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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :party: :party: :party: A clear indication of your brilliance as an instructor!
  2. How do you know this? Since she has come to live with you, have you ever been invaded by Storm Monsters? No? Well, there you go.
  3. Snort. In the song The Maker, one line is "I love the Maker and the Maker loves me." For whatever reason, that second "love" sounds to DD's ear like "loathes." We howl whenever that song comes on! "He loathes me! He looooooathes me!" :lol:
  4. Oh, and YAY for Jean and her highly pants-ed BOOYAS!
  5. If you transpose two numbers in our home phone number, you'd get our county sheriff. Oh, and if you dial from a particular directory accurately looking for the county sheriff you get our home phone number, because the publisher of the directory transposed two numbers. I take so many calls for the county sheriff that I am considering sending in a time sheet. (It can be super fun, though. I think they have some form of sheriff's parole in our county. We've had a couple of REALLY inebriated people insisting that they need to check in at this number. Snort. "Sorry, sir, I really can't help you with that..." I try not to mention bazookas or duct tape. :lol: )
  6. I am an INTJ and my daughter took an assessment on the College Board website that labeled her ENFP. I'm afraid to look.
  7. Ooo, here's a good map. Not that I'm a wanna-be geology geek, or anything. :wacko:
  8. Actually, that's a bit of a ways away. And the San Andreas in the southern part of the state tends to move pretty regularly. There are SO MANY faults, though, it's hard to say. And then, right at the southern part of the valley, is the Transverse Range, which is just a huge mish-mash of faults going every which way. Like I said, so many faults; it's hard to say. But it's very intellectually stimulating. Now that I don't live there anymore, of course!
  9. YAY! I'd hate to have to give that one up; it's kind of a theme around here. :glare:
  10. "My name is Renai. I am really, really, really cool. I am also really, really, really smart. And kind of really, really compact. I have done many, many, many, really, really cool things in my really, really amazing life..." Does this help at all, Renai? Or do y'all think that I should outsource writing to Tex?
  11. That's down where we used to live. It's a very geologically complex area (as is all of California.) Little known fact: One of my favorite classes in college was the dreaded LAB SCIENCE (I went to a university with a pharmacy school, so the sciences were hard.) I opted for "California Geology," mostly because I figured it would be easier than the other choices. It.Was.FABULOUS. And we went on field/camping trips. So, so awesome.
  12. Oh, and I am overcome by envy at the sight of your corn, Renai. Corn is very hard to grow here; the growing season is usually too short. And there's nothing better than corn smeared with butter roasted on the fire or in the oven. :drool5:
  13. :seeya: Today was beautiful-sunny and in the forties. Day 2 of removing ice and frozen poop from the paddocks. (Despite diligent cleaning, the snow covers up a lot, i.e., when we get a big dump overnight. [ ] Also, I fell behind during dog crisis. Which was followed by impossible weather. So it's catch up time. Oof.) I suspect that I shall sleep well tonight. Nana-banana came out today to drop off Crab Mac-n-Cheese for the peeps who like crab (i.e., not me) and Noodles and Sauerkraut for the one brilliant person in the family who appreciates the magnificence of the well-aged cabbage (that'd be me.) Nana rocks.
  14. I have been sitting here, waiting patiently for a "before 11 am Pacific time" phone call. I have accomplished nothing, because I have a very hard time getting started on something knowing that I could be derailed at any time. The phone has yet to ring. Le sigh.
  15. Thank you for starting this thread, OP, and thank you, Arcadia, for the link to the opt-out form. Our first year of homeschooling was done through a charter in California. We have been gone from that state for over 5 years, and I would not have heard about this situation if not for this thread. I appreciate the information.
  16. I hear you. We had almost a week of above freezing temps, but it was 21 degrees when I got up. Brrr!
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