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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Yes, your doc has to write a scrip for the Auvi-Q vs the EpiPen. S/he could probably call it in for you, though. Check out the website and see if you like the look of the Auvi-Q. I think having the voice talking one through it might be helpful if you're ever in a position to need help from someone who is not well trained. ETA: Yes, practice with the trainer! And once you've had it long enough for it to expire, use your expired epi or auvi-q to practice on an orange or grapefruit. :)
  2. Oh! Posting again to say that if you are paying out of pocket, you might check the cost of Auvi-Q. When we last filled, before we'd reached our deductible (thus we were paying full price), the Auvi-Q was cheaper. Still expensive, but less. And, you know, the Auvi-Q is just ... cooler. :coolgleamA: So says the resident 10 year old boy who likes that it's smaller and that it talks to you. ETA: They have a $0 copay program, too! https://www.auvi-q.com/sign-up?s_mcid=AVQCO05411PS
  3. S/He's probably talking about the one linked on this page: http://www.epipen.com/ It's a printable card. Your pharmacist can keep it on file for you and they pay up to $100 of your copay each time you fill it. Hope that helps!
  4. We don't have TV, so no news of that sort here. NPR, BBC, online sources. I don't watch videos online, though, so I only read. Except for the Daily Show, that gets a pass. :) Oh, and the WTM forums. :lol:
  5. I'm sorry about your BIL. ALS is a terrible disease. I have lost some family friends to it. :( At this point, what you can best offer him is support and love. Do what you must (block feeds, ignore, etc) so that you an avoid engaging in any type of debate. Right now, his world is falling apart and he is clinging to the only way he knows how to make sense of it all. (I'm not saying I agree with him, at all, only that I wouldn't engage in debate or even discussions about his belief right now.) So, so sorry. :grouphug:
  6. When I first saw the video, all I could think of was ... Prancersizing!!!! There. Now you all have that lovely image in your heads, too. (Ducking and running!)
  7. Does anyone else keep trying to picture this? A romantic moment, in the moonlight perhaps... and someone says, "my darling, I adore your cow eyes"? In what context does someone say this? It is just not something I've heard.
  8. I thought perhaps your friend's child was also a child of the dad here... That simplifies things a bit, if your friend needs to get out of the situation. She can always leave and take her kiddo someplace safe, as a last resort, right? I keep hoping that your friend has a kick butt therapist on board, for herself. Does she? If not, checking out that site I pm'd you might be a good plan - they are helpful in setting up/enforcing boundaries, making plans for self-care, etc. The founder used to be available for one on one counseling/coaching, and she's fantastic. She's a stepmom, too. Your friend can't change her DH's actions here, all she can do is change her response. I think anything that smells like a threat to her or her child calls for a major change. A few things that come to mind, practically: does the stepdaughter have a key to dad's family home? does the family home have an alarm system? I would want to take care of those 2 items fairly quickly, to give your friend a sense of security in her own home. With all of the services that the SD is already receiving, I'm not sure what else can be done, on that end. If your friend can send all the texts (I'm guessing there are others, could be wrong) to the therapists, that would be helpful. Sending strong thoughts to your friend.
  9. I hope you find a solution, what a dreadful situation. Sears service is horrid. Just horrid. I am astounded that they stay in business. We've had a terrible time with them, my mother has had a terrible time, and there've been horror stories here, too. I'm sorry. :grouphug: This should have been easy, fairly painless, and you should be cooking an awesome dinner with that new appliance instead of figuring out how and to whom to complain to get the whole thing fixed!
  10. Is your friend's child the half-sibling of the stepdaughter?
  11. I like Aura by Benjamin Moore. We bought it because it's low VOC, but it is the best quality paint we've ever used. Love it!
  12. Can she share this communication with any of the girl's therapists? At least the family therapist?
  13. I'm a stepmom. The teen years are tough. Is the girl in therapy?
  14. We don't lease a car for our family, but for the past 7 or 8 years, DH has had to deal with leasing a company car for visiting colleagues (they are not from the US, come here to work, live in an apartment and they need a car while they're here). Turning the cars in is always a pain in the neck. Every little ding, basic wear and tear, scratch inside, extra mileage... All of it adds up. And they really are the perfect market - no kids, using it for work only, etc. DH finally convinced the company to just buy a car - this was after running a lot of numbers and figuring out that it makes sense financially and that buying saves money over leasing. :) Turning the keys in on that last leased car was great relief here! I wouldn't feel comfortable leasing with kids, unless you are very strict about keeping it well maintained and cleaned inside - no eating/drinking, etc.
  15. I love paint. It's so easy to change. Mostly I've had good luck with colors, and DH is great at choosing them. But... I recently painted our cabinets with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I distressed them lightly, they are waxed beautifully. And I love them. Really. Our cabinets look brand new. But I don't quite love the way the color looks with our wall color. So I am debating repainting the walls to go with the cabinets ... or the cabinets. Or maybe just dark waxing the cabinets. I don't know. (Help!)
  16. I will check it out, thanks! An update: the Bill Bryson book has gone over very well. :) Listening to it via Audible. Good choice!
  17. Since he's been sick, I wouldn't jump to conclusions. There have been some norovirus like bugs going around here, maybe in your area too? But if you are worried, keep an eye on it. I hope he's feeling better soon!
  18. I love Boston. Have visited a few times, and DH surprised me with a trip to see Jon Stewart there once - great time!!! I would live there in a heartbeat, but it's too cold for me. Never noticed a smell. :) Bring an umbrella. :P
  19. You don't think he's just still sick? Maybe it was just too much after being sick for a few days? I guess I'm confused - was he sick from eggs initially? Just trying to understand what makes you think allergy? (And, yes, you can develop allergies later, I'm just not following everything here probably.)
  20. I am considering getting DS a Kindle Fire for the immersion reading aspect (he has vision issues, and I think this would be helpful). We are mostly iPad people here, so we don't have a need for the apps or online capabilities. We each have Kindle Paperwhites already, and of course - I wish they did Immersion Reading on those. But since they don't, I'm considering the refurbished Fires. I don't want to spend much on this, as it seems silly when we all have iPads and Paperwhites already. Anyone have experience with a refurbished Kindle Fire? The website says Kindle Fire 2nd Gen and up support Immersion Reading, so those are the ones I'm checking out. Any thoughts?
  21. Do you really need the cash? I would be tempted to make this a gift. I see them offered via Freecycle fairly often, and a new one would be only a few dollars more for her, and it would have warranties, etc. I couldn't sell a first gen for that much and feel good about it. Or is she, perhaps, trying to find a way to slip you some cash without seeming to give it to you?
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