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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Cool. First time in my life I've been "trendy." :glare:
  2. Wait. WHAT??? How do I not know about this?!? Why did we not Elephant Ninja duct tape, stomp, and bazooka those heretics???
  3. I got migraines a few times as a reaction to an infused medicine I had to have when I was pregnant. It was the worst pain that I ever experienced (Ask me about the D&C in the ER after my first miscarriage that they did without even a tylenol. On second thought, don't.) Lots of :grouphug: and sympathy from me to all migraine sufferers. That's awful. :sad:
  4. They just left them. We had met all the pets when we looked at the house, so they knew we liked animals. I still can't imagine leaving little kids' pets behind. They took their dog, though.
  5. We inherited 3 cats from the people who were here before us. The people had twin boys who were 7. Two of the cats were their pets.
  6. Derek Owens is awesome sauce with a cherry on top. Jo is taking Physical Science this year and loves, Loves, LOVES it. (And, being the geek she is, when she got frustrated with a lab, she made up a whole story in her head about it. She wrote it down-like 8 pages worth-and sent it in with the lab sheet. Not only did Mr. Owens read it, he sent her a note complimenting her on the story and congratulating her on getting the science right, too. :001_wub: )
  7. One more unwanted animal vent and I promise to shut up. I think this is one of those topics that affects the ethos of an area. Shortly after we came here I had to take Buddy to the vet (it's a theme.) When we were there, a lady came in with a basket of kittens. The mama cat was a feral who got hit by a car. The lady had been trying to feed them, but the round-the-clock thing was getting to be too much. She told the lady at the vet's office that she just wanted the kittens checked before she took them to the shelter. DD freaked. out. She was nearly crying and begged the lady not to do it. I had to calm her down and explain that the shelter wouldn't kill them, but would take care of them. The lady and the clerk were horrified at my poor child's terror and also explained how our foster system works. It was such a relief to her. I really think that knowing that our community values companion animals and will protect them is a value that is internalized and seriously increases our quality of life. So there. :rant:
  8. BTW, Tex, one of the things I love about where we live now is the animal shelter. It's a no-kill facility; there are a couple of dogs who have been there close to 10 years. There are plenty of volunteers, though, so all the dogs get out to play and go for walks. The old, calm dogs get to hang out in the thrift store during the day. This was another major point in this community's favor when we looked for our destination. Our old home place where we lived has one of the highest kill rates in the nation. They airlift dogs from there to here. :glare: Long story short: You get a medal for lying today.
  9. Prayers for Lynn's DS and Dawn and tlsh. :001_smile: Susan: I have only had one pastor who I didn't think was nuts. I think the job itself tends to look attractive to certain personality types-for all the wrong reasons. It's one of my issues with church; I too frequently find myself having difficulty separating the words from the person. I find it frustrating. Hi, everyone.
  10. Swell. I miss Slash-her wit and conversation. Is it that that tempts her out of the shadows? No. No, it is Quackers and her Scales of Poop. :svengo:
  11. :huh: I'm worried about you, Quackers. SLASH!!! We need you for an intervention!
  12. I'd suggest looking at iCivics.org and CSPAN classroom. Good materials and they're free!
  13. Well, yeah. If one cannot tease one's ITT sisters, whom can one tease?
  14. If you look at AoPS' Recommendations page, they place Intro to Counting and Probability and Intro to Number Theory between Intro to Algebra A and Intro to Algebra B. :001_smile:
  15. Oh, no. No :willy_nilly: . It's so easy even I can do it. And I'm an idiot. Truly. You just download a copy of the document and call it "master planning document" or something. Then make a duplicate and call it "Weeks 1-6." When you need to do weeks 7-13, you just make a copy of the master and call it "Weeks 7-13." Seriously, it's no biggie. I've been using them since 3rd grade. Trust me; if I can do it, ANYONE can.
  16. Ironic! I heard a frog croaking last night. In February. :huh:
  17. Ellie: How's the hip? Mary: I use an excel planner that was free on Donna Young's website. For high school planning, I'm doing battle with her super fancy high school planner (it's not free, but I figured I owed her). So far, the planner is winning. Handily. Lynn: Do not take unnecessary journeys! Avoid treacherous roads! ikslo: I want to see the ISBN List of Doom! :seeya: Here's the link, Mary, in case you're interested.
  18. OP, please PLEASE listen to the bolded. For political reasons, doctors hand out birth control pills like candy. For some women, though, they are DANGEROUS. Certain clotting disorders themselves increase a woman's risk of stroke; birth control pills increase that risk enormously. Very few doctors do any screening prior to prescribing the pill, though.
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