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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1.  Unless you had an inspection done, there really isn't a lot you can do about it as far as reaching out to the former home owner. Get lots of different companies to look at it and give their opinion, thoughts, prices, etc. Do not take one guy's opinion on the matter. You may even find someone who can work some rebuilding magic on the system! I have a pool guy like that. He saves me a fortune.  I agree completely with G3052, above, it may not be that big a deal. Wells tend to have issues now and again. Home warranties are crappy.

  2. Monday 6/2  1 hour Hot Power Yoga at the studio


    Tuesday 6/3  1 hour Bikram Hot Yoga at the studio


    Wednesday 6/4 Nothing yet. 6 am class at the studio has a very popular instructor on Wednesday mornings and the place is packed. It's already 103 degrees in there and we all sling sweat all over the place which means being cramped closely together makes me very miserable. The instructor is not my favorite, anyway. I will make it to the 5:30 pm, though. :)

  3. My main goal is an exercise program as soon as I am over this cold/flu/bronchitis and to be a bit more protective of my health in general. I have a late life baby and am WAY too young to be this blindsided over unexpectedly being thrust into a greener, more sustainable car-free season of life.


    I also have a lot of issues about housecleaning. I would LIKE a cleaner house but I NEED a better attitude.

    I'm so sorry you have cold/flu/bronchitis. :( super cool that you have a late life baby who make you want to be super healthy. :)

  4. Daily meditation. I started this already and am loving it. My goal is to do it every day without fail and to work up to the ability to do an hour at a time.


    Daily yoga. I keep intending to start this every day but it doesn't .

    Reading all of your lists is adding to mine! :) I fell off the meditation wagon and desperately need back on so....on the lust it goes! I think I may try to attend some guided meditation sessions somewhere so I can learn to be quiet. About the yoga, I am doing a 30 day challenge and have paid for 30 days of unlimited yoga at the Hot Yoga studio. Paying for it keeps me accountable. :/

    I'm 2 days in!

  5. I'm stealing ideas as I read the thread.  I had been thinking about this!  Even though we do some school in the summer we all need some extra free time.  So...


    Get this house clean/organized.  It is a mess.  My desk area is horrid.


    Reorganize recipe binder and recipe  folder in Evernote.  Start thinking of new meals.  We are in a rut.  Learn to grill.  Seriously.  Why do we have to wait for my husband to get home to start the grill?   Because it's man's work!  I guess that's how I grew up and never grew out of that.  :rolleyes: :blushing:


    Immerse the family in Shakespeare via videos, books, live performances. 


    Sew something.  Anything.  I miss sewing so much.   My sister just made me the most beautiful quilt and I love it but it's making me have quilting envy.

     Your post reminded me to look up the Shakespeare in the Park schedule, which I keep forgetting to do! Thanks!

  6. Thank you for the inspiration!


    I love setting goals for new "seasons" in life.


    I'll be thinking about this and watching this thread for ideas...does that count as a goal?  :lol:


    Yes, I started the thread so I am making the rules. Thinking of ideas counts. :)

  7. I love New Years, new seasons, the first of the month, any old time I get to start something new. Any of you starting something new for summer?


    My goals so far:

    My yoga practice will become a practice and not something I do sporadically and just often enough to stay constantly sore.

    Be been learning Spanish since second grade and am still not fluent. I will be by September 1.

    I WILL finish a book a week this summer.

    I'm starting a new ad campaign at work.

    My marathon training so far really is deplorable this year. I will up my mileage consistently and will not find an excuse not to run every day. Right now, just thinking a negative thought has counted as a good justification for not running. :(

    My son is starting a training program for basketball that has something to do with 10,000 hours, which I don't really know anything about but it sounds cool.


    Anybody starting anything?

  8. I took a bunch of my daughter'sfriends to our place at the lake for a long weekend once and it was impossible to keep them all covered in sunscreen. The tubing and climbing in and out of the boat drying off simply makes it impossible. I assigned each of them 'sunscreen buddies' and every half hour we re-sun screened while we were on the boat and tubing and one of them still got a burn. It happens. :( I hope your daughter heals quickly.

  9. OP... I remember your sweet post from about a year ago mentioning that your dd (and your socks!) were about to go away to school and how much you were going to miss her. :grouphug: What a lovely and joyous update to read. The fact that you like both of the "new friends" is beyond fantastic!


    Enjoy your summer...

    Oh, thank you! I can't believe you remember that. :) I am happy to report that the only thing I have that went to college this time was a pair of sandals. I watched them walk to her car and I wondered what else went with them, so far that's all I have found to be missing. I haven't replaced the earrings that went last year. They came home one weekend and took Every last box of the tea in the pantry! Lol

    Which reminds me of a story....

    My son was walking from his car into his apartment and another college student ran to him and asked to use his phone. Luke said that he could and to come on in because evidently the kid was very upset. The kid called the police and told him there'd been a shooting at the house he was living in which was adjacent to the apartment complex. My daughter says that Luke immediately made him sit down and made him a cup of camomile tea and told him it "is supposed to be calming, Dude." Lol my son is a 6'5" athlete who took this kid a little off guard with the tea. ;) he asked if it was okay if he carried it back with him to meet the police! My kids went with him and sure enough, someone had shot inside the house. Drugs, I would imagine, but we never found out. At least no one told me. ;) the police officer asked my son where he was when all this happened and they all explained he was just the guy who had a phone and fixed the tea. Love them.



    During office hours I called the school. The receptionist said they could not remove the phone number from the list. What?! I said you've got to be kidding me. She stood her ground and I kept challenging her. No one ever changes phone number? Once you've had a kid in that school system you or whoever gets your phone number when you give it up gets the calls FOREVER? Finally she sighed angrily and put me on hold. When she came back she was quite meek and assured me that our phone number could and would be removed. She couldn't hang up the phone fast enough. :lol: :lol:


    That's hilarious, by the way. Had she not found a way to remove your number from the list, it would have been fun to call HER and say hello every time you got one of those calls. ;)

  11. They attend the same college and share an apartment and also wait tables in the same restaurant, It is unusual for them to be off from work at the same time so it was awesome to see them here on Saturday! My son has a girlfriend we've met and we just love her. She even went to the beach with us last month. She is simply lovely. She is smart, funny and I love that she seems to think my son hung the moon. :) My daughter surprised us with her boyfriend and we.... (wait for it)..... think he's fantastic, too! What are the odds, for goodness sake? He seems considerate and he seems very bright. He is starting his last year of college and he also works full time in his own business. I'm enjoying this while it lasts. Thanks for letting me do a little cheer. ;)

  12. Btw, the one that inspired this got left on the entry chest and I think dh already threw it out. So that solved that. :tongue_smilie:


    I know it's just writing "return to sender" and "addressee unknown" and all, but it feels like our work should be done.

    I know this isn't the same but it reminded me of it anyway. Two houses ago, we lived in a cul-de-sac with no other houses, the neighborhood was new. We didn't have an alarm system. Several times over several years we would get middle of the night visits from the local police saying that our alarm company had notified them that our alarm was going off. One night, the police officer didn't trust my sleepy word that we were sleeping, no burglars were present and that we had no alarm anyway and came in and questioned my also sleepy husband about who he was and did he live in the house. Ummmmm yes. It was crazy and there wasn't a darn thing we could do about it.


    Anyway, carry on. I think you should be free from the mail. Put it in someone else's mailbox. ;)

  13. You will love it! I didn't believe any of the advice about wearing what seemed like gigantic shoes for running until after my first marathon. My feet were very swollen and blistered right where having a bigger toe box would have helped me a lot. I threw the shoes in the garbage on the way to the car. :) I wore a 7 and now wear an 8 in running shoes and I wear Mizuno because the toe box is wide anyway. I never have any problems now. I hope they work for you, too. Isn't it strange how excited runners get about something like this? : D

  14. We watch one a day so we end up watching a bunch that just don't do much for us. Our rule is to watch it all the way through, though, sometimes they get you in the end. :) we have just learned so much!

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