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Everything posted by Homeschoolmom3

  1. I am only counting 7 with a possibility of 8. AP Latin 1 Hist/Lit 1 Writing 1/2 or 1 (college) Music App. 1/2 or 1 (college) Physics 1 Pre-Calc 1 Bible 1/2 German 1/2 PE/Health 1 Opt. additional college course: Writing 2, History, or Ethics. Debating on what to count the CC classes as either 1/2 or 1 credit it varies I guess if I counted as 1 credit it is alot! Maybe we should rethink.
  2. Makes sense! I think I have been over planning this year and I can't think! Thanks for clarifying for me! :)
  3. I agree with languages and was thinking math should be stretched out as well. Thanks for your comments
  4. Just curious do you keep a log of the time spent on a subject or do you only give credit after a course or book is completed? I have always been a stickler about finishing books before completing a year however, I am trying to get off of my type a personality and trying to be more realistic. I want to start combining some subjects too when possible. Especially when you want to do so many different range of subjects. When a course is not just a simple textbook and where you want to use multiple sources. So how do you all count credits? Thanks!
  5. It kinda is already split but my question should it be more split? I guess was trying to make it easier on him and me. He is taking a pretty hard course load this year and was trying to determine the best route. AP Latin, Bible and Nature study, PE, will be year classes. Writing, Music Appreciation, and possibly History and Ethics (are semester college classes), so these courses is what I was debating on: Pre-Calculus, Physics, Health, 1/2 year of German, Hist/Lit course. Hope this makes since. Thanks!
  6. Have you looked at this post? She has great answers to some of your questions. Especially about organizing school material. HTH http://www.charlottemasonhelp.com/2009/07/organization.html http://www.charlottemasonhelp.com/2009/09/organizational-tools-for-grades-k-6.html
  7. Trying to do planning for next school year and struggling with my 2 older kids. My oldest is in 10th and my middle son is in 7th. I am trying to decide is it better to focus on a few subjects at one time and space them out over the year or to have 9 subjects being stretched out throughout the year. (Of course some things would not be done that way such as our Bible and nature time that we do as a family.) I have always stretched it out but as my oldest is already starting to take college courses where the classes are in shorter more intense courses I wonder if I should let him do all of his subjects that way. How do you feel about this? How well do they really learn it? I am reading too many books and am killing my brain. Would love to hear others opinions! Thanks!
  8. Trying to do planning for next school year and struggling with my 2 older kids. My oldest is in 10th and my middle son is in 7th. I am trying to decide is it better to focus on a few subjects at one time and space them out over the year or to have 9 subjects being stretched out throughout the year. (Of course some things would not be done that way such as our Bible and nature time that we do as a family.) I have always stretched it out but as my oldest is already starting to take college courses where the classes are in shorter more intense courses I wonder if I should let him do all of his subjects that way. How do you feel about this? How well do they really learn it? I am reading too many books and am killing my brain. Would love to hear others opinions! Thanks!
  9. Really struggling this year as to how much "freedom" to give my son and how I should plan the year. He will be in 10th grade but has started college courses already. He has done very well and is great at managing his time and turning in assignments. I have a hands off approach with all of his online classes and college courses he is taking. So as I am preparing this next school year I am trying to decide whether with the courses that he does with me if I should continue to give him a weekly list of what he needs to cover or if I should lengthen it to 1/2 of a semester like around the 9 week mark. This is hard for me because I have been wanting to drag out books and have him study a great broad range of subjects and I have a feeling he will focus on a few subjects at a time to complete them and then go on to the next. Any thoughts as to what to do? I am so tired of going back and forth on this. I have read too many books lately and too many philosophies! I fear my middle son will want more freedom to do this too and not sure if I am ready to let him go that direction or not. Decisions, decisions. Thanks for your thoughts!
  10. Yes, he is thinking of joining the Civil Air Patrol (only thing available in this area). Thanks for the suggestion!
  11. Yes, I agree with both of you that is why I was needing advice. Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions!
  12. My middle son is interested in joining the military. He has talked about it for 2 yrs. so I am thinking he is serious but I want him to be really aware of what life is really like making it a career and thought he would benefit reading real stories about people's lives or the types of jobs and what it would entail. We have a few military people in our family but not who have been enlisted lately. Any ideas would be great! Thanks in advance!
  13. Have to second this! My son LOVES these books! They are great, a few others to add to the I Can Read Science Books are: Greg's Microscope, Daniel's Duck, Plenty of Fish, (There is one on Forests) they are about level 3 though. I love the Little Jewel Books from Rod and Staff too but they might be more level 3 too, along with Nate the Great books. Can't remember what we used after Bob Books (however, they were the best!) After that I second Little Bear and Dr. Seuss books and Mr Putter and Tabby were favorites here. HTH
  14. I did Abeka with my middle son and I agree that it had a lot of "schoolish" tendencies and I found took a good amount of time to implement. We are using MP this year for my youngest and I like how the layout is all in one book easy to get through and check off. I found my youngest wasn't getting much attention either due to my older kids and since they are spaced out in age. This was easy for me to do with him and seems pretty solid academically. HTH
  15. I am not letting my gifted ds graduate early because I want him home as long as possible! :) No, seriously I let him take HS classes when he was 12 and so "technically" he will have enough credits to graduate this year at age 15. We decided not to graduate early because we wanted him to have every opportunity for scholarships and to be able to compete with students his "actual age". He also wanted to go off to college with his friends. So he will probably have almost 2 yrs. of college done by the time he graduates. I don't see too many advantages to graduating early in my opinion but many reasons to keep them at home. Another reason is dual enrolled programs are so much cheaper and offer many advantages too! HTH
  16. You could, however there is alot of Theology built in and it is considered a Christian course. HTH
  17. If you go with the live course I would recommend Wilson Hill Academy because with VP there is two classes to fill the Lit., History, & Theology credit where at WHA you only have one course. My son did really well at VP but he had to work hard and time is a factor for the online class at VP you are spending 6hrs a week just in class not to mention all the reading and assignments. However with WHA there is only one class that combines it all (makes more since to me and it is cheaper :) Good luck and hope this helps!
  18. We liked Omni, not a fan of year one due to some of the reading for 12 year olds but the other years we have enjoyed. We did not have luck with their self paced course do to internet reasons (didn't work using our satellite internet and it did not work at our local library). However, we enjoyed doing it together and their live courses are very good. Yes, besides Omnibus you would need to do a grammar/composition course like SilverMoon said and then add whatever you feel necessary. For grammar/composition there are many choices if you want to follow the VP way you can see what they use in their online school. Good luck!
  19. I had my 6th grader start with Apologia General Science and he did fine with it. I would say it depends on the child but it worked fine here. I didn't find it to be too rigorous. I would say go for it, it would make it easier then doing 2 sciences and since they are so close in age! For the General Science (my son took it at a coop) but from what I remember they have vocab that they study, read the text, answer questions and do labs. (Very similar to the elementary series except a bit more meaty). Then they have a study guide and a test. There is no pre-req for general science. I believe as you get into Chemistry and Physics you need a certain math so be aware of that. HTH
  20. I agree! When we did SCM one year we doubled up and did 2 years in 1. It wasn't that much more and I thought made it a bit more doable. :)
  21. I know :( Omni books can get pricey particularly since you need the Omni book as well. For Romans Road Media, if HBC doesn't offer a discount again, you can purchase through amazon and at least get free shipping if you have amazon prime. Glad I could help good luck!
  22. You just missed the 1/2 off sale at Homeschoolbuyers coop. The DVDs include lessons, pdf worksheets, answer key, lesson plans it is complete. Just need to purchase books reading within the course. Isnt omni $400, still cheaper I believe. HTH
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