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Everything posted by livingnlearning

  1. there was a big one in CO last night too, wasn't there?
  2. But the OP doesn't know for sure what is being suggested for her exactly. But you're correct to point out there are different preparations. That website uses the terminology loosely, just saying "turpentine" throughout when at the top it states: PREPARATIONS— The oil distilled with six volumes of lime water, produces the Rectified oil of Turpentine (Oleum Terebinthinae Rectificatum). This is the form which should always be used in medicine. Dose, from one to ten minims. It should be given in an emulsion for gastric and intestinal disorders. For respiratory disorders, drop from two to five drops on a square of loaf sugar to be dissolved slowly on the tongue, and swallowed with the saliva.
  3. Where I live I wouldn't worry at all about the game being depleted any time soon. Unless there was some sort of natural disaster that killed it off. Like Yellowstone finally blowing. I don't think there is anything wrong at all about thinking about what you need and how you can provide it for yourself. As long as you aren't doing it to the detriment of your current situation, what harm? I'd rather be someone that thought about it than someone who did not. And in an emergency, the better prepared you and your neighbor is the better off everyone would be. And the guy that knows how to build a water filter out of an old sock and some sand might be pretty popular! :D If "civilized" or modern-day society gets knocked on its tail I can see things getting worse before they get better, though I would see them getting better.
  4. Boy I don't know that I would. I usually have a pretty open mind on alternative methods but that one I would worry about both the side effects and the efficacy. I know many people that treat themselves with ivermectin and it is commonly prescribed for people, notably children in poverty stricken countries. It's available OTC and quite safe unless you're a border collie. ;) I believe it's somewhat naturally derived too though I'd have to look that one up. I'd do more research if I were you. I know from treating dogs, horses, chickens, sheep, goats, and cows as well as reading online on human treatment that ivermectin works and has a high safety rating. Turpentine not so much... From this page: http://www.henriettesherbal.com/eclectic/ellingwood/pinus_tere.html Physiological Action—The oil of turpentine is an irritant when applied to the skin or mucous membranes in any considerable quantity. It causes burning, a vesicular eruption, and deep, stubborn ulcerations. In the stomach it produces warmth, increased from an overdose to a burning pain, nausea, vomiting, purging, eructations of the oil, great gastro-intestinal irritation, amounting to gastro-enteritis. In toxic doses it causes renal hyperemia, great irritation of the urinary tract, violent hematuria and strangury, with suppression of urine and albuminuria. It stimulates the heart, increases the arterial tension for a time, increases the temperature and exalts the mental faculties. Ultimately there is a reduction of physical strength, muscular insecurity, tremblings, incoordination, great nervous irritation, wandering of the mind, incoherence, insensibility and coma, breathing stertorous and labored, from paralysis of respiration; face cyanosed or flushed, pupils dilated. All exudations contain its odor. While violent symptoms have often been produced by full medicinal doses of turpentine, fatal results have seldom. occurred. Five ounces have been taken by adults with recovery. Children have died from overdoses in a few instances. The agent is eliminated through the kidneys and mucous membrane, and this fact explains its immediate influence upon these organs and structures.
  5. Maybe she could think of a way to "advertise" her breakfast... she could think about what the current situation is (they're busy/tired/not noticing) and ways to get their attention. maybe she could write an advertisement and post it, write up a menu and take orders and times and plan ahead, take note of what they prefer to do for breakfast (to go orders?) and figure out how she could use that to her advantage? again I would totally not just give her this info, if it were my daughter I would be saying things like "I notice that while the other meals are going well, breakfast is a free for all; how do you think you could accomodate that busy time of day in your plan?" or "the other meals are going according to plan; what's different about breakfast and how could you improve it?" ect...
  6. When I get like that about a distraction I sometimes will load up our books and go work at the library, or a park, or anywhere that forces us to focus on our books and not everything else! Good luck-it's frustrating!
  7. I'll give you another real answer despite your tone here: Ammo could also be used as a form of currency if things get really wonky.
  8. :confused: Our ammo supplies are for hunting! LOL And our self-defense ammo/gun is against grizzly bears, primarily, but it would certainly work on a person if necessary. I am only one generation away from people that bought most of their supplies twice a year. We strive to be that self-sufficient b/c we don't like to be dependent on a system that is obviously flawed and unreliable. Food prices are already going sky high but we make/supply much of our own food. We have a well and a little gadget that makes it so we can access it without power, we have a wood stove, we have horses and can use them for transportation or hauling if necessary. If the power goes out or we get snowed in or TSHTF we have the resources in place to dig deep and get by... anything much more than that seems excessive to me. We learned from the folks that were poor without electricity or much of anything 100 years ago or so... it's really not difficult to have the base supplies and methods of food/water/heat/shelter and build from there.
  9. We won't start until the end of September. I refuse to start before September and it turned out this year that the kids will be visiting their grandparents until the middle of Sept. Our summer is too short and fleeting here-we don't do school until summer is over!
  10. The birds are starting to gather here and I dread winter. Our summer was very late and when it got here a few short weeks ago it was perfect-I'm not ready for fall yet!
  11. Divas are difficult to deal with-I would and have steered my daughter toward tampons...
  12. I never measure anything either-and I have an 11 year old daughter that loves to cook. For Christmas last year I got her a set of measuring cups/spoons of her own and she loves them. Hides them from me too so I have to ask on the odd occasion that I want to measure something... :001_smile:
  13. This is me too. I'd ask her how it was going... what did she think of the whole deal and take it from there. I'd ask leading questions maybe, steer her with some suggestions but let her make all the decisions. I absolutely love it when my kids do things like this and have struggles that I can guide them through. Life lessons!
  14. good to go. acidic and sugar, natural preservatives and bacteria inhibitors.
  15. I'd opt for keeping the people and going less expensive on the menu. He'll remember fun times with the people more than what was grilled. And maybe you can find a good sale or something that will come through for you... My MIL always does a huge batch of boston beans for get-togethers like that b/c they're cheap and good. Maybe there are some inexpensive sides that would work?
  16. I don't have time to run it all down right now but look on bozemandailychronicle.com and search the archives on this issue (or call them for help if their goofy website isn't working-it's a small town, they will help!) Our town went through this last year-one town won and the next town over lost. A friend of ours is a councilman in the town where they lost and I remember one of their concerns was chickens getting loose and running all over the place-apparently their town had gone through a feral bunny episode and they weren't over it yet! LOL So maybe consider addressing secure pens/yards....
  17. I don't have time to google right now but I researched it some time ago, why vinegar worked so well for me but would make heartburn worse in others. If this thread lives tomorrow when we return from an overnight trip here I'll see what I can find. I might have oversimplified the explanation! :)
  18. I'm glad you know for sure... it's amazing how just thinking you might be can bring up so many parental emotions! but wondering is all-consuming. now you can jump on the trampoline without worry! :)
  19. Pickle juice cures my heartburn-which of course means any sort of vinegar could help. I just love the flavored salty vinegar water of pickle juice, tastes better than plain vinegar to me! It makes a difference though what kind of stomach you have-acid or base. If vinegar makes yours worse than I would try some baking soda dissolved in water. (if that would be ok with your med?)
  20. Too much wet in the ground this season-it will be dicey. We didn't have it quite so bad here in Montana/Idaho-we get our potatoes straight from the farmer so I'm not sure if you can look for them in your stores?
  21. I just checked out your page, I really liked it, especially the blog links/articles. Your cows are beautiful! Our heifer is a Jersey/Brown Swiss cross-we already had the BS and wanted to work in the Jersey, can't wait to get her started! Congrats on your new place, I bet you're loving it! Re: Kid Ol' Roy-my son serves it up in a big ol' tupperware bowl! By the ton... especially if I get the chocolate crud it really looks like dog food... I always cringe a little.
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