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Mommy to monkeys

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Everything posted by Mommy to monkeys

  1. No, for reasons already stated Female over 18
  2. I don't have everything planned and what's here is still subject to change 6th grade CLE math Easy Grammar IEW- US history based or SICC-B Abeka Science Books, books, books 8th Grade Saxon Alg 1 Easy Grammar IEW- US history based or SICC-B Apologia Physical Book, books, books There will be other miscellaneous stuff in there like drawing, piano, geography etc, but those are the main things I'm planning as of now.
  3. Happiness is NOT loading your kids into the car for the library only for the car not to start. Stupid cold weather.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mommy to monkeys

      Mommy to monkeys

      It was, but we eventually made it to the library and came home with tons of books. Books make everything better.

    3. Chelle in MO
    4. Mommy to monkeys

      Mommy to monkeys

      Battery dead again today and it's not that cold. Me thinks we need a new battery.


  4. I see no reason to switch right now. They're still young. If your heart is set on switching, I'd wait till the fall. You can jump right into RS's 3rd grade English. Something to keep in mind. . .RS is a solid program, but it is more teacher intensive that ACE. If you're looking for the independence of ACE but with more rigor, I second the previous poster's recommendation for CLE's Language Arts. If you don't need the independence, just disregard. ;)
  5. Disclaimer: I haven't used it yet. But the author has said that it can be mostly independent (past 2nd grade) aside from the dictation. I've heard/read users say they have the children listen along on librivox while following in their books. Check out the amazon samples to get a really good feel.
  6. I've always had a love hate relationship with CLEs LA, but my kids have always liked it. My son did hit a wall this year in the 600s and I've vacillated between pushing through or dropping it completely. We are using iew swi b for writing and have for right now dropped grammar. Next year we'll continue with iew and I'm strongly considering easy grammar.
  7. I've always liked the *idea* of LLTL, but the samples are very "meh" to me. Not great or even good, but not terrible either. Honestly, if you like the idea of LLTL, you should take a look at English Lessons Through Literature. You'll get the all in one, but IMO it's put together so much better and with more challenging content. If you used level 6 for both your 7th and 8th grader, I think that would be more challenging that LLTL grey.
  8. DH was in the military for years (enlisted) and I always considered that to be middle class. I was raised middle-upper middle class. And here I am now. We're below the poverty line, so I guess that would be lower class. DH is a craftsman, so that seems to be equal parts blue collar and starving artist. I feel that I've been able to homeschool well this far, because my parents will help with materials when I ask. Knowing that I can afford virtually nothing on my own and knowing that affording college for my kids is totally out of reach is, well, it changes my perspective. I'm preparing my kids for community college. That's our reality. And I'm always hesitant to put that out there because of the "if you can't afford to homeschool, then put them in public school comments." Not helpful even though I know people's intentions are almost always good.
  9. 5/4 and either 7/6 or Alg 1/2. I'm not sure where kids will place. If I can figure out what I'm going to do, I'll give placements tests and see where we land. This looks like a pretty amazing resource! Free?
  10. I'm confronted with the almost definite possibility that I will have very VERY little budget for school next year. You can see the ages of my kids in my siggy. We've always homeschooled so I have a lot of books and I was able to get some IEW resources SUPER cheap during the after Thanksgiving sale. I have resources for MOST things. Math is my issue. We've used CLE math for years and I love it. . .but buying LU's plus a another set of answer keys for 4 kids next year? Dear Lord, we're talking close to $150 and it's CONSUMABLE. I really shouldn't do that. I'm looking into buying older used editions of Saxon books. I'm wondering what all I would need? Book + answer keys at least, I'm thinking. What else? And is there an easy way to make sure I get books and Answer keys the same edition so they match up? Is there a perfect place for that.
  11. My oldest is a lefty so I have no aversion to lefties, but at 5 1/2 my daughter (now 11) had no preference. She could write equally well with both hands. I did pick the right hand just for the sake of being consistent and being able to see actual handwriting progress. It worked out fine and she has lovely penmanship. She can kick, throw, bat etc with either hand/foot.
  12. I did correspond with the author and am comfortable with her suggestion for my 8th grader (next year) to use level 6. I may add in an IEW theme book. We shall see. Even though the level is below his grade level, it's still way more writing than we've done. . .which is sad. Too much grammar. Not enough writing.
  13. Actually all-in-one is a plus for me. I'm much more consistent with less "things" to pull from. More things on my list is really stressful for me.
  14. The realization that something ISN'T for you is every bit as important as finding something does.
  15. I really like the idea of using librivox with it. That's how we did our brief stint with AO a few years ago and the kids liked listening and reading along. The more I stare at the samples, the more I think I puffy-heart ELTL too. Sorry! Human nature, I suppose. ;) For those of you using it, how did you determine placement?
  16. Take a look at the samples that are up at Amazon. This is helpful.
  17. I like the repetition aspect. And I see that you have lots of kids with a toddler in the mix. This gives me hope that I may actually be able to pull it off. Do you use the workbook?
  18. English Lessons Through Literature http://barefootmeandering.com/site/lessons-through-literature/eltl/ DON'T look at the samples!! There. You've been warned.
  19. Yes. This exactly. I don't WANT (or do I?) to quit using what we're using in case there's something in this that doesn't "work" long term. Kinks to be worked out. But I can foresee regretting NOT using it a few years from now when it proves to be effective. I'm so wishy washy. The LLATL comparison/contrast is a good one. I've always like the idea of LLATL but have been unimpressed with the samples of what's actually in there. This. just. looks. perfect. As far as retention, I'd be very curious to see how it's going for children who've used it for a couple years or more AS INTENDED with memory work and all.
  20. I've seen ELTL mentioned many many times in the past year or so on the forums but hadn't paid much attention to it. Must be just another English program. Today I made the mistake of looking at samples. Nooooooooo! I love it. Yet another program that I want to try even though what I'm using is perfectly ok. (If everyone could stop writing awesome curriculum that tempts me, that would be awesome.) In all seriousness, though, this looks like a really well done and user friendly program. Concise, 3 days a week, great selections, no busy work. What am I missing? Can someone convince me that I shouldn't use this with my middle two kids next year? Please. Or tell me I'm right and I'll love it and want to draw hearts all over it.
  21. -How strong of a reader?- He reads at MTH level and a bit higher. The Littles, Borrowers etc are all right up his alley. -What are we using and how independent? -CLE math- semi independent -Pentime- independent -CTGE- mostly independent -Abeka science plus library books- with mom the whole time -RS for Social Studies plus thematic library books - with mom the whole time -Modern Speller - with mom the whole time -Reading- semi independent (he either reads to himself then narrates to me or reads aloud to me and then narrates) There's other stuff we do as a family, but that's the bulk of it. I hadn't planned on having ANY of his work be independent this year, but he shoos me away. ;) -2 free hours? -read -legos -play outside -play monopoly or whatever game with his siblings -turn my living room into a fort -build an extensive railway system for my toddlers
  22. I'm not familiar with that particular book, but we use Abeka science which is VERY short in the younger years. The way we stretch it is by using library books. For example, when the text talks about weather, go to the library and grab all the books that you can find on that topic. Let's Read and Find Out books and Magic School Bus are particular favorites.
  23. I have no experience with RS science, but I really REALLY like CLP nature readers. We own all of them. I can't see using JUST those, but then again, we never notebooked with them. If you already own them, then why not try it that way and see how it works for you. If it doesn't feel like enough, you can add more. If you're hitting the library regularly and check out a bunch of science books regularly, then you're totally fine.
  24. Caddie Woodlawn, Caddie Woodlawn, and Caddie Woodlawn. This was our favorite read aloud EVER and we still pull it out and read chapters from it. Come to think of it, it may be time to read it again. If you haven't already read the Little House of the Prairie Series, you really should. The Ordinary Princess All of a Kind Family series Chronicles of Narnia Just off the top of my head! Happy Reading. :)
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