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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Oh, but I have faith in you. So.Much.Faith. (With maybe just a hint of desperation.)
  2. If you survive, you will earn the title of Ninja Goddess of Cleaning. Then you can come here; I've got a whole house for you to conquer, O Ninja Goddess.
  3. Not quite your situation here, but I am planning to try a similar approach here late this spring for my 8th grader. We are finishing up US History and I will have her take the SAT subject test. If she scores adequately, I will give her high school credit for the course, ie., I will use the SAT test to demonstrate high school level mastery (which is sufficient for credit in our state.) FWIW.
  4. I don't know who Ryan Gosling is, but it sounds like his twin is a bit of a butt.
  5. Quick! Go wash your face, Tex! You just got licked!
  6. :seeya: Day 6 of Very Sick Dog. I'm still getting up with him every couple of hours all night. Still at the vet daily (on the upside, she's very nice and I'm glad that I'm doing my part to send her two kids to college.) This is me: :zombie: (Thank you, Lynn, for the link. Because what I really need right now is to impulse buy more curriculum in my battered, sleep-deprived state. :wacko: )
  7. God is fair; the world is broken. I am so sorry that Dancer is hurting. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: My go-to in dealing with pain (and, believe me, I've been there) is C.S. Lewis. My two favorites are A Grief Observed and The Problem of Pain. Maybe not directly on point, but they deal with the bigger issue she's feeling, I think. I don't know if she's up for it, but maybe you could read them and drop some ideas? Just an idea.
  8. :svengo: I escape from blood and urine soaked doggy diapers and you're discussing autoimmune disease. I actually started googling the gene mentioned. :willy_nilly: I think I'm going to go read up on something light, instead. Like nuclear proliferation in 3rd world rogue states. (My own descent into the autoimmune disease h*ll/rabbithole began with trying to have a baby. I have an autoimmune reaction to pregnancy which also revealed a stand-alone autoimmune disease, and I was described by an endo as having "sub-clinical lupus." The subject really is fascinating. But not right now. :willy_nilly: )
  9. :seeya: Last night I slept for four consecutive hours, the first time since Saturday night. I think. I'm a bit fuzzy. The dog is still really sick. We will go to the vet today for the 6th time in 5 days and plan our weekend visits. I just keep putting the bill on the visa. I just don't want to know. Don't have time to catch up with everyone's news, but generally greetings and :grouphug: . Exception, Krissi: Still praying for you and your dad. Cut yourself some slack on the homeschooling thing. FWIW, I had an ideal classical model in mind and failed spectacularly. Now I'm just educating my kid the way she needs it. Which is much easier with 1 than 5. Give yourself grace today; you've got a lot on your plate. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  10. Thanks, ikslo! It's just my Buddy, my wingdog. He's not so great, but he's had injections of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and anti-anxiety meds. I cooked some ground beef to get him to eat a little food, so hopefully the meds will do their thing overnight. I swear, a sick dog is much like a sick toddler; they are miserable and confused, and you can't do a darn thing to explain the situation. :sad:
  11. After vet visit three, diet went to heck in a handbasket. Pepperoni pizza and red wine for dinner.
  12. We have been to the vet three times in the two days of this week. We have not yet broken the thousand dollar mark. Yay.
  13. Good luck, Your Majesty! Must leave for the vet, but I'm sure the rest of the ITT will provide cover.
  14. BTW, it is proofs like this one that make me shudder at the thought of teaching geometry to my child.
  15. I shower every day. Nonetheless, I frequently smell of horse poop. Therefore, showering daily must cause one to smell of horse poop. Don't do it, peeps.
  16. Ooooo! Field trip and super fun group activity! Sign me up!
  17. Actually, the B class will be her 4th live class with them. Her first was Intro to Algebra A last spring. We had covered the first 7 or 8 chapters in the fall, so the first part was review. I really think that was critical to her surviving the adjustment to the pace. It was hard, though. I wound up making adjustments along the way. She took a Math Counts class for fun over the summer and then Intro to Counting and Probability this past fall. DD has adjusted to the pace, but the classes are seriously challenging. Casework last fall gave her fits. I will say, though, the AoPS classes have been FANTABULOUSLY AWESOME at teaching work ethic. As I said before, DD is not a savant, but she is very bright. It really doesn't take a huge amount of effort for her to succeed at most things so far. She is in that group of kids who frequently find adjustment to college difficult, because they are discovering challenge for the very first time and really have no coping skills. AoPS is certainly providing the opportunity to learn them! (And, I am proud to say, DD is rising to the challenge beautifully. :001_wub: )
  18. No, you're exactly right. I wasn't clear above. In DD's experience, there are two main groups. There are the regular school kids going through the subject a second time and a second group of young, profoundly gifted students. She's part of the minority in the middle: a very bright but NOT profoundly gifted student using AoPS as primary curriculum. From the posts I see here, it seems to me that this group is growing. I hope that AoPS will continue to support this group through more video instruction and by more reliably (quickly and clearly) answering questions.
  19. This is where we are, too, Professormom. DD will be starting the Intro to Algebra B class at the end of February. I, too, have Jurgensen on the shelf. DD loooooves AoPS, though, and is perfectly okay with the format. Decisions, decisions!
  20. I think AoPS recommends Counting and Probability first. Here's a link to their "Recommendations" page. ETA: Counting and Probability is considered Core Curriculum; Number Theory is "Other subjects." HTH
  21. Click on own user name at top of page, select “Ignore Prefs,†insert name to be blocked to “Add a new user to my list,†click all boxes: Voila! Sanity. :thumbup1:
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