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Mama Geek

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Everything posted by Mama Geek

  1. I picked up a fishers set of protractor and compass at walmart for $2 on Friday. We just opened them and they are really nice. They are both metal and the compass has extra lead.
  2. To loose the 10 lbs in 2 weeks it was closer to 10-15 carbs a day. My dh didn't loose that much and the only thing we can figure is that he wasn't eating enough fat. It took about 4 days before the weight started dropping. 40-50 grams a day is about what should keep you in Ketosis after you are good and into it.
  3. early elementary school maybe 8 or so.
  4. I've been doing low carb and over the last 2 weeks after stalling for a month I have only been eating meat, cheese, eggs, oil, vinegar, lettuce, green beans, and spinach. I dropped 10 lbs in 2 weeks and am doing it 1 more week with dh. I will move to a more flexible ketogenic diet after that, and try to leave the bread, and stuff alone that made me quit loosing. I am going with my dd, mom, and brother to the NC mountains this fall and I really want to do some easy day hiking with them and it will be so much easier with less weight.
  5. As of this weekend I am down 35 lbs since the end of Feb/beginning of March! I still have a long way to go, but it is good progress. If you have any good news feel free to share.
  6. I had a good weekend and am in the middle of 2 Samuel. I read most of yesterday's aloud because dd likes to hear me read it and I didn't do it at my usual time which is early in the morning.
  7. Another day done. I am almost done with 1 Samuel. I decided to just read and just read the KJV. I am coming to the conclusion that I am going to have to go back and do some of this again in something like the NIV. I am also now wanting to get study books to go along with each book of the bible. Maybe I will redo this after we are done in 6 months and do a study with it.
  8. I am still doing well. I am into 1st Samuel.
  9. Dd can do all of it. I am not sure if I can get out of the pool or not in the deep end. I probably could but don't know for sure.
  10. You can do it, if need be catch up over 2 days.
  11. I have had black friends that I saw pretty often when I have lived in different areas. I do not have that where I am now. I voted no not currently.
  12. I am done. The only stuff that I have is a bible atlas and a timeline. Slache you might find something on the web or ask in the larger group. I would assume there are some jews on the forum that could help.
  13. That is kind of how I feel too. If I read it when the time comes I might read it in NIV instead of KJV, just for a little better understanding.
  14. I do a little bible study each morning with DD. Usually they are short readings. This morning it was the entire book of Ruth. I am tempted to count that towards my reading.
  15. How is everyone doing. I didn't even realize that I didn't post yesterday...I finished through Joshua 14 today. I am glad the Israelites have finally made it to the promised land.
  16. You could have joined. Everyone is reading their own way. Some are chronological some are from beginning to end. Mostly in that thread we are just encouraging each other to read and bringing up things that we notice. It isn't formal and just something to hold us accountable.
  17. If you are willing to put the effort in to teaching your kids to swim and then still be diligent about watching them, I would say yes. I have a pool and dd knew how to swim and get out of the pool by the time she turned 2.
  18. I would like to talk to this story in particular and give a different perspective. I read the story of Abraham and Isaac to my dd, who is 5, weeks ago. She keeps going back to it because the mother loved the child and was willing to sacrifice being in the child's life to save the child. She understands that the intent was to figure out who the real mother was. It is one of the stories she really likes.
  19. Joining the group that is reading the bible in 90 days got me to thinking I wonder how many have read the bible cover to cover. I'll admit until now i have skipped around and read large chunks at times, but I am sure that I probably have missed parts of it. By the way I am learning tons, by reading an hour a day in order to read the whole bible in 90 days. So here is the poll.
  20. Today (Saturday) is Day 13. The quick view bible looks interesting. I do have a bible atlas that I like fairly well, but it doesn't have lots of the other stuff in it. Considering we own probably a dozen bibles and yet I end up reading mostly online at bible gateway dh might just shoot me if I bought another one. I finished reading through Deuteronomy 7 this morning. I did a little research online about Joshua son of Nun since he has been appointed to lead the Israelites after Moses. I am looking forward to diving into Joshua and seeing them get to Canaan.
  21. I had that problem with Leviticus. There were times that I did audio and read and that helped.
  22. My 5 year old came in and wanted to help me clean the bathrooms and vacuum today and later in the day she helped fold laundry. Don't know how long it will last but I am loving it.
  23. I have been reading a rather large family's journal that through hiked the AT. They talk about staying in hotels and eating out fairly frequently. I am curious as to how much the average through hiker does that and what are your plans for that?
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