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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. I'm a runner so my mizunos cost around $100. Other than that, I don't pay a lot for shoes. I work in sandals when it's warm and wear boots when it's not. I have a pair of Merrel boots I wore every day this winter that I got on sale at rei for $120, I slog through weeds, mud, brush and construction garbage a lot so all weather boots that are still cute are a commodity. I am looooving my new find this summer, Sanuk Yoga Sling flip flops. I love them so much I bought 3 colors. They are the most freaking comfortable shoes I've ever had. Life is too short to be uncomfortable.

  2. Do you all watch or listen to Ted? John and I try to watch one every morning while drinking coffee and my son watches one a day as a part of his home schooling schedule. Do you have a favorite? I love this one http://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend by Kelly Mcgonigal and am currently reading 2 of her books!

    Ken Robinson's talks on education are fantastic.

    Amy Cuddy on body language is priceless. I used it during one of our sales meetings and it has remained a company favorite.

    Jane Fond's Tedx talk was really good, I enjoy her outlook.

    Sara Kay's If I have a Daughter http://www.ted.com/talks/sarah_kay_if_i_should_have_a_daughter

    is incredible.

  3. I have found that anytime I read fiction by an author from anywhere outside the US, I grow a little and even change my perspective a lot. I try to read one from this category often.


    Mohsin Hamid's Reluctant Fundamentalist didn't really change my life but it gave me a welcome perspective and a way to understand religious extremism and even terrorists just a little. I read Moth Smoke years ago and it had a big impact on the empathy I feel for Pakistan's population.


    I just finished Adichie's Americanah. It was simply wonderful. Now I can feel that I have insight into the life of an African immigrant, even though I know I don't really. Her description of Nigeria and being a schoolgirl there was timely in that I have found that I now agonize for those kidnapped girls in Nigeria. I finished the book while on vacation 2 weeks ago. One of my son's friends was with us at the beach house for the week and he asked to read it next. He is African American and I am anxious to hear his thoughts and if it has impacted him at all.

  4. I have to completely exhaust myself or I don't sleep. I run and attend a 1 hour hot yoga class and fall asleep before my head hits the pillow. My other trick is spelling curriculum. When my kids were young I bought this gigantic selling book, (Spelling Power maybe?) and never could use it because the program required that I read this book in order to use the program. It was better than Ambien. I couldn't read it for 3 minutes without falling asleep. I actually had it next to the bed for a year or so!

  5. We went last year and had a fantastic time! We stayed at a Courtyard Marriott in San Juan, it was great and there are lots of little diners and restaurants in walking distance. The history in old San Juan is neat. We didn't take our kids and so drinking mojitos and dancing with the locals to the fabulous music probably isn't the activity you're looking for. That's what we did and it was super fun.

  6. I will carry a day pack, but we are not back packing. I guess in my mind, I have been thinking, "How hard can this possibly be without having to carry a 35 pound back pack?" But of course, the day pack will probably feel like 35 pounds after a long day on the trail.


    I rented us a cabin on VRBO that is near some of the trailheads for the Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock and Citico Creek wilderness areas, so we are not tied to any particular route and can have a place to shower and sleep. She is flying here, so it just seemed easier than trying to organize a camping/backpacking ordeal.


    ETA Ah, I see the confusion. It's a "eats shoots, leaves" thing. I said "for or five day hikes." What I meant was that we will be up there at a cabin four nights and will hike each day. So, four or five "day hikes." lol.

    That's hilarious! Yes, that'd be the problem right there. :)

  7. I've hiked the smokies and shorts are always fine. The trails are easy to navigate and I don't think you will have any problem in shorts. I would be miserable in pants, this isn't a thicket or untraveled territory! Teva's or water type sandals are sooooooooo important! If you don't have them, your boots will be soaking wet and they don't dry over night because of the humidity. Then you will be miserable hiking in soggy boots and will have tons of blisters. Ask me how I know! ;) yes, you need new boots from REI. How are you getting away with not carrying a pack? That'd be awesome!

  8. I have several friends who not only expect to, but do support families in food service. Many places offer benefits like 401k and insurance while still paying tipped employees less than $5 an hour. I ran into a bartender friend at an award ceremony last year who had moved here from a country in Africa just before I met him 25 years ago. I hadn't seen him in probably 10 years. His daughter have finished college, one is in graduate school, and he raised them waiting tables and bar tending. He is a stellar inspiration, certainly. Running into him was the highlight of the stupid award banquet. I think people who thrive best in the industry are the ones who work where people are most likely to be on expense accounts entertaining clients (companies often insist their emplyees using company cards tip 20% to keep the reputation of the company) or in areas where folks simply tip well. It seems it would be harder to make it working at a little lunch diner.

  9. The only thing I can think of is that maybe they are sort of 'partying' with their friends who are in the wedding instead of doing the traditional thing. Maybe kicking back after the rehearsal and having a few beers isn't as comfortable with mom around? I'm so sorry your feelings are hurt. That is cruddy.

    Oops! Just read the rest of the posts and updates. Good for you! So happy it went great! Now to continue mentioning that eloping is fun to my kids....

  10. I need a book thread, please! I'm listening to this through audible and it is fantastic. It's not a self help book really, it reminds me of the 'Freakonomics' books because it is loaded with statistics and studies. I keep having to message my daughter with little tidbits from the book. Anyone read it yet? If not, do you read books like this? I don't read self help but I do love these. I'm slogging through Antifragile now, as well. It is some of the best information I've gotten during my adult life.

  11. I just wonder what convoluted methods are being used. I keep hearing this, but except for a brief explanation on NPR the other morning (which didn't sound convoluted to me) I just don't know the details.

    I heard the same story and thought the same thing. My parents are really upset about common core and are angry with me for not being upset. It sort of reminds me of the 'new math' in the 70's and I thnk I remember similar reactions. The math I've seen makes sense it's just presented differently. I think it isn't an issue for me because I'm not political at all and listen to npr instead of watching cable news. It really seems like folks are less likely to adjust if they don't like the current administration?

    I can't believe I'm writing this. I accept all explosions coming my way.

  12. I have a big stand up desk at my office. It's awesome. I think it must have been a drafting table in its youth, it's huge, heavy , old and not pretty. I put a bar stool on the far side of it for those who like to come into my office and chat. It has been nice for many reasons: I stand all day and am not as exhausted in the afternoon, sitting wears me out. No one other than me likes to stand so no one uses my desk for anything. No one like to sit on the other side of it so distractions are kept at a minimum.

  13.  I manage property and although I don't do any of these things, they aren't far fetched. Holding the driver's license is a little bit of security, a lot of prevention. A person who is planning to do something terrible to a realtor or property manager will be less likely to do it if they can be identified. I don't do this but I am always protecting myself in other ways. ;) As for the over kill on the identification cards, it all sounds reasonable. It is mind blowing what people do to deceive! Once someone is in a property and is renting it, it is crazy hard to get them out if they don't pay, are a nuisance, break the lease, and so forth so a property manager is so much better off to just make sure they know she means business and doing everything she can to cover all her bases. It is probably a great property and your son will most likely be happy there since it is managed well! The money order instead of cash policy is so she doesn't get robbed. :)

  14. I'm a 20% tipper. It's good energy and its never entered my mind to resent it or to even disect it. Culturally, tipping is what we do. Waiting on people is not fun, they are picky slobs. I have to say, I can't remember the last time I had bad service! All of you getting such bad service should move here! ;)

  15. A great IPA on a patio overlooking a busy Nashville street with my husband.

    Taking on a new project. This usually spontaneously happens while on that patio and after 2 great IPA's. ;)

    My office. Honestly, I love my office.


    My 'holiday family.' I have a group of friends who either live too far away from or are disconnected from their bio families. Most of us worked in the same hotel 20+ years ago and we are still friends. We get together several times a year and I cannot describe how happy I feel.



    They won't care they're vegan tacos


    Beans (black, pinto, small red, or lentils) 2 cans will be great or if you are using freshly cooked beans you will need approximately 4 cups. Either way, drain, rinse and let them sit a few minutes in a colander to drain some more. If you are using seitan or tempeh, you will need at least 16 oz.

    Taco shells or tortillas I'm not giving any amounts here because you are smart enough to figure this out for yourself. It's always a good idea to have a bunch on hand so just estimate and then make sure you have extra.

    1 1/2 cups of water

    2 tbsp coconut or olive oil. Any oil will do, you are simply keeping things moving around the pan nicely but let's choose the tasty, healthy ones, okay?

    Taco seasoning You can buy the container of taco seasoning, it's no big deal. You can also make your own with chili powder, cumin, salt, oregano, black pepper and paprika. I'm leaving out the onion powder and garlic powder some people add because it is yummier to actually cook the onions and the garlic into the beans, seitan or tempeh. Start with a 1/4 tsp of each of these except the cumin, you may want a little more. Mix it all together in a little bowl and set aside.

    1 tbsp chopped garlic

    1 large yellow onion

    Shredded cabbage


    fresh salsa

    Vegan aoli with a little adobe sauce from the can of chilis with adobe sauce. If you like it hot, you can chop up a teensy bit of that chili and let it sit in there. If you need to know how to make the vegan aoli, please search this blog, it's down a ways.


    Add the oil to a heated pan then immediately add the chopped onion. Cook until the onion is translucent and add a tbsp of minced garlic, cooking for about a minute more. Add the beans, lentils, tempeh or seitan and stir together. Add a the 1 1/2 cups of water and gently stir in the taco seasoning you've lovingly put together. Cook on med/low until the water is mostly cooked out and the mixture is a thick. Set aside.

    Warm your tortillas or taco shells

    Fill the tortillas or shells with a couple of tablespoons of the beans, lentils, tempeh or seitan. Top with shredded cabbage, avocado, salsa and the super fantastic aoli mixture with which you've once again astonished everyone.

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