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Everything posted by Aura

  1. If so, what do you use? I need to get some for my kids. We have problems with mouth sores around here. I know lysine works, but I haven't found a kid-friendly supplement. So it's either a really nasty extract or a powder which doesn't blend well. <begin rant>I use to be able to increase the lysine in their diets with raw milk, but gov't got involved and now I can't get it legally. Stupid idiots! :cursing: It was the BEST way to deal with their issues, but noooo, can't have people thinking for themselves and making their own choices, can we? Got to legislate everything.. :cursing: <end rant> Sorry. It's just that the sores are really an issue with a couple of my kids. At one point, I remember counting 10, yes TEN, sores in my oldest ds's mouth. The pediatrician was of NO HELP. I had to research and come up with a solution for myself. Raw milk contains a high amount of lysine along with beneficial bacteria. It worked. And now I can't get it, and while oldest ds is much better and can easily swallow the lysine pills, two of my younger ds's are dealing with this. And they can't just swallow pills. The milk issue is really just a JAWM. I just needed to vent, that's all. Right now, ds9 has several in his mouth, and I just gave him some of dd's liquid Lortab from her surgery. :glare: It's that bad. But I really do need a good lysine supplement that's kid friendly, so if anyone has any recommendations, I would really appreciate it.
  2. Pipe tobacco. My grandfather used to smoke a pipe all the time. Their house always smelled like pipe tobacco. I loved it. That smell always makes me think of him. And the barn.My grandfather also had cows and horses, mostly, so I grew up loving the smell of the barn. Interestingly, my mom now has goats. I hate the smell of goats. It's just the cows and horses I like.
  3. Yup. If the store allows returns on unsatisfactory items, then you shouldn't feel guilty returning it. You're not satisfied, and they'd rather you return it so they keep you a satisfied customer returning for business. That's why they have that policy. And it works on me. Kohls' great customer service is one reason I keep shopping there. They have always cheerfully fixed any problem I've had...like items that have shrunk in the wash.
  4. Oh, and since the above link doesn't let you see inside, my Bible looks has the same wide, ruled margins inside as this one from Amazon. Mine just has a prettier cover. ;)
  5. I have this beautiful ESV journaling Bible. There are sections that give a little historical information on each book, but otherwise there is no commentary other than notes letting you know that certain phrases or verses are only in specific manuscripts and not all of them. I have never seen a study Bible that does not also provide a theological viewpoint. I don't think one exists that just gives historical information to accompany the text, though I would love to proven wrong. I second this. I believe the book is Victor's Journey through the Bible. It isn't a Bible, just a reference book, but it does provide historical context to the Bible. This, along with a nice journaling Bible, might be a good option. You can search for ESV journaling Bible and find some very nice options.
  6. Ds9 is doing better. He's been able to keep some liquids down, though he's still not feeling well. Ds16 is much better. Didn't hit him that hard at all. Started later than ds9 and is already pretty much over. This southerner has never heard of peach syrup. But I gave heard of giving warm Jello, which I think would be similar. My MIL did that. I may let ds9 have that tonight.
  7. Huh. I have no idea. I guess it's my crazy computer. It seems to revel in causing problems lately.
  8. I'm not familiar with Zofran, but isn't phenergan require a prescription?
  9. And WHY does my font keep changing sizes when I post! I end up posting in two different font sizes. :001_rolleyes:
  10. Ds9 is plenty old enough for Pepto, but I don't have any. It expired, and I never bought any more 'cause I never use it. I'm brewing some tea right now, Celestial Seasonings Wellness: Sleepytime Extra. It has spearmint, chamomile & valerian in it, so that's about as good as I can get with what I have on hand. I'll let them both sip on that when it's done. Ds3 is up and playing around, but ds16 has it now, too. :( Lovely Monday morning.
  11. He hasn't had anything since last night. I do the same. As soon as they start with the stomachaches, I avoid food & drink because that always seems to make it worse, unless of course, it's been going on for a while and I'm concerned about dehydration. But with the dry heaving, I'm wondering if maybe he's already a little dehydrated and maybe that's actually making his stomach cramp more...??? I don't know. I just feel bad for the poor kid. I gave him a peppermint (seems I'm out of ginger *sigh*) and put in Harry Potter #1. He's never seen it before, so right now he's distracted with that.
  12. We've got the stomach bug in our house. Thankfully, it hasn't been lasting long. But ds9 seems to have it the worse, so far. He's dry heaving and really complaining about his tummy hurting. I've given him a hot bath and a heating pad for his tummy, but it didn't help. What do you do to help? He just started early this morning, around 5ish. Ds3 started about 1 a.m. and he's already pretty much past the throwing up. That's about how long it lasted for the others that had it...around 8-12 hours. I'm going to fix him some ginger and mint tea and give him sips of that and see if that helps, but what do you do in these situations? Any other suggestions?
  13. I completely freaked out my dd! And I'm not sorry in the least. :tongue_smilie: DD14 is a huge whovian. I saw this and paused it at the :53 mark, then called dd over and told her another trailer for the Christmas special was out! She freaked, saying, No! No! No!" before she realized it wasn't real. It was hilarious. If you don't want to follow the link, it's about Doctor Who fans who made a life-sized, flying Tardis. But 30 mins into its maiden flight, it crashed and broke into pieces. Apparently, a big box isn't very aerodynamic. :laugh: Anyway, just after they finished talking, they showed the Tardis crashing and breaking apart, from multiple angles, with the Doctor Who theme playing in the background. I started it for dd just as it started that part, so initially, she thought it was official. :lol: No worries, dd is a great sport and loves the fact that I get into her fandoms with her. She is such a fangirl!
  14. Us, too! At first, it was the classic series. My dad was a huge fan and nearly every night we'd watch reruns. Then came the TNG. So, yeah, I was weaned on Star Trek. :lol: I pinned it and now have 5 repins and 1 like. I think it deserves more. :glare: :lol:
  15. Another vote for going to the parents, but if that won't work, how about you talking directly to the children in question? Tell them directly that you, as the parent, do not want them to invite your ds to church, to try to get him saved, or whatever. Be specific. Call them out. Most likely, they will back off or the parents will remove their children from your "heathen influence." But there is also the chance that you will have planted a target on your family and they will continue to pester you because you "need Jesus." If it comes to that, then I suppose about the only thing left would be to cut them out of your life. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. This entire thread breaks my heart.
  16. I do not trust cops. Not anymore. There is no. such. thing. as innocent until proven guilty in America. Not anymore. And our justice system isn't justice. It's extortion. Having said that, it's really stupid to sit there and argue with the guy with the gun. The boy handled the situation extremely poorly, and I'm willing to guess that he had not been properly taught how to diffuse a situation instead of making it worse. If the family wants to fight against tyranny (or whatever their views are), they'd better be willing to pay the price and having their son thrown in jail because they've taught him to stand up against the police is going to be the least of their worries. Not from a legal perspective, but from a protecting yourself perspective, what he should have done was: diffuse! diffuse! diffuse! be polite and answer the questions explain what he was doing, why, etc. (talking on the phone) sure, refuse the search, but do it politely (and plan on them searching anyway) but at least you've gone on record as refusing don't try to resist the arrest, even if it's falsely made, you're more likely to make things worse for yourself At this point, the best thing he can do is get a lawyer, but he's still gonna get screwed. Now, it's just a matter of how much.
  17. This is wrong, IMO. Either allow everyone to do it, or none at all.
  18. Thirteen seats are thirteen seats. Am I supposed to stagger our seats throughout the auditorium? We'll actually be taking up less seats if we all squish into one pew...and we will be squished to get us all in there. I'd say our pews hold 10 people, snug but comfortable.
  19. I don't think I'm explaining myself very well. If it is acceptable behavior by the host or whoever is in charge, then it is not rude. Speeding is illegal, dangerous, and rude to other drivers on the road. Going through the express checkout with more than the allowable number (even if you get away with it) is rude, even if it is not technically illegal. If whoever is in charge allows spots to be saved, then I suggest that you take advantage of that because most likely, that's how they address keeping large groups together. If they have some other way, then follow that. If there are not enough seats for everyone that is attending, then the host should find a way to address that. Until then, some are going to left be left standing. Those are entitled to feel frustrated, sad, and disappointed. But it is rude to call those who have seats jerks. If saving seats is not allowed or discouraged, then yes, it's rude to do it, even if you can do it and get away with it. If there is an open seating policy, and saving seats is allowed, then go for it. I'm sad for you if you can't. I would be sad myself. But if there's not enough seats, take it up with the host, not those still sitting. Some are going to get prime seats. Some are going to be stuck with less than desirable seats. That's just the way things work. If the theatre has open seating, and you arrive early enough to save seats for you group, go for it. If the theatre does not have open seating and/or saving seats is not allowed or discouraged, and you try to do it anyway, then yes, you are being rude and deserve to be called a jerk. If the church allows (or even encourages) people to arrive early and save seats for their groups, then it is certainly not rude to do so! If the church says no saving seats or no saving seats past a certain time, then it is rude to do so, even if you can get away with it. Sunday night at our church's Christmas cantata, I am going to arrive early and save an entire row for our group of 13 people who I hope will all fit on the one row. I won't be the only one. The church leadership encourages this so that large families can sit together. If, by some chance, there is not enough room for everyone to sit, then extra chairs will brought in and/or some might be asked to give up their seats to guests. And the leadership will be the first to give up their seats for others. In this situation, I don't think I'm being rude at all by saving seats. It's not a one-size-fits-all situation. It's not always rude to save seats. It's not always *not* rude to save seats. Well, I think I've been redundant enough in this post, but hopefully that clarifies my views. If you still disagree, no hard feelings. That's your right.
  20. Taking action to achieve the best possible seating does not mean you think you deserve better seating. It's just utilizing the options that are available to you. It is not rude to save an entire pew if you really need that many seats. It is rude to save an entire pew if you do not. If you need special accommodations, then you will have to take extra steps to make them happen. Again, if the opportunity is available to all, then there is nothing wrong for using that opportunity. If advance tickets are available, then it is not rude to get them in advance. If there is not a line, then you can't cut in line. If there is open seating, and saving seats is available, then it is not rude to take advantage of this. The fact that you can't is sad, but that doesn't mean that others are rude.
  21. If the opportunity is available to all, the fact that you are not personally able to take advantage of this opportunity is sad for you. You have every reason to be frustrated and are entitled to your own feelings. However, it is still not rude for the others to take advantage of the opportunity. Life is full of opportunities where the sad fact is that not everyone is capable of taking advantage of them. That doesn't mean others should stop because someone, somewhere, can't. It is rude to call someone a jerk for taking advantage of opportunities to care for their group.
  22. There is nothing at all rude about making arrangements for your group. This includes saving seats. It is no more rude to save seats than it is for one person to stand in line and purchase tickets for a large group. If what you're doing is open to everyone (saving seats), then it is not rude to take advantage of this. It is rude to begrudge those that make an effort to meet the logistics of their group, even if it inconveniences you. (Being frustrated is understandable. Holding it against someone else because they took advantage of the same opportunities that were open to you is rude.) It is arrogant to assume that one group (adults) has the ability to be there early for an event when another group (kids or elderly) does not. It is rude to save seats that are not being used or to use more room than necessary while others are left to stand. It is rude to remain seated when those who are physically indisposed are left to stand (elderly, pregnant mother or one holding a child, physically injured, etc.). It is the host's responsibility to enforce the behavior they expect from their guests. My NSHO. :D Feel free to flame away.
  23. Yeah. My OB didn't do this either. :glare: It was incredibly frustrating since I only had him and the kids' pediatrician at the time. He referred me to someone, but I wasn't overly impressed w/ the MD. My OB was awesome. The MD, not so much. And no, he really didn't know that much about taking into account my being pregnant. But we did eventually work it out, and I got my sinus infection taken care of. That was several years ago. I doubt it's much better now. If I had to do it over again, I would just go to an non-urgent clinic instead of trying to deal w/ being a new patient at a dr. office. Hope you get to feeling better. :grouphug:
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