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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope that you're feeling better soon!
  2. I think that the Democratic ones are a bit more educational, TBH. They are more formal and structured-less of a free-for-all. (And I say this as a VERY conservative voter.) Well, none of them do more than scratch the surface of the issues. They all basically confine themselves to making very general statements with which most people will agree. (And NO one wants to talk about the debt) But the Republican debates get so nasty that we find it to be very off-putting and difficult to watch. Could just be a personal thing with us, though.
  3. Where's Quackers? Where's Ellie? Where has our family gone? Did Matt hide them? :toetap05:
  4. How was it? We had to record it, because we went out to dinner with Nana tonight. Much like your DC, my DD is following the campaign fairly closely. She wants to be ready for when she votes- in 5 years. :huh:
  5. Air freshener. Febreze clip-on: http://smile.amazon.com/Febreze-Vent-Clips-Freshener-Count/dp/B00AYCXL2I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1454817626&sr=8-1&keywords=new+car+smell+air+freshener Cute little trees: http://smile.amazon.com/Car-Freshener-32089-Little-Pack-New/dp/B000BOAA3M/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1454817626&sr=8-5&keywords=new+car+smell+air+freshener Or industrial size: http://smile.amazon.com/Chemical-Guys-Premium-Freshener-Eliminator/dp/B003U4RVW8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1454817626&sr=8-2&keywords=new+car+smell+air+freshener :001_smile:
  6. Cute! Have you gotten some of that new car spray for it?
  7. Oh, that's awful! What a rotten thing for them to do. I hope they reconsider, do the right thing, and give you your money back. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. I'm sorry that you're frustrated, Slash. Little kids are exhausting and when your expected break doesn't come, it can be REALLY frustrating. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: (Don't you wish you lived closer to Pseudo-Granny for some free babysitting? )
  9. We have not yet decided what next year will look like here. And I have been MIA as homeschool education facilitator since the dog has been ill. Luckily, we are at a bit of a lull and DD is aN extremely good kid. #theparentfailureisreal ETA: GEEZ. O. PETE. I. AM. BRAIN. DEAD. TODAY.
  10. My yard is buried under a foot of snow. No yardwork for me! :hurray:
  11. I don't know how well you would have liked the first draft; it had you in bed with RG-without a comma! ETA: I am the most inept writer today. In the history of ever. I want a nap, but I'm too lazy to walk up the stairs.
  12. Yes, I saw that. I'm just wondering if anyone is going (or has gone) that route and has any advice, thoughts, etc.. Jo is taking Physical Science with Derek Owens right now. It's the first time she's ever loved science.
  13. Okay, ladies with rising 9th graders: Anyone choosing to do Physics first?
  14. Because she's a fantabulously awesome person! (Does this put me into the cash-receiving queue?)
  15. :seeya: With $20,000, I would establish a veterinary emergency fund. It is apparently necessary. :glare: Jean: I use the cash-back component of my credit card as our vacation fund. Or to, you know, pay catastrophic veterinary bills. :glare: We are 99% sure that we're going with a health share ministry. I am 100% sure that DD and I are. The savings are going to go into a joint medical/veterinary emergency fund. I'll just have to keep hoping for the vacation. (How badly does the fact that our reasons for wanting a San Diego trip include 1) the desire to go to the AoPS office and 2) the desire to meet one of Jo's online writing instructors just SCREAM GEEK?) Renai: I hope you find the perfect car. Dawn: You deserve a week in bed, with Ryan Gosling on hand to do all the chores, schooling the children, and feeding you grapes and chocolate. Edited because that last bit came out wrong. All wrong. :scared: And I'm responsible for my child's writing education. Holy. Cow.
  16. Mostly I was answering from my familiarity with the curriculum and Statement of Faith; it seems to fit what you are looking for. I don't really know a whole lot personally. A woman at my church went there. After graduation she taught at a classical elementary school until she married and had children. From that enormous sample of one, I can conclude that NSA graduates are lovely, gracious, and well-educated. ;)
  17. I was going to say New St. Andrews (beautiful area, too!). Good luck to you. :001_smile:
  18. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Slash! And you got a volcanic booya for your Auntie!
  19. Uh-oh. Now I'm the one who's stumped. Is this one of those "I'm too old to get it" things?
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