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Everything posted by YaelAldrich

  1. Please have her email my son! He'll be looking for contributors.
  2. Hello! My name is Y******, and I am 16 years old. This year, I had the idea to start an online general interest newsletter for and by homeschooling kids and teens, the Homeschooling Beacon. Right now, I am looking for a core staff of four or five people, and a larger group of regular contributors. Requirements are: you must be able to write clearly and competently, are currently homeschooling, and are under eighteen years of age. Positions available: Compiler/Formatter, Sports Editor, Arts and Culture Editor, Essay or Article Contributor, Poetry or Fiction Contributor, Photography/Videography Contributor. You CAN apply for more than one position. To apply for a position, please email homeschooling.beacon@gmail.com, and send an example of your best writing along with your application. (It can be anything, but it should have something to do with the position that you're applying for.) Thank you! Y*******
  3. Hello! My name is Y*****, and I am 16 years old. This year, I had the idea to start an online general interest newsletter for and by homeschooling kids and teens, the Homeschooling Beacon. Right now, I am looking for a core staff of four or five people, and a larger group of regular contributors. Requirements are: you must be able to write clearly and competently, are currently homeschooling, and are under eighteen years of age. Positions available: Compiler/Formatter, Sports Editor, Arts and Culture Editor, Essay or Article Contributor, Poetry or Fiction Contributor, Photography/Videography Contributor. You CAN apply for more than one position. To apply for a position, please email homeschooling.beacon@gmail.com, and send an example of your best writing along with your application. (It can be anything, but it should have something to do with the position that you're applying for.) Thank you! Y*******
  4. Hello! My name is Y*******, and I am 16 years old. This year, I had the idea to start an online general interest newsletter for and by homeschooling kids and teens, the Homeschooling Beacon. Right now, I am looking for a core staff of four or five people, and a larger group of regular contributors. Requirements are: you must be able to write clearly and competently, are currently homeschooling, and are under eighteen years of age. Positions available: Compiler/Formatter, Sports Editor, Arts and Culture Editor, Essay or Article Contributor, Poetry or Fiction Contributor, Photography/Videography Contributor. You CAN apply for more than one position. To apply for a position, please email homeschooling.beacon@gmail.com, and send an example of your best writing along with your application. (It can be anything, but it should have something to do with the position that you're applying for.) Thank you! Y**************
  5. Hello! My name is Y*****, and I am 16 years old. This year, I had the idea to start an online general interest newsletter for and by homeschooling kids and teens, the Homeschooling Beacon. Right now, I am looking for a core staff of four or five people, and a larger group of regular contributors. Requirements are: you must be able to write clearly and competently, are currently homeschooling, and are under eighteen years of age. Positions available: Compiler/Formatter, Sports Editor, Arts and Culture Editor, Essay or Article Contributor, Poetry or Fiction Contributor, Photography/Videography Contributor. You CAN apply for more than one position. To apply for a position, please email homeschooling.beacon@gmail.com, and send an example of your best writing along with your application. (It can be anything, but it should have something to do with the position that you're applying for.) Thank you! Y************
  6. Hello! My name is Y******, and I am 16 years old. This year, I had the idea to start an online general interest newsletter for and by homeschooling kids and teens, the Homeschooling Beacon. Right now, I am looking for a core staff of four or five people, and a larger group of regular contributors. Requirements are: you must be able to write clearly and competently, are currently homeschooling, and are under eighteen years of age. Positions available: Compiler/Formatter, Sports Editor, Arts and Culture Editor, Essay or Article Contributor, Poetry or Fiction Contributor, Photography/Videography Contributor. You CAN apply for more than one position. To apply for a position, please email homeschooling.beacon@gmail.com, and send an example of your best writing along with your application. (It can be anything, but it should have something to do with the position that you're applying for.) Thank you! Y
  7. I know about... not much! 😁 My mother's blood sugar is negatively affected by the chemo and she is getting neuropathy I assumed from the chemo as well (Gemcitabine and Cisplatin). It's to the point that the doctor has decided to bring the amounts of chemo down. She has modified her diet some, but I feel bad changing it even more (her cancer isn't going to go away although she's well past the doctor's expectations). She exercises almost every day - walking for at least 30 minutes a day since the gym is closed. So please enlighten me!
  8. @Jean in Newcastle Can you please speak to this some more? My mom is pre-diabetic and with her chemo has increasing neuropathy and it is affecting her desire to continue treatment.
  9. My FIL teaches at Carolina in Sociology and we (and my DH's brother and wife) are alumni of Carolina! The Hillel director is the husband of my friend from grad school. Also many other friends in the area. If she needs any help, please contact me. We can help!
  10. Dear @Lanny I'm sure you've heard that UNC is going 100% virtual. Does your daughter need any help? My in laws are there but they won't be able to help because they're staying sequestered due to the virus. But I'm good friends with the Hillel director and I know he'll help your daughter. Please let me know if I need to help make the introduction. All the best, Yael
  11. I heard about it through friends in Iowa on FB and a little on the news. I was in DC for the derecho in 2012 and it was also that sudden. It was a regular storm then whoosh! everything went sideways. Power was out for 3-4 days in our area and trees and light buildings crushed. Hope your area recovers from the storm soon.
  12. Set that calendar alarm for the day before and of your friend's husband's death every month for the first year. Those days were very hard for me after my sister died. I thought, "It's now two months (or however long) since Nicole died" Touch base with her and know you are there for her (if that's what you can do). Not now but soon you could get her my favorite book for people going through mourning, It's OK That You're Not OK. It has helped me so much and I give it to a lot of people in this situation. Thank you for being a friend to her. Many people will walk away, not because they are mean, but because they can't handle death or don't know what to do or say.
  13. We went on a lovely vacation with my parents. But I broke my leg on said vacation, requiring emergency surgery. I wouldn't suggest that.
  14. I would be flying to Melbourne today with some of my kids. So so sad. But I'm glad they're taking it seriously.
  15. Everyone is scattered to the far reaches of the earth with this online conference. Thanks for the suggestions so far. Please keep them coming! Yael
  16. I've got the 2020 Torah Home Ed Conference in two weeks. Loads of people (over 30) have volunteered their time and effort to speak to the newbies. I can spend up to $10 a person to say thank you. Any suggestions? I've done personalized coffee mugs or handmade pottery bowls with flowers but I'm running short on creativity this year, especially since I usually create a conference in six months not one month!
  17. Hunh. That is what I thought. That's kinda sad; maybe people can then afford to be treated more often then?
  18. From what I have read from another source, she runs a urgent health clinic in TX (which my the way, why does Houston (maybe elsewhere in TX) have so many Urgent care clinics run by doctors?!?! That struck me as super weird when I visited relatives there. Ours tend to be either run by hospital chains or large chains of urgent care companies) and has no privileges at any hospital in her area. I guess she could treat anybody with symptoms and claim she cured them. They may have had a cold or even nothing but she cured them. BTW, the original MD, Dr Zelenko, who touted this treatment protocol was in the hospital last week having emergency heart surgery (he also seems to have some sort of cancer). Maybe a reaction to his protocol if he continued to treat himself with it?
  19. We have been using Totobobo masks. Can't put them in the washing machine but you can spritz them with alcohol or take the filters out and wash with soap and water. The filters are a drop less than N95 level all the way up to N99 level (in the pro model). I wanted protection for US and OTHERS and luckily I had them from a trip to China we did in the past. I have bought more filters (I change them out every other week for low to moderate use, more when we have to be inside) and we are (please G-d) set until at least next spring. The price isn't bad but quicker shipping is more (although better than a couple of months ago!).
  20. My daughter who went to 8th grade last year is excited to go to (private, parochial, girl's school) high school this year. My husband is on the reopening committee and is fighting the good fight. My kids have been habituated to the Totobobo for months now so I would rather not send her but if she really wants to go I hope my husband's work will help them stay in school for a wee bit. But I honestly think she'll be home by November. Their switchover is my main worry though. They did a horrendous job in the spring; and they've done little to nothing to make it better when it happens again. So I am planning back up work for her in the core subjects. My oldest is doing online college. My second son, 11th grade is going back and forth about going back to school or coming home to homeschool. His school will not require him there, so I'm hoping he'll do it virtually. His school had planned this out and turned around on a dime and impressed me. They are ready to do it again. My youngest is home and staying home.
  21. @Acadie You can come and get tested. No requirement to be an in-state resident. They messaged me that information.
  22. I checked and the Allston site is better run AND they get the results in a day or so AND they said you don't have to be a resident of Boston. Now I don't know if that means they'll take you if you're from out of state but I'd call and ask. If they don't there are urgent care that will do it without a doctor's note but I don't know about payment.
  23. Here's the general information. I have asked on FB if you need to be a MA resident and will let you know the answer. EBNHC is now providing COVID-19 testing six days a week at our 164 Orleans Street parking lot in East Boston. Walk-thru and drive-thru options. *Pre-registration required: Call 617-569-5800.* You do not need to have symptoms to get tested. Testing is free to the patient. Please share with others who may need this information. Thank you! A positive review from the field: thank you, Todd! EBNHC is providing walk-thru COVID-19 testing at the Jackson Mann Community Center, 500 Cambridge Street in Allston, Tuesdays thru Saturdays from July 21 thru August 1. To avoid waiting in line, pre-register by calling 617-568-4500. (If you have trouble getting through, call 617-569-5800.) This location is accessible by public transit on the 57, 66, and 64 bus lines. Limited patient parking available on Islington Street on a first-come, first-served basis. You do not need to have symptoms to get tested. Testing is free to the patient. Testing is also available through Charles River Community Health at 495 Western Avenue in Brighton (to make an appointment at Charles River call 617-783-0500). Please share with others who may need this information.
  24. I'll check and let you know. I don't think so as they are advertising to the undocumented population too.
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