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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. My fertility got wiped out my immune system. Which nearly took out all of the rest of me, too. :scared:
  2. I feed my daughter's old guy grass hay twice a day and about 2 quarts of senior grain with about 4 ounces of Senior Weight Accelerator (it's a flax blend-Cool Calories is a similar product) soaked in warm water once a day. This has been the first winter that I've aggressively supplemented his hay and HE LOOKS GREAT. I think the key has been the Weight Accelerator. He's an old Arab, and they have a tendency to look kind of coat rack-ish, but he is at a good healthy weight with a nice round barrel and soft, soft fur. He's 23 and has had ringbone since he was pretty young, so I am super pleased with how well he's doing. HTH.
  3. I have been shoveling half-frozen poop all day. I am not yet able to stomach the idea of dinner. I'm going to go shower. Stinky people should not be in the kitchen.
  4. Umm, because it's none of their business? Some of us still like to cling to the illusion of privacy, however dead it might be.
  5. Dawn: I'm so glad that you are reconnecting with your foster mom. What a blessing to her for you to walk back into her life when she needs hope and love! :grouphug:
  6. Dude. This is the boy who lets the vet insert a catheter. Without dope. Or duct tape. They just have to avoid his mouth. Because he will gently lick their faces to say, "Please don't." He'd let me. I'll talk to Dr. Smart. Thanks for the idea, Critter. Now can you fix him? Pweez? :crying:
  7. :seeya: We've had DD's bestie since Friday afternoon. (YESTERDAY. Sheez. My coffee consumption is less-than-adequate this morning.) After a hard morning of shlepping around and WiiUing, they decided that they were up to adventure. So we tied Nana on the top of the wagon and drove 1 1/2 hours to the Barnes and Noble. Good times. And I really need to get back on a schedule. How does one schedule middle of the night bathroom breaks for a semi-continent dog?
  8. Which means that we're moving into our next season here: MUD. Frozen, poopy mud. :ack2:
  9. Which part? The whole stinkin' thing! We will for sure be homeschooling, at least in part. Our local charter school is open to DD enrolling as an "online student" which usually means K-12. After looking at what we do, though, the curriculum advisor and the principal are pretty much okay with us doing whatever we want and giving us credit. The advantage of this would be easier, subsidized access to dual enrollment down the road and access to more social opportunities. The downside is that I am deeply skeptical of government schools and I am REALLY not sure that I want my kid socializing there. Also, the possibility of going this route, whether now or later, would force me to meet all of our state's requirements. Which isn't bad necessarily, but it would not be easy to coordinate with the 4-year history cycle, which I want to follow. I am going to let Jo try a SAT II test after American History. If she does well, I may use SAT IIs as a way to test out of things that they require but that I wouldn't necessarily do their way. I dunno. There is a co-op that I need to look into. It would be two classes, one day per week. The advantage would be social interaction. The downside is that it would be academically weak and we would lose a whole day at home. Currently, most of DD's social life revolves around Awana and the youth group at the same church. They really want to suck us into the church (in a very nice, loving way), but they are way more reformed and conservative than I am comfortable with. The kids in the group, however, are a WONDERFUL (but small) group. It has been a huge blessing for us. So that's the big picture "what are we going to do" part. Then more small picture, I am fussing over what to do next year. Which is a bit stalled because of the openness of the part 1 question. So there you have it. I am spinning about what to do next year, because I don't quite know what to do for all four years. :wacko: IN SUM: I would love a chocolate and w(h)ine party!
  10. This is not a textbook, but it is a good, gentle introduction to thinking about philosophical questions.
  11. Does anyone know how to get drool off a computer monitor? ETA: There might also be some minor tooth marks.
  12. Yay! You've planned much more effectively than I. Super-YAY, you!
  13. Also, OP, you may want to check out AoPS' Alcumus. It is also free and is a great tool to use for review. Just pick the topics your DC needs to work on and go.
  14. DD is taking Physical Science from Derek Owens this year. He is great; very responsive to questions and the content seems very thorough. And, yes, his voice is great!
  15. BTW, good morning! Today is post-Awana, no-alarm Thursday. I woke up at 8:45. :huh: I think perhaps my Buddy-disrupted nights may be catching up to me. A bit.
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