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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Jean has hairy feet?!? I never would have imagined that!
  2. Those of you on health share plans, BTW, please feel free to bombard me with thoughts, experience, ideas, advice. Here or PM, all input is most welcome!
  3. Just got off the phone with the nice young man from Liberty HealthShare. He explained the program and told me that the most comprehensive coverage would cost $529 a month. He then prepared to launch into descriptions of the less expensive options. I stopped him. Umm, that's okay, sweetie. That's less than 25% of what we're paying now. :lol:
  4. Why on earth would one use duct tapes on ducts? Silly Quackers!
  5. I'm pricing crappy insurance on our state exchange and waiting a call back from Liberty Health Share. Info has been requested from Samaritan and one other. Oy vey. Once again, I find that I must remind myself that we have a paid-for home, food on the table, and a reliable (if shrunken) income (Dh pension). When I see how others are struggling to meet the basics, I tell myself to shut my trap and suck it up, Buttercup. But still. It's been a loooooooong few weeks.
  6. Thank you for sharing this. I will send the link to my 13-year-old DD; what an inspiration and role model for her to see!
  7. Dude. We've had this conversation. Duct tape is always the answer. :lol:
  8. Thank you, Lynn, for again introducing deep thought into the thread. I think. :laugh: FWIW, I share your angst about church. My childhood relationship with church was...awkward. I became a believer as an adult. I love Jesus and I know that I should be fellowshipping with believers, but I kinda don't like it. Like, at all. I've never found a good denominational fit and I really don't like group settings. (Count me in with the introverts.) The pastor of the church we were attending quit a few months ago and the family pastor is filling in. I literally cannot sit through his sermons. And the music is TOO LOUD. I find myself googling the sermon topic and reading essays to distract myself. Probably not ideal. :huh: And right now, I haven't been in three Sundays, because sick dog. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one struggling.
  9. Nana refers to herself as a plant doctor. Dr. Kevorkian.
  10. Also, I agree with the "cold and terrifying" and "sounds like Han Solo torture" views of cryotherapy. Besides, I could just wait for a good Arctic blast and go roll around naked in the snow for free. Or I could stay inside and drink wine.
  11. My Buddy might surprise you. He is enormously popular at the vet's office. More than one employee has told me that he is their favorite GSD ever. Over the years, he has had to be catheterized NUMEROUS times because of his weird issue; they've never had to give him anesthesia. The consensus is that he is a perfect gentleman. Even though he has become very anxious-and he will shake and whine a bit-he never shows any aggression. The most obnoxious thing he does is lick the face of the person who is working on him. He's a really, really good boy. :crying:
  12. We are braving treacherous roads to take Nana to dinner. Hopefully my Buddy will be okay for a couple of hours.
  13. Cool! It's looking like a party! (We'll just have to ignore the bodies scattered about. Which should be easy, since they'll be covered in decorator duct tape.)
  14. Everyone go about your business and don't mind me and ikslo. We'll be sitting in the corner, , and plotting the duct tape downfall of those who thwart us.
  15. C-SPAN Classroom is offering a free 2016 Electoral College map, in case anyone is interested.
  16. In the interim, I would probably google it to see how people usually react to the cream. But that does open you up to the Dark Side of the Google. :grouphug: for Beautiful Dancer. ETA: Weird factoid: When I was very small I took ballet lessons. (I am now a clod, sadly.) For a birthday gift one year, I was given a music box with a beautiful dancer on the top. I hear that music in my head when I read about Dancer, Renai. And I always see "Beautiful Dancer" when I read "Dancer." So you can tell your kid that some lunatic on the internet thinks that she's a music box character!
  17. I will put you on the prayer list, Tex. :grouphug: I've said it before: It is shocking how many questions in life can be answered with duct tape.
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