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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Some of them, I would imagine. I think it helps a lot to read what other customers say in the comments section of each dress. It seems like a lot of the comments refer to specific body types and that helps oh so much. The Prana yoga tops are fantastic as far as support goes, by the way, and title nine rated their bra tops with barbells. The more barbells, the more support! It is awesome. Those Target maxi dresses are adorable.

  2. Has anyone read David Foster Wallace's The Pale King? I am reading it now. It makes me sooooo sleepy but it is wonderful all at the same time. I am do sad that he is gone, his words are lovely.

    HAVING to read Contractors Guide To Business Law and Project Management from the always fun to read collection by the National Association of State Contractors. It's riveting.

  3. I wouldn't. Do it if you want to, it is justified, but do you REALLY want to cost a waitress who already works all night her job? Is it really worth the phone call and reliving the tacky conversation? It wouldn't be to me, there are such bigger things out there and I am sure they didn't mean to offend you. Had you walked over and asked them to keep their fab conversation to themselves they probably would have. Maybe show a little grace?


    Note: I really don't care either way, but since I am procrastinating and the question was just out there waiting...

  4. Buy great shoes that work for your stride and feet and google it. All the advice given here is fantastic and you will find the right stretches and exercises that work. I heard once that every one has different reasons for their pain when they run so there are many ways to help. Runners world always has good advice.

  5. Okay, I am jumping in because this has been so lovely to follow. :) I wear dresses all the time. I love them. I run a business and home school my son and have to look neat all the dang time. However, I love dresses that make me feel like I am wearing pajamas so I shop Title Nine and Prana online. I have no time to shop so it is always online. This is my favorite. http://www.titlenine.com/product/167504.do?sortby=ourPicksAscend&from=fn#.Ue_db5G9KSM

    I own it in every color. I don't have to wear a bra with it so my life is so perfect on the days I get to wear it I just can't stand it.

    This is the one I am wearing now. http://www.prana.com/quinn-dress-short-length.html?color=Berry%20Flora

    I can't recommend prana enough. The customer service is fantastic and I wear the dresses for years. Nothing I have wrinkles!

    I am a feminist and am not religious at all. My husband doesn't give a fiddle flop what I wear and if I won the lottery I would wear the exact same clothes. I am 44 and also don't care how age appropriate I look. I just want to look neat, pretty, like I care about myself and I need to look a little bit professional.

  6. I ran yesterday morning and actually made it to yoga last night. My daughter and I finally got off your butts and tried the new hot yoga studio which sits conveniently 1/2 mile from my house. It was wonderful and we committed to the 30 day unlimited package. I really have to love it to spring for that! :) Our regularly attended studio is downtown, maybe 20 minutes away. and for some reason we love to make that an obstacle. we have no more excuses. the instructor was wonderful, the studio beautiful and we can ride our bikes there! I didn't sleep well because I am so darn sore that I woke up every ding dong time I moved! I did drag my tired self out and ran a solid 3.5 this morning and walked the rest of the way home. :P it was a gorgeous morning for a run, though. The running path through my neighborhood goes past a "55 and over" community. The residents are fun and I love sharing the space with them.

  7. This is the statement that really bugs me because the implication is that I am doing my child a disservice by not allowing her to be social. Most of the questions (we're just starting our HS journey this year so we're getting lots of initial feedback) don't really bother me, but the way that is phrased always catches me off guard. Usually I'll just say something about how she's involved in ballet and has lots of friends, but the implication still drives me batty.


    After all these years I still don't have a great response. I usually just say that I think we'll be fine and grab my groceries and go. I know if I am sarcastic I feel bad about it later so I just say thanks, he's fine. :)

  8.  No, not excited but while watching CNN this morning over coffee my husband felt strongly that, "There can't be anyone more happy about this baby than George Zimmerman. The media finally found something else to discuss."  We finally switched the channel to Squawk Box a little earlier than usual just to stop the noise. :)

  9. I have been homeschooling since 1999 or 2000, I can't remember, and am STILL dealing with the stupid socialization question. My 14 year old athlete who is on both a football team and a basketball team, lives in a cul de sac with lots of boys his age (give or take a few years here and there) and friends from public, private and home schools who are constantly in my back yard still has to answer questions from other moms about it. My favorite is when someone says, "My son/daughter is so social we could never homeschool." It isn't a nice thing to say to a kid! He has a busy social and athletic schedule and even if he didn't, we still wouldn't worry. My friends and coworkers are not my age exactly, we also would not have been friends in high school. I am grateful I grew up and was able to broaden my friend base. :)

  10. The most interesting people I know...

    ...read. Now I would like to gather all the interesting people together in one spot, virtually or physically, to read the same books and share thoughts and insight. The purpose for any discussion group is to grow a little every time a discussion happens, I want no less from this group. This is an open group, I realize that discussion of books among people who may or may not know one another in real life, people who come from different backgrounds, neighborhoods, religions, and planets may escalate into heated new perspectives and maybe even a broader world view among everyone involved. This is risky and should be handled cautiously and with the utmost respect and sense of hope. I have worried about the book selection for some time now. I think I would like to focus on the winners. Let's read the Pulitzer Prize Winners and the books nominated for the prize as well. I would like to dive into the Booker Prize Winners and nominees, also. We can bounce around from list to list for variety. I will post a starter schedule and we can add to it as we go. We will be discussing the books here so please jump in and comment and post the part of the books that seem puzzling or conflicting for you. Discussion will be positive and treating one another with respect, even in disagreements. However, it is not necessary to treat the books with the same respect, it is okay to hate book. Even though some will make it through the list quickly, only 1 book is really featured every month. Invite some interesting person you know to join us! I will try to keep the group free of spammers and trolls, be patient with me and try not to wear your feelings out on your sleeve where someone can virtually slap them with their mean spirited trollness. Remember that everyone comes from some place you've probably don't really understand and their perspective is their own. Thank you for being the most interesting people I know. Christy


  11. Okay, I am in! I ran a few miles this morning through my neighborhood. I am a former marathoner tuned 'several mile runner' due to stressful job and 7 day work weeks. Getting my mileage on now and struggling. I am the slowest runner I have ever seen. My yoga practice has dwindled down to not even being a practice. Going to do a few salutations and hopefully head to the hot studio f I can get my sore derrière out of ths chair.

    Tomorrow? I intend to run 5 in the morning. I will let you know if that happens. ;)

  12. We switched from Verizon to Virgin several months ago. The only problem I've had is sporadic coverage and that hasn't been a huge deal. I can't talk on the phone in Publix. It as sort of made grocery shopping a pleasure. :) I pay $55 a month for unlimited call, data and texting. We had to pay full price for our phones but it was worth it to jump off the contract treadmill.

  13. I have been Mad Charity for years, since the pirate name generator happened and I have no idea how long ago that was... Dirty Ethel and I seem to be the last ones sporting pirate names! I am changing mine to Christy in Limbo because that seems to be where I remain until my kids are grown, out of college and blissfully using the education we work so hard to give them. Yes, I googled Limbo and read the wiki definition about the part go Hell called Limbo, that was fun, I don't believe in it, don't take it personally if you do. :)

  14. I own a never touched version featuring the National Parks! My MIL gave it to me for Christmas one year. It is actually very cool but we never play Monopoly. I played a lot growing up and have never read the rules and until now thought everyone got the money when they landed on free parking! Maybe we will play Monopoly tonight after we watch the Dr Bronners documentary! ;)

  15. The Parthenon is located in Centennial Park and is a whole bunch of fantastic. There's a neato soda shop just around the corner, I think it is still there, anyway. Opryland Hotel may be even better if you've never been here. There is a new place downtown, The Row, with excellent food, lots of Nashville nostalgia, and you can walk around Vanderbilt!

  16. This morning I was refilling my cleaning bottles and actually read a little bit of the outrageous amount of the print on the Dr Bronners bottle. Wow and that's just a lot to digest! I have my own brand of crazy going on so I am not judging but he certainly would have been fun and maybe a little bananas. I haven't started googling yet...but just maybe he and the Braggs guy were friends? :)

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