of home and none of those schools are close to home. BUT, she will choose one as a financial safety if she gets it. It would be silly not to, right? ;)
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