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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. You could copy the files from the install cd to a flash drive, then install it on the Acer computer, should work fine.
  2. Beer? j/k Homemade lemonade sounds great, as does Gatorade. Salty foods (think little packets of peanuts or cashews, or trail mix, maybe beef jerky) might sound good.
  3. LOL, my dd is SOO excited to start school...I don't know if that would work for her. We have been doing some Horizons preschool worksheets, along with other workbooks like those put out by School Zone publishing company. Even her little sister loves to "do school" with her.
  4. Is it a small laptop, called a netbook? You have 3 main choices: 1. Install over a network (either the Internet or a home network) 2. Use a USB flash drive to copy files over from a different computer, then install. 3. Get an external USB optical (CD or CD/DVD) drive.
  5. Thanks everyone...I have continued to modify my original post as I find things...keep em coming!
  6. She can count and recognize every number to 100, and add up to 5 + 5 (using her fingers)... Looking at the MM site, the K math would accomplish the following: She can already do all of that, so I figured the 1st Grade would be the way to go, after looking at the samples.
  7. Not sure on the differentiating between the two subjects, I just often have seen it broken up lol. We would prefer something scripted rather than just getting books from the library, etc.
  8. Alright, so I am trying to come up with one to three suggestions for each subject. We would prefer something scripted, and academically challenging while being engaging and interesting, if possible. Also, cheaper is better! Math - 1. Math Mammoth (light blue - first grade - based on the MM website and the samples, my daughter should be able to do this) 2. Singapore? Phonics/Reading - Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading OR Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons; + Wordworld on Netflix + just reading books together (She has the BOB Books, and likes reading them) Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting Science - Magic School Bus DVD's, maybe latter adding the books, and science/lit. kits Bible - Big Truths for Little Kids + The Jesus Storybook Bible ( We are not paedo-baptists, but I think we would be able to skip that chapter in BTfLK) History - ?? Also, any suggestions for subjects I may have neglected? Anything you suggest I will look into! Thanks so much!!!
  9. And of course there is Adam Sandler for Jewish music as well. :lol: I know there are some rappers that are Nation of Islam.
  10. Thanks everyone for sharing! One question - what is "intinction"?
  11. Do you use grape juice? Wine? A loaf of bread that everyone picks from? Little oyster cracker things? What do you call it? How often do you partake?
  12. No, not all are doing that. What did you have a problem with? The fact that children were in the room with scenes of the crucifixion?
  13. My friends are hopping over to Kauai tomorrow for several days! See if you can find "Marriage on the Rock" by Jimmy Evans.
  14. I keep seeing people talk about reading library ebooks...what format are these in?
  15. Thanks! Hopefully if we do get picked, they just choose me, or my wife. We will be opting out of the backscatter machine, but at least my kids shouldn't be put through any of it.
  16. Sen Paul has proposed a bill that will unfortunately never get passed. http://www.randpaul2010.com/2011/04/sen-paul-proposes-government-shutdown-prevention-act-of-2011/
  17. Thanks! I have flown that far or more several times (maybe a half-dozen) in my life, but I couldn't remember which direction was worse.
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