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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I was going to post that "too sexy" song, but I started to look at the video, just in case. :huh: Never mind. Most of us have children, so no. Just no.
  2. Poo-encrusted Susan-love. That's the best. :001_wub:
  3. I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who steals Ellie's booyas. It took me days to get over it. (i might have had some other issues, as well.)
  4. Give yourself several months. I predict a sudden weight loss. Love, The FA Oracle
  5. I am very happy for you, Tex, but can I just say that all of these "DONE"s are just highlighting my slackerhood. As Jo would say, Derp.
  6. Oh, no! I hope Lynn doesn't leave before she booyas. She'll break the Queen's heart! ETA: Shoulda known that Lynn could handle it!
  7. Tex, why is college girl staring off cliffs? I think I missed something in my sleep-deprived state. (And Buddy would love a play date with Daisy. We used to puppysit a yellow girl lab named Casey-he loved having a girlfriend!)
  8. I gave Buddy your hug. He licked your face. :laugh:
  9. A link for Slash: Finding the Math in Storybooks for Young ChildrenIMACS shared the link and I thought you might find it interesting. (Their links usually are.)
  10. I step in poop all the time. I must be the luckiest woman alive!!!! :smilielol5:
  11. Buddy update: We still don’t know what’s wrong. He is still not normal; he is passing urine but not normally, and he leaks a bit. He has to wear a doggy diaper in the house which wears on his dignity. I am getting up with him 1-2 times per night, which is manageable. This is the new normal, I suspect. Basically, he’s okay. Not in crisis, but not quite his usual self either. I think I mentioned that his bladder wall doubled in thickness over a two week period. To figure it out, I had to make some choices. We could do a surgical biopsy, which would be definitive. Unfortunately, if it’s cancer, there are really not a lot of treatment options; there is no distinct tumor (it would be a quality of life management issue). Recovery would be really hard on him. He’s very active and goes everywhere on the property with me. I could not imagine forcing him to stay inside every day while I was out doing the chores. When the weather gets super cold, I am forced to send him in after only a while and it devastates him. So I refused that option. Option 2 was a needle biopsy. It is not necessarily definitive, but could give us our answers. The danger is that, if it’s cancer, the procedure could seed cancer cells throughout the abdomen. But, if it’s cancer, it’s only a matter of time anyway. I went with this option and got inconclusive results. Oops. So: It could be cancer or it could be an inflammatory cystitis. The treatment/management is the same-NSAID and continue on the drug that helps him pee (prazosin.) FWIW, our vet is consulting regularly with the guy who is the doggy equivalent of the head of internal medicine at WSU (teaching vet hospital) and he’s totally stumped, too. Which is the same place we were 3 years ago when the pee problem was at crisis. I wonder if the weird person attracted the weird dog or if living with a weird person made the dog weird. Chicken/egg. Sigh. This could probably go down in the annals of the WTM forum as oddest post ever, but I suspect that some people here have been thinking of my Buddy dog and I wanted to keep you informed.
  12. Snort. Me, too. But I didn't have a wild youth. (Although I never, ever drink until I had short person in the home. Now, a glass of wine in the evening is no longer unheard of! ;) ) (Okay. I just looked at that and realized that it makes DD seem challenging. She's not. Since I could only have one, God gave me a really, really easy kid. But parenting is still hard. Or I'm a whiney wienie. Could go either way. [That's what I'm telling myself anyway.])
  13. I wouldn't touch a Volkswagen with a barge pole. Toyota or Honda. It'll cost waaaaay less in the long run.
  14. Should've kept reading. Perhaps one should take one's own advice, hmm?? :toetap05:
  15. If the bazooka is really not an option for you, can we just Elephant Ninja Duct Tape her?
  16. So Quackers has quacked; so shall it be. (Said in a portentous voice to make it work. I hope.)
  17. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope that your DS is the only one with strep (not that I wish it on him). :sad:
  18. I'm spitballing here, Heather, but could the deadlines/expectations be too loose? I.e., "I've got three times coming, so I'm just going to put it off and put it off-Oh, wait! You mean it was for reals due this time?" (I'm not familiar with the class format, so I may be waaaaay off base.)
  19. Hey, Tex! WTMA will be offering AoPS Geometry next year, in case that helps.
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