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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. She looks a lot like my last dog, who was a cross between a weimaraner (sp) and a Brittany spaniel. So much personality!

    I hadn't considered spaniel! We see weimer in her and maybe chocolate lab? Sometimes she looks a little like a pit. Weimer, for sure, though. She is just such a sweet girl. :) and will look so intelligent once I get those glasses on her tomorrow! Lol
  2. I do this all the time with my dog.

    When Dh and were first married we had a golden that we would constantly draw on-- she would go to him and he would do eye brows then she would go to me and I would add glasses and so forth. She would sleep on her back with her legs all spread out and her tummy exposed-- one day I walked past her and DH had written "hi mom" on her tummy.


    My daughter wrote "wash me" across his (our current dog) forehead a couple of weeks ago.


    Here is a picture --- can you guess what he is???



    Oh, my gosh, that's so awesome!!! I'm drawing glasses on her tomorrow! She is so cute, by the way. :)

  3. Anybody watch Inside Man? It's usually interesting. I just watched the episode where he comes to Nashville and leads the service at the Sunday Assembly aka The Athiest Church. It was a really good episode. You know we have to go see what it's about in person now. We have to move our long run to Saturday but we will probably go next week. Anyone else see it? Big Morgan Spurlock fans here.

  4. http://mywildveganways.blogspot.com/2014/05/i-love-my-farmer-co-op.html

    Here's a link to my blog post with a kale recipe I use constantly.

    And here it is copied and pasted.


    Aka 'that's a lot of kale' my farmer's co-op is a big old highlight in my week. Yesterday's box 'o delicious had kale which happens to be the best breakfast is the world.


    Kale for Breakfast Kale


    One bunch of kale, cut into strips

    Coconut or olive oil

    1/2 tsp minced garlic

    1 cup walnuts (pecans are super delicious, too)

    1 avocado sliced

    Salt to taste


    Melt a tablespoon or so of the oil in a heated pan and add the walnuts. Move the nuts around for a minute or so and add the kale. Cook all this on medium until the kale starts to brighten a little, not too much, you want it crunchy. Add the garlic and salt and cook for another couple of minutes. Put it all on a plate and top with avocado. Eat. Now, go out into the world and be awesome.

  5. Wow! I've really missed this forum and the critical analysis of everything! It's awesome! I don't think the little article was intended to be an absolute truth and it certainly didn't involve scientific studies. I loved the feeling I got when I read it. I don't believe it was intended to be a statement such as "You're not happy if you don't agree with every sentence." It is sort of shallow, obviously. I'm a pleaser and it reminded me that I can stop that now. I'm very happy and have a happy life and it is a goal of mine to be happy every day. It is a lot of fun to read the reactions here and I appreciate all the things I never even considered reading into the article but see that some of you did. Great stuff!

  6. My sweet husband brought this article to my attention and I just love it. I think some of you might like it, too. It's from EliteDaily.com


    Surprise, surprise… happy people live their lives differently. They don’t have different lives. They just do a better job at living them than those who are unhappy.


    Happiness is the result of subjective interpretation of perception. Of course, what we perceive isn’t always done so by choice — life does throw things our way.


    However, most of the time, we find ourselves in the situations we are in because of actions we took and decisions we made. It’s the way that you live your life that largely decides whether or not you will live happily.


    They don’t bother trying to make others like them — mainly because they don’t care if they’re liked.

    They like themselves and they are the only people they ever answer to. You could like them. You could hate them. You could pay them no mind whatsoever — doesn’t make a difference to them.


    They do what they do because they decided to do it. They aren’t trying to gain your approval or acceptance. They don’t want to be part of your team — they’re a team of their own. They live their lives the way they see fit and if you like them for it, great. If not… then so be it.


    They do things because they want to do them, not because they believe they have to do them.

    They don’t believe they have to do anything. Other than pay taxes and die of course — everything else is a decision followed by deliberate action. If they are doing something, going somewhere, participating in something, it’s because that is exactly what it is that they want to be doing.


    No one coerced them or tricked them into doing it because they value their opinion above everyone else’s. They do what they believe is right and don’t bother to ask for permission — they just do it.


    They love their friends but don’t rely on them.

    Friends are tricky because they aren’t really yours, are they? You don’t own them. They are their own people who have their own wants and needs — people who will always put themselves ahead of you and your goals. Friends are great to have, but relying on them too heavily will leave you disappointed.


    Those who live happy lives have very close friends, but they keep their independence in order to avoid those moments. It’s the lack of independence and over-reliance that often comes to ruin friendships — all relationships for that matter.


    When you ask them what they do, they don’t give you a job title.

    They tell you about the things they are doing with their lives — the places they have visited and are planning on visiting. The projects they are starting or part of. The problems they are working towards solving and the communities they are working with to get those problems solved.


    When you ask them what they do, they respond with what they do in their lives, not what work they do in order to pay for the lives they want to one day be living. The real trick is that these individuals know better than to wait to live the lives they want to live. You live life whether you accept or ignore the fact, how you live it in the moment determines how happy you are.


    When you ask them where they live, they say, “At the moment…â€

    Happy people tend to move around a bit. Maybe it’s because traveling does the soul good. Maybe it’s because the stagnancy of staying in one place their whole lives bores them.


    Maybe it’s because they love meeting new people and having new experiences. Maybe it’s because they haven’t found the right place to settle down just yet. You see, these individuals see the world as their home — no single country or city. If you ask them where they live, then they’d answer “earth†if they wouldn’t come off sounding highfalutin.


    They have their own philosophies, their own religion they created and live by.

    You don’t need a book to tell you how you ought to live your life. You can live your life by whatever philosophy you wish — as long as you found truths that satisfy you. They have a strong grasp of right and wrong and are their own judges.


    They embrace their impermanence.

    They know they’re only mortal — having this knowledge and accepting it fuels their every step. You will too. Why? Because it is inevitable. There is no way of avoiding it, only dealing with the fact.


    The happiest of people don’t fear death. They don’t do their best to avoid it. They see it as the inevitability that it is in and live their lives by their terms. They may not be able to control death, but they know they sure as hell can control their own personal lives.


    They see the world as their playhouse and their mind as the conductor.

    They don’t believe there is a single way that the world is — a single reality that exists. Instead, they believe themselves to be the originators of their reality.


    They believe they have full control over how they interpret what they perceive. They see the world the way they choose to see it because they understand the power such a skill has. We all live in a reality of our own construction. Some of us just construct our realities better than others.


    They live in the moment, but dream in the future.

    Happy people have hopes, dreams and goals. They have wants and aspirations, but they don’t allow themselves to get caught up and lost in them. There isn’t so much a time and place for dreaming as there is a maximum allotted amount recommended.


    You can’t live life doing nothing more than looking towards the future because you’ll miss the only time that things actually matter or exist: the present. The present, the immediate moment is the only moment that you can actually live in. The rest is only an illusion.


    They don’t bother changing others, but instead learn how to deal with them appropriately.

    Devoting your energy to changing other people is a waste of it. People do change, but they only do so on their own accord. They have to decide to change themselves and that only happens in time — you can’t push and force because it doesn’t work.


    On the contrary, it often does the opposite of what is intended. Instead of wasting time and energy trying to do the impossible, why not do the next best thing? Learn to deal with people as they are in order to get the result you desire. If you can’t change them, then guide them to do as you wish. Otherwise, let them go.

  7. I'm back. I am reading, too! Anyone still on here? I just finished Americanah by Chimimanda Ngozi Adichi and it was fantastic. I finished it while on vacation last week at the beach. Every year we rent a humongous beach house and invite people to join us and to come and go as they please. It makes for a crazy fun week! I have two kids in college and they are always welcome to bring anyone they want. And they do! One of my son's best friends was their and he is African American (we are white) and I found him reading it after I had left it on the kitchen counter. He asked to borrow it after I finished so I finished it as quickly as I could! I am so anxious to hear his thoughts. The book's author is Nigerian and she dives into the Non American Black experience vs theAmerican black experience here in the US. I'd love to hear your thoughts, too.

  8. Also, I'm vegan and am a runner and practice yoga. I don't supplement at all for nutrition. I do cook with nutritional yeast quite often so I know I'm getting all the pesky B vitamins I need. I run marathons, never had a problem with my nutrition. 

  9. There's a vegan social group here! I just posted a Vegan Never Say Cheese Dip on it. I use beans and lentils instead of meat for the filling in tacos and burritos. The lentils are particularly good, just cook them and when they are tender, add some taco seasoning. My blog has some recipes you might like. Welcome to vegan land!  

  10.  Well, I've been busy. Business is great and we've been working a gazillion hours a day. We are still home schooling and looking forward to a modified summer schedule. I love teaching during the summer. My older two have finished up their college semesters and are staying there to work at their jobs they love in a super fantastic restaurant. I changed my name on here to the original name I had back in 1999 or 2000 when I first joined TWTM forums. I am Christy in TN, obviously, but I have been Mad Charity and Christy in Limbo. I don't remember why I was in limbo, though. 

     I am still working a lot but am determined to make more time for the things I love. I will be here more often and have already posted a recipe on the Vegan social group! I am dedicating a couple of hours a day to practice yoga and run more consistently, and am blogging again. My garden is half way planted here at the office! I can't wait to catch up and see what has been going on around here!  Christy

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