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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Your Majesty: For clarity, I do not hate the undoubted magnificence that is Saxon math. I merely loathe it as applied to us. (Please don't demote me. I like being a Duchess, albeit an unnoticed one.)
  2. We moved away from the lands of loud music several years ago. The only noise problem here is occasional gunfire. Especially during hunting season.
  3. Absolutely! You're in the homestretch now, chicky! Congrats.
  4. DD had it. It looked bad, but was basically just strep with a rash. The antibiotics will take some time to kick in.
  5. I ate cookies and drank wine? How do you think I feel?
  6. Oh, and we are going to see Mannheim Steamroller Christmas tomorrow night. So you can all be jealous happy for me.
  7. We went to a craft fair/bake sale at a nearby Mennonite church. Nana bought tons of baked goods. And sent them home with me. I'm seriously considering having gingerbread and snickerdoodles for dinner. (But does that call for red or white? )
  8. But in a good way; in a how-to-heal way. It's a beautiful movie. (Said the crazy, anti-Hollywood person.)
  9. I am a wuss. See full-throated scream during Brave, above.
  10. Sometimes it really does. I'm sorry if you're in one of those times. :grouphug:
  11. I think it was there already, Jean. (It's part and parcel of that whole, "girls rule, boys drool" thing, IMO.)
  12. :grouphug: I suspect this is going to be the new normal, and I share your fear that it's only a matter of time before it happens here.
  13. Life has all too frequently made me cry. I do not need movies to help. (I did, however, let out a bloodcurdling scream in a packed theater while watching Brave. My poor child has yet to recover from the mortification. I have an all too vivid imagination.) Renai, I also cried reading Dr. Seuss. That book is a masterpiece.
  14. , replied DD. She said to share this one with Dancer: Dear Math Teacher, Stop telling me to find your x. She's not coming back and you know y. Student
  15. We possess rare and remarkable talent, we do. Many revere us.
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