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Everything posted by momofsbandeg

  1. but I will be watching this thread to see what others say.:lurk5:
  2. that being said. We have all girls. They play with it in spurts. We love that we get Netflicks through it. The best part as far as I'm concerned.
  3. one believes the whole Bible or one doesn't. If one believes there is one hole in the truth then it isn't the truth anymore.
  4. but dad isn't home 2 nights of the week. We might eat in the living room to watch a movie together as a family.
  5. without God man is deprived. That is not to say that people who have a relationship with God don't do bad things... because they do. And that is not to say that people who don't have a relationship with God are bad...because I know a lot of good people who don't place a priority on a relationship with God who are good people.
  6. our male dog began trying to mark his territory ON our girl dog....not cool. Don't know if this is typical but just thought I'd pass this along.
  7. It makes it more special and it sets the boundary for our younger girls to know when they will get to wear makeup. However, this is a privilege for the one who makes skin care a habit. She must maintain her skin care am and pm. This is not optional.
  8. Sonlight and then I wanted more hands on so this year we used Winterpromise.... in the fall we plan to use Tapestry of Grace (more options).
  9. I'm learning about new sources. I love: Rainbow Resources Sonlight Winterpromise Hope more people chime in....:lurk5:
  10. I'm interested in others opinions of this as well.:lurk5:
  11. This is a neat approach and not complicated. Thank you for sharing.
  12. her children love it and have thrived doing it this way. I haven't tried it. My dd can't stand the thought of doing all her math in one day because it is difficult for her. I say give it a try...you can always tweak it if you need to.
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