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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. I was wondering if anyone could point me toward any recent people that have done a Classical education throughout their entire school career, and gone on to great success as an adult? Whether through charter schools, homeschools, or private schools.
  2. You realize the government that you want to fix everything doesn't have all the answers either, right? The government is made up of people. Please, by all means, let me know what your workable solution is to fix the situation. In the meantime, out of respect for you, I will not get further involved in this conversation. I will choose not to express my opinion in order to not cause you further emotional distress.
  3. I am truly sympathetic to your situation. I just don't think the state should be responsible for you and your family. I am sorry if you feel that is harsh or something, but that is how I feel. No, I don't have all the answers. I am merely sharing my opinion, that is all. I believe there does need to be reform in our healthcare system, and the way health insurance works. I think we need an overhaul of our entire economic system, from the Federal Reserve on down. Why is healthcare so expensive in the first place? Malpractice insurance, inflation, etc. But I think that is a separate discussion. If the whole system were fixed, it wouldn't be as big an issue, healthcare would be affordable for almost everyone.
  4. No, I already posted that the right to life is a factor here. Treatment beyond life-saving (think: ER) is not a right. And I would disagree that there is an absolute right to food. :)
  5. And look at the cost of living in Hawaii. Yes, much of it is due to isolation and shipping costs, etc. However, the fact that businesses have to pay more for each employee increases prices as well. Minimum wages, mandatory employer provided health care, etc. So, are you saying that a patient has a right to healthcare, even if there are no providers? How does that work? The idea of the free market is that a doctor will treat my child because I can compensate them for their time, supplies, training, and experience. As the parent, it is your responsibility to take care of and provide for your children, right? For those that can not afford to do so for various reasons, that is what churches and communities and private charities are for. It is not the responsibility of the state and the taxpayer. If the homeless man can pay the same as the lawyer, then yes, they should be treated the same, absolutely. And if he won't, hopefully the free market system will allow him to receive treatment elsewhere, which will receive more business from the community accordingly. :iagree: What do you do for those whose poor health is self-inflicted due to poor lifestyle choices? Obesity, drugs (legal or illegal), etc.
  6. Life is a right. Healthcare beyond that is a privilege, and to turn it into a de facto right essentially enslaves the health care provider that can no longer choose whether or not to treat someone.
  7. I think the one I was thinking of was "The Message."
  8. I donate to the ACLJ instead of the ACLU, and GOA instead of the NRA. But I see the value of each. I don't 100 percent agree with any of them, but give where I agree the most, and where it is needed the most. They each have their benefits.
  9. My favorite episodes: Objects in Space Jaynestown The Shindig (And the one with the package/crate that I can't remember the title of)
  10. Is it sad that my favorite place to eat here is Boston's Pizza?
  11. At what age are kids able to understand Inara's profession? I mean, it's Biblical, but I don't know when that should be introduced, especially how it is viewed as a positive.
  12. The My Side of the Mountain series (trilogy?) was good, as far as fiction goes.
  13. Sheet Music. There is also a site called Christian Nymphos you may want to check into for more ideas...
  14. Agreed. Some of them are definitely PG-13 material...
  15. Yeah, he actually remarked on that, it was funny!
  16. Check out http://www.camcorderinfo.com/ I have a Canon Vixia (the HF11). It does 1080p recording at 24 frames per second, and has an external mic jack.
  17. Don't forget Toy Story! I also love Dr. Horrible, and we enjoy Castle. One day, I had 2 random people say I looked like Nathan Fillion...that was strange. I thought they were messing with me, but not so. He is pro-Patriot Act. He seems to be supportive of the firearms amendment that Senator Paul tried attaching though.
  18. I watched Serenity first, but I wish I hadn't. On a side note, I got into a Twitter discussion about The PATRIOT Act with the guy that plays Jayne, a couple days ago.
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