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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Jo just got her semester final in Physical Science back from Derek Owens-100%! What a semester! If you only knew how close I came to throwing in the towel last year.
  2. What a terrifying diagnosis; poor Hannah! I will include her in my prayers, Tex.
  3. Since we are discussing weather, there is slush falling from the sky here. Bleh.
  4. You have a Cubbie! :001_wub: DD is a student leader for Cubbies; it's her favorite day of the week!
  5. No. Just no. Steaks deserve direct flame. Or eat something else.
  6. Wow. It's been an hour between posts. Wait until Ellie finds out.
  7. King George Vun, gorged on fruit, zen he died on ze loo!
  8. What happened after the comma? Or do we not want to know?
  9. Crushed pork rinds make a pretty yummy low-carb bread crumb substitute. :thumbup1:
  10. FWIW, DD was allowed to get her ears pierced at 13. We went to her pediatrician's office. The doctor's recommendation is to wear medical plastic for the first year. Apparently, that's how long it takes for the hole to completely heal. Following that protocol greatly reduces the likelihood of developing a reaction to one or many of the metals frequently used in earrings (even the "hypoallergenic" ones.) Just something you might want to consider since you've had a previous reaction of some kind. HTH.
  11. People do that? :huh: ETA: Still :huh: , but now I'm wondering how someone came up with the idea. You know, sitting in front of the computer, sipping on a cup of hot java...hmm...hot java...I know what I should do.... :scared:
  12. I think you stole my kid. He and I are simpatico. :thumbup1:
  13. Krissi, I'm so sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. http://www.bootbarn.com/Boots/Footwear,default,sc.html?prefn1=gender&prefv1=Women&prefn2=refinementColor&prefv2=Purple
  15. Day 10 of Sick Dog. This is me: :zombie: In other words: No real change. Buddy, on the other hand, is slowly improving. :001_smile:
  16. Ruh-roh. Somehow, this seems...ominous. Well, okay. This one I can understand.
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