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Everything posted by freethinkermama

  1. Yes, that's what my KitchenAid does :glare: Food for thought! What kind do you have?
  2. Ooh, so there is a mill you can get to go with it? If you get the universal. Is it a good mill? On par with Nutrimill do you think?
  3. I'm considering getting a Bosch mixer. . . . See, I had one about a decade ago, a hand-me-down from a neighbor and. . . I never used it much. I sort of doubted its effectiveness with kneading dough, etc. I dunnoh. So, I passed it on several years ago to another neighbor. Now, I'm thinking of getting back into bread making, and, well, I'm thinking about that Bosch. For those of you who have them, how do they do? Do they last? I remember it being rather large. Should I get one? Anyone looking to unload one? :D Thanks so for any responses. T.
  4. Re: manners I avoid saying "omg" because of my own religious background and the fact that severl of my friends would probably stop having anything to do with me if I said such a thing on a regular basis. *sigh* In the same vein, probably the professor doesn't realize that her student struggles with this colloquial expression as such a traumatic distraction. Maybe it will help the professor to have it explained to her, maybe not. (There was a woman at my past place of employment who was deeply aggrieved at the expression "geez" or "gee" claiming it was short for "Jesus"--and therefore blasphemy. I'm sure it would be nice for everyone in the world to just avoid everyone else's touchy spots, however bizarre, but. . . really, now.) I hope the OP can either adjust or do what she needs to do to avoid such pain in the future. If this is an issue of politeness, that's fine. But you can't regulate or legislate polite--especially when the base issue is "blasphemy", I don't think. Especially when you don't have any proof that the persion is even blaspheming your particular deity. Also, I disagree that being unintentionally rude is equally bad as being intentionally rude. But, I'm pretty easy-going, and I tend to take a person's intention and heart into consideration. T.
  5. Is it possible to know whether the person is using big G or little g in speech? Sorry, apples and oranges. You have no idea what god the speaker is referring to, if any at all.
  6. Now, that's an excellent point. Is her god your god? If she's not a Christian, she's not talking to--or blaspheming--your god. :) When she says it, just remind yourself, "she's not talking to you, Elohim/Jehova/Adonai." ;) Even if she is a Christian, and you do share a god, she's probably not even really considering it when she says what she says. No more than I really mean a god when I say, "God bless you" when someone sneezes. It's a habit. I'm trying to find another expression to say, even going back to my first language, to respond when someone sneezes. I think it will be very, very hard for your professor to change, though she might, or might not try. :) I do hope this time with your professor doesn't grieve you beyond what you can possibly bear. T.
  7. How far do you have to go to not participate in this woman's "blasphemy". Perhaps, simply by paying to be in this college at all, which pays this professor's salary, you are supporting her blasphemy. Can it be avoided by not being in her class, or the college for which she works, in the state wherein she lives (if this is a state university)? I'm not trying to make this a slippery slope, but just following the logic here. T.
  8. Strider-- No ideas here, sorry. But I just want to tell you my hubby and I are in the EXACT same situation. Hubby looking at a job in Toronto, but hoping Madison comes through first. Weird! T.
  9. I wouldn't assume any gender orientation about the bully. I'd assume that he was trying to humiliate the kid he was "humping" by making him look to be on the receiving end. Sexual harassment is about humiliating someone else and taking their power away. In fact, if the bully were gay, I'd assume he was closeted or in denial. Most gay kids walk pretty straight to avoid being made the victims of bullies because they're often in the cross-hairs. Another way of disempowering the boy he's bullying--putting a new label on his back.
  10. I'm an atheist agnostic (or agnostic atheist, depending on the day), or a "soft atheist". I don't believe in any gods, but don't know for certain--I see no proof for them, however. My "worldview" is science>religion, compassion for all. I don't believe in the Christian view of creation, nor do I believe in the Norse view or the Ancient Babylonian view, etc.--anything that requires a deity or pantheon of deities to "create." I don't know how biogenesis came about, but . . . I have no proof or reason to believe any of these religious myths does either. (And, Answers in Genesis confirmed that for me :)) I no longer believe in black-and-white morality, as I did when I was a Christian. There were too many issues that didn't fit that binary. When my neighbor conceived a child with harlequin ichthiosis (don't Google if you're not up for some truly horrifying images), she had to decide whether to abort or have a child who probably would live only hours in excruciating pain or be sedated until its death. Many of my Christian friends said that only right thing to do was have the child, and that "God" would take care of it, she just had to do the right thing. Maybe "God" would even miraculously heal her baby! I saw lots of gray issues, lots of decisions I could only make for myself. I still see my Christian friends bicker over what is right and wrong in situations, and I wonder--if it's really so clear, and you all have the Holy Spirit, why don't you come up with the same answer and find the right way? Yes, I know the Christian answer to that is, "because they aren't submitting to the Holy Spirit, and they're being willful and proud." But I think the answer is that there isn't really a god or Holy Spirit. There is just you, and me and each of us as individuals trying to do what is right, for ourselves and our communities in the larger spectrum. How has your relation "denounced" Christianity? Did he make some sort of spectacle, or has he just told folks, "I no longer believe" when they bring it up? Just curiosity on my part. T.
  11. No, I don't think it's odd. I, myself, am quite touchy-feely. I like cuddling with girlfriends. I share kisses on the cheeks with in-relations, and my own family. Also, having lived for a while in Europe, where kissing on the cheek was an everyday greeting with friends in my dorm. . .well, I fit right in. However, if that's not your bag, nothing wrong with that. I do my best to pick up on cues and not touchy on folks who don't want me groping them :) T.
  12. YUM! I love me some chicken entrails. Seriously. I've never thought about making a pate though. I'm going to do this next weekend. . . and I bet I'll have it all to myself :) T.
  13. How do you know they deleted him for this reason? I've never heard of this, and find it curious in the extreme.
  14. I know of two families. The brother of one of these "imposter" families in the area came to my husband and asked what hs requirements are in our state. He's very worried about his niece and nephew who are early teens and pre-teens, and can barely read, and can write little more than their names. The mother, admittedly, does not actually teach them anything, and the father is never home. A homeschooling friend of mine in town (who had 3 daughters) taught their 12-year-old "home educated" neighbor girl to read this summer. The younger children still can't, but she's trying to become involved in these children's lives so they can get some actual education and not just "home". So, while not the norm, there are certainly families who don't really care about educating their children. ~T.
  15. Um, is this to me? I'm the OP. I've already had my tubes tied and am very happy with my decision. Thank you for the warning, though.
  16. Oh, wow! I'd be curious to know which is was, if you wind up finding out. Congratulations to your friend--I'm pretty sure :)
  17. Well, I'm in my young mid-ish 30s. That's not quite menopause time, is it?
  18. Right. I know there is a failure rate, but have never heard of it happening. . . . Trying to decide whether to get a test or wait some more. My cycles have Always been Very Irregular. But it's been a long while since it's been quite this . . . long in coming. Thanks for the input, ladies. ~T.
  19. Hmmmm. I'm just curious, (perhaps for good reason :001_huh:) but has anyone here had a tubal ligation with cauterization and had another pregnancy? Or, had friends or family members have this occur?
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