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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Just forest roads up in the mountains! Not everywhere; I'm only kidding when I say we load up the wagon! :laugh:
  2. Good morning, all! Principal Daddy declared yesterday afternoon a PE day, so we went hiking to a waterfall. It was lovely; a very tall, narrow fall with ice all around the bottom. We were going to do a loop trail, but I chickened out on the way. We had crossed a bridge which had a REALLY musky odor around it. I am 99.9% certain that the odor is associated with some sort of weasel-y creature. But when the hike continued down an increasingly narrow gorge alongside the creek and the odor became more intense, all I could think was, "What do grizzlies smell like? Do they wake up early when the weather warms up early?" Once those thoughts started, it was all over. Nope. Back the way we came, across the creek, and back to high ground where Mama could see. It didn't take me long to be embarrassed over my cowardice; it's amazing what a baby I've become since having a baby. :glare: Principal Daddy was armed, but it was only his former duty weapon, so we were lacking in bear spray and a high caliber rifle. Oh, well. Better safe than sorry. On the way back to the truck, we had a discussion with DD about low-frequency, high-risk events. Do you think we're weird? :laugh: (The weather has been amazing here. We had good snowfall, but it was relatively warm this winter and the ground never froze hard. So now, after a fairly short spell of warm weather, the snow is gone probably to 4000 feet. We were able to easily drive a road that is frequently blocked until June. :huh: )
  3. When DD was small, she was convinced that the self-flushing potties were of the devil. I'd have to go in with her and sweep her from the Toilet of Doom as soon as she finished wiping. I would then guard her with my substantial person whilst the Toilet of Doom completed its fruitless attempt to suck my baby into the Sewer of Despair. Oh, my! The memories.
  4. Hmm. I think that might be the very definition of "overkill!" :laugh:
  5. I agree with what others have said about (hopefully) returning her to the breeder. If they won't take her back, maybe they would have suggestions about a placement? I do not think that any reputable law enforcement agency would take her-they usually take stable, cross-trained dogs these days. There may be other working settings that would be a good fit, though. One other point: Please don't be too hard on yourself. Dogs are individuals and some can just be really challenging. My first big male was really, really intense and quite a strong individual. One of his litter mates was over the edge, though. No one could do anything with him. He became a junkyard dog. As in, he was turned loose at night in a junkyard for security. (Don't know that I'd want to pay the insurance on that property.) The breeder/trainer had been training dogs-well-for umpteen years, but he could do NOTHING with that dog. Hopefully your dog isn't that type; I just wanted to use that as an example that it's not always "operator error." :grouphug:
  6. This is fascinating. See how a mom of many sees the disaster potential that totally escaped this mom of one? :hurray:
  7. Good morning. No coffee yet. Not even stepping into the poetry contest.
  8. I finished All the Light We Cannot See. I am sad. Goodnight, all.
  9. THERE you are! You need to check in at home, young lady!
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