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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. The physio in town said that when he advertised for a part-time receptionist ten years ago he received adequate applications - 8 maybe? I can't remember. This time he received ten times that number.


    Some of those applications will be junk - if you want to hold onto unemployment benefit here you have to show you are looking for work, so some of the applicants will be just applying for everything. But surely a lot of those applicants were possible for the job.


    I felt very lucky to get a job last year after seven months of looking.



    I was just about to bring up the unemployment benefit factor. I think there has to be 2 applications filled out a week? Maybe?

  2. Jell-O shots and someone to wash my dishes.

    My youngest son thinks that's why we had him. To wash dishes....not the result of Jell-O shots. Lol. Although we secretly refer to him as Baby Heineken. THAT'S how we got him.

  3. I know I said I was leaving, but...I couldn't resist. And then I had to quote you to see if you would really be notified.



    Maybe I should figure out how to turn on this notification thing. Perhaps more people on here notice me than I think.



    Nah, probably not. :tongue_smilie:


    I don't know what the stars are. I also can't get anything done because I can't stop reading this. This is actuall sweet discourse compared to the old days when we argued about Saxon vs Singapore math and the whole 'Dyson is the best vacuum in the world ' smack down. I actually bought a Dyson because it all seemed so necessary after that.

  4. Your husband is a keeper, ignore the rest of them. I wouldn't do a thing but constantly remind myself to never take anything they do personally. It is a waste of energy to try and change them, change their past actions toward you, or remain angry or hurt. Since your sweet husband is on board and you don't have to look at these people all the time just shrug it off and move on. Life is too long to take things to heart when you don't have to. :)

    On the lighter side, tell your husband to tell them you WERE going to change your name but now that you have this cutie sister in law you have decided to KEEP the name and change your middle name to match the other sweetie Sister in law to connect you all as sisters FOREVER! Then call the sisters in law and see if it is okay to put an announcement in the local papers? Announcing your sisterhood....and all. Maybe send them matching dress patterns to sew so you can all dress alike at the next biannual family gathering? : D maybe jumpers!!!!! You do homeschool, right? ;)

  5. Yes. And you know I have been working too much again when my son texts me to tell me he's "ordering something food like to be delivered." We have peanut butter, he just thinks it is normal to order in these days. :(

  6. Awwww, this is so sweet and sad at the same time. I can't even think of what it's going to be like to send my boys off to college one day. Hugs to you! I love that your kids are excited to be living together! You must have done an amazing job raising them.

    Oh, thank you. They get all that good from their dad. :) you know what is crazy? None of this is the way I planned it. It is such a good thing that things don't always work out the way I want them to. :)

  7. Oldest is moving stuff home today--she's homeless for a week. She'll be home for a few weeks to help with haying and then back to grad school and applying for doctoral programs. Navy girl doesn't deploy for probably another 11 months, but you never know... Army girl has been gone so much this summer that it seems she's already moved. She reports on Aug. 20th I think. She has one more load to head to Laramie. We start AFA apps with ds today--hard to believe he's gone in a year! He and little sister start classes on the 26th--it'll be weird to have everyone in college this year. Well, except for Navy girl; she's in classes all the time--they never end!

    Margaret, you have to be so proud of your children. I am proud of them and I don't even know them! How super awesome!!!,!

  8. It's so bittersweet, isn't it? I'm preparing to send my oldest off to college for the first time the week after next. I'm happy for who he has become and excited for him and his future, but I still can't believe his childhood has passed so quickly!


    Hugs to you!

    Hugs to you, too! The emotion of the first one leaving didn't bother me until he pulled out of the driveway. Then it hit me like a train. How about that list of stuff they need? The college sent us a little packet and inside was a list of suggested items the child will need. It made me laugh so I put it on the fridge so I could laugh often. The funniest: iron, ironing board, vacuum and rain boots.

  9. Awww, I'm so sorry! It does make one gasp with heartache at times, just to keep from tearing up. (Not succeeding, as I type.)


    I don't drink coffee, dd does, so to me, the smell of coffee *is* her being home.


    I'll have seen her several times on weekends this summer, but she isn't coming home before she starts school except for this weekend, when we celebrate family birthdays. I'm not planning on sleeping this weekend, just soaking in the hours that she's here.





    What makes me really teary is what it will be like once there are no more summer and Christmas breaks. Please God she doesn't meet a boy from Timbuktu.





    Many hugs, mama!

    Do you ever just inhale as if you could physically breathe her in? Now I am crying, too. :( I was walking behind my oldest son and my husband on a busy sidewalk this summer and just seeing the 2 of them walking was moving. I noticed I was just inhaling forever and trying not to exhale. I will pray that your daughter stays away from those Timbuktu boys and you pray that I can keep from getting crazier than I obviously am from reading my own post. ;) I will try to remember to let the air out.

  10. This is such a beautiful post, full of genuine sentiment and love and the textures of what it is to have a mother's heart.

    Oh, how beautifully kind, thank you. The emotions are so intertwined with seeing my own mortality and not being quite ready for this part of my life to be fading away. Some days it is different and I am excited to be phasing into a new independence of my own. Again, you are so kind, thank you.

  11. :grouphug: from FL. What a lovely post. Goodbye to both your daughter and your socks! :)


    My last two daughters are both heading off to the U of F in less than three weeks. Yes indeed, the 'times are a changin' around here'. The number of empty and soon to be empty bedrooms upstairs leaves me a bit :confused1: . Sometimes when I am up there, I hear the lyrics to "Sunrise,Sunset" in my head. :closedeyes: Enjoy the time you have left!

    Oh, wow. Yes, you have an emotional month ahead! I will be thinking of you. :)
  12. I simply don't want to see her go. It has been so wonderful having her here and her sweet face at the coffee pot every morning has been a delight. No dorm for her this time. Her brother, 2 years older and holding down a server job and classes this summer at the same university, will be sharing an apartment with her. They get along beautifully and are relieved that they will have one another as room mates instead of the random school chosen dorm mates they've had.

    I am preparing by getting things together, I bought a cheap vacuum and a few odds and ends. I am saying goodbye to my earrings and socks, she somehow made away with all I had last year. Why my socks???? It is always interesting to see what all we are missing the week after one of them moves back to school. I am just so grateful for even the sadness of it, it is a good problem to have. It still makes my heart ache.

  13. Headed there for a cerveza with friends in about an hour! I will look for some rental listing for you and give you some perspective about rents and areas. :) west end is mucho fabuloso, expensive, and has a neat creative college community. I have a feeling you are going to want to look in Williamson County. I have no clue about the rental market there but will look it up.

  14. Nashville is awesome and everything Hillfarm said is still here. Grassmere finally developed into the Nashville Zoo at at Grassmere and we have animals other than deer and bears! ;) the music here is in-freaking-credible. The music in even the crudiest of venues is awesome. Sometimes when traveling we are astonished how fortunate we are to live around such talented people. ;) out indie rock scene is fantastic.

    Homeschooling is a breeze. I am an independent homeschooler who doesn't report to an umbrella school. I turn in attendance and grades at the end of every year to my local school board office. The beginning of the year means I am filing an intent form and I write my intended curricula on there. That's it! You have to have a 4 year degree to do that, otherwise you will need an umbrella after 8th grade. The rental market is tough here and it is expensive but I don't know where you are coming from so it may be less expensive than what you are used to. We have absolutely recovered from the recession here.

    Our food scene is among the best in the country, we have no income tax, and we all wreck into each other every time it snows. Welcome!

  15. My daughter will be 18 next week and is the messiest person I know. She has never been able to organize her room and none of us will ride in her car. She lived in a dorm room all year last year with a very messy room mate. Her grade a fabulous and she will be a junior majoring in biology/ pre med this year. She is happy, has a great plan, lots of sweet friends and can't clean her room even when she wants to. I guess I can live with it. Maybe someday when she is a pediatric oncologist she will find the worlds most fabulous housekeeper and will pay him or her very well. ;)

  16. I had no idea that wine could be made from kool aid, that is hilarious. When I was in high school, we drank Boones Farm Country Quencher and Strawberry Hill. It was cheap and very sweet. Maybe it was made from kool aide!

    I also did not know about mead! How delicious! I am vegan and don't eat honey but I have a friend with lots of hives who would love to make mead. I may make it for him.

  17. I got in 90 minutes of hot power flow at the super awesome yoga studio I love so much. Had to work all afternoon but got a run in last night during Sam's football practice. I ran 3, probably. I need to step that up considerably. Today will be hot yoga and hopefully a 5 miler this morning after a lot of coffee. I did not sleep much.

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