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Mom in High Heels

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Everything posted by Mom in High Heels

  1. I would argue that the other best show ever made was Stargate SG1. :D Yep, we must bring more down with us, so we can have someone to commiserate with. A voucher for grief counseling would be nice. Maybe a few sessions, as you can't get over it in just one session (or ever, really). We have the graphic novels. I liked them, except for the one about Book. It wasn't well drawn, and a lot of it didn't make sense. There is a series of comics out (there are still more to come, IIRC) called Leaves on the Wind. We don't have them yet though.
  2. You've never seen Firefly or Castle? Do you live under a rock? This. Tragically short. Be prepared for serious withdrawal after you finish the season and Serenity. I can't even tell you how many time we've watched the shows and movie. It got canceled before its time. I wonder if the people at Fox who canceled it kick themselves on a daily basis? It could have been a HUGE cash cow.
  3. There are many Hispanic name tapes in the military that have really tiny lettering, because their last names are so long. Some have just done the last two names hyphenated, but they are still quite long! I can't imagine what it must be like for a senior enlisted or officer who is yelling at them, which happens a lot in the military.
  4. You can't tackle anything, you're going to the fair! I wish we could go today to meet you, but we're going tomorrow. Have fun.
  5. Several of my cousins have done this, and quite a few of my friends. Of course a lot of my friends either hyphenated or simply kept their maiden name and didn't take their dhs' name at all. I wasn't keen of giving up my last name, but since I go by my middle name, it would mean giving up my first name, which is my grandmother's middle name, and my mom would have had a stroke if I'd done that. I'm the only grandchild (out of 25), who has her name. I've never gone by it though. Haha! This is me. I have never, since birth, gone by my first name. When James Bond and I first got married, and I had a first and last name I wasn't used to, I constantly forgot to answer if I was at an appt or whatever. After 20 years, I'm now used to the last name, so I catch that if I'm called, but a lot of places now just use the first name, so it takes me a second or two to catch on. My parents always planned on calling me by my middle name, so WHY they decided to not give it as the first name is beyond me.
  6. Not on my side, but on James Bond's side, all the first born guys have the same first and middle name. One goes by the first name, one by the second name, and the next by both names. It's confusing, but not as much as if they all went by the first name. I really don't like it. I like kids having their own names. My grandfather hated his name, yet saddled his oldest son with it. WHY? There's no tradition on my dad's side of the family, though my dad's middle name is his dad's first name. Actually, my grandfather only had one name, so it's not like they could pass on a first and middle. BTW, my dad is the youngest of 9, and he's the only one that got a name passed to him. On my dad's side there are no Sr.'s or Jr.'s at all. In my mom's family, the family's last name is the middle name of so many boys born to the female side of the family, it's not funny. Indy is the only one who has it for a first name. Han Solo's middle name is my great grandfather's first name, which was HIS grandmother's maiden name. Yes, they are family names, but it's not traditional to pass them on.
  7. I like the one with the diamonds on the sides. I'd make sure the diamonds are low set though. With a wider band though, they might be lower, than on a thin band. This. I have a gorgeous ring that has a 1c marquis stone in the middle, with 3 round diamonds on each side (going across the band), and 2 baguettes below those. It catches on a lot of stuff, and I've actually nicked both my boys with it more than once. Yikes. My wedding band matches the stones perfectly, but where the marquis is on the engagement band, there are 2 baguette stones. Sometimes I just wear that one, and I always take the larger ring off at night because it's snagged on the sheets. It's pretty, but sometimes it's annoying, especially when I cut Han Solo across the cheek once, and he has a slice mark on him for about a week. Bad Mommy!
  8. We had floor "mothers" who made sure the girls weren't doing things they shouldn't. They were good about supervising, and were more aunt than warden. It's not at all like depicted in Hogwarts! Those kids had an awful lot of latitude. At my school, you were where you were supposed to be, when you were supposed to be, or there was big trouble. If your grades slipped, you lost privileges, like lounge time, or leaving the grounds. Girls 16 and older could leave the grounds for a few hours, as long as they let the dorm mother know where they were going to be, and called to check in once an hour. I can't say that everyone was actually where they said they would be, but, well, what are you going to do?
  9. Nope. You need to stop this. If you're miserable, and it sounds like she's miserable, why bother? Offer to have the kids over for a weekend, but don't go on a vacation with her. That's not a vacation. I've decided that as much as I love my mom, I cannot go on vacation with her again. She complains NON STOP, and it ruins our fun. I paid in full for her to go on a 14 day Mediterranean cruise with me and the boys, and all she did was gripe. This was not a cheap trip! Now she talks about how wonderful it was, but at the time, it was just bitch, bitch, bitch. We (the boys and I) went to Disney World and Universal Studios with them a few months ago, and again, bitch, bitch, bitch. Even Indy was getting tired of it. He asked me how she could be such a grump in Disney World. We had a great time, despite this, but at night when we were at the hotel, or when we were at meals, we couldn't avoid it. Ack. James Bond has said if we want to continue, we're welcome to, but he was OUT. My mom offered to let Indy stay a few weeks at her house after Han Solo and I flew home, but he turned her down. When I asked why, he said he wouldn't be able to stand the constant complaining.
  10. In the US, I wait, because it's usually not long before everyone is served. Besides, it's just polite. If it as someone's house and the host/hostess tell people to eat, then their word is what goes. In Europe, it's different though. At many restaurants, the food is brought out as it's ready, and if you wait, it will go cold. We've had as much as 15-20 minutes between dishes being brought out. Whoever has their food eats, and then waits while the others eat. Meals take a long time, and that could be why. It could also be why there is so much talking and drinking. ;)
  11. Thanks! I appreciate it. There are grammatical errors in them, and wording I would change, but they weren't beta read, so I'm okay with it. Let me know what you think after you read Staying Behind fully. I would add a lot more to it now, to make it longer, but I still think it works as is. I do better working on a laptop when I'm actually writing, but I find it viscerally satisfying to actually put pen to paper sometimes. If I scribble it out on paper, it seems to stick better in my head if I write it instead of typing. I do type it as well, but it really "sticks" if I hand write it. I always take a notebook with me when I'm out and about, because sometimes I get ideas for whatever I'm working on, and if I don't get it down on paper it'll just go away. Often when I'm physically writing, things seem to flow faster and easier. Does that make any sense?
  12. I usually scribble that down on a pad right away, so they don't fade. I have had loads and loads of them fade, so I keep a little notebook right by my bed. Later (I shoot for the same day), I save them to an "ideas" file on my computer, because papers and pads tend to walk away in my house. I just type in what I wrote down, and sometimes as I'm typing, I remember more of the dream, or I come up with ideas to add to the dream. I don't give each idea its own file, just skip a few lines on one doc, with a row of ****** between them. If I expand on the idea, and turn it into a story, it then gets moved to it's own file, and I keep the "scribblings" at the top of the story, incase I need to refer back to it as I write. I write Stargate fan fiction (cause that's how I roll!), and two of the stories have started as dreams. Always Find You, which is a "one shot" (meaning just a scene from a story) came to me in a dream, and I scribbled it down. Once I thought about it a bit, I wrote it out, adding more detail. One shots are frequent in fan fiction, so I published it. I may one day decide to expand on it and make a larger story, in which this is a scene, but for now, I've got too many other stories in the works to spend too much time on it. Staying Behind also came to me in a dream. Actually, just the very end was in the dream, but I expanded it to make a short scene. It can stand alone, without being part of another story, as it's really more of a character study (I guess). BTW, this is one of my stories that got nominated for an award.
  13. Frequently, but I have to write it down ASAP or I forget. I've actually used some of my dreams as basis for my fan fiction stories. I hope to see what you come up with!
  14. Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about GSWL! We loved that book so much. I wish there were more in the series.
  15. Not that I'm doubting you Susan, but I just can't understand this. I mean, how are Twitter, Pinterest and FB still up? I KNOW people don't own those photos. Heck, half the blogs and boards I frequent would have to be taken down simply because of the overload of photos. It just doesn't make sense how it would apply to this board and not anything else. I'm going to go through and delete photos, but I'm still not getting it.
  16. TN is where I sold real estate, and like I said that one was the only closing where the sellers and buyers weren't in the same room. Now, I did have a few closings where the buyer was out of state, and some where the closings were at separate times, simply because the closing company couldn't find a time that worked for both parties. They were all civil closings. All the other closings were in the same room at the same time. The banks always had the checks sent to the closing company before the actual closing-sign-your-name-a-millioon-times sit down happened. After everything was signed, the sellers were given their checks, keys were passed over to the buyer, and everyone went on their merry little way. The buyers and sellers usually even shook hands. It was all so easy and everyone walked away happy.
  17. I used to sell real estate, and I only ever had one closing where the buyer and seller weren't in the same room. The seller was a complete ass, and furious with the buyer for reasons that make no sense. The seller was mad because the buyer wouldn't pay more than the list price (um, what?) and asked that the security system, which the buyer didn't want, be disconnected rather than take over the contract. The seller had to pay a $100 disconnection fee. I was the seller's agent, BTW, and almost dropped him as a client, because he would call me every.freaking.day. to gripe and moan for an hour or two. After a few weeks of this, I usually just put the phone down while I read a book and made the occasional "uh-huh" sounds.
  18. I think Minimus is great, but I don't know how good it is for "prepping." For young children thoughWe started Cambridge in 6th grade, but if I'd found it earlier, I'd have used it in 5th grade, maybe 4th, depending on the maturity of the child.
  19. Get with the program! You MUST watch Firefly, and the movie Serenity that "finished" it up.
  20. I can't believe I forgot to put down Firefly! How silly of me. I forgot about Homefront. I loved that show.
  21. We like the Goldbergs, but it's not a show I'm anxiously awaiting. I think it's funny, but it's not one I'm chomping at the bit for.
  22. There are loads of transportation options to get to the fair so you don't have to drive and worry about parking.
  23. We're all looking forward to shows, but I want to know what shows that are no longer on that you miss. Even though you can see them on reruns, what would you love to see MORE of? Stargate SG1 Stargate Atlantis Pushing Daisies Life MacGyver Magnum, PI (I'd love an updated version of this show) Gilmore Girls
  24. We're Continuum binging right now! We're almost done with S3. What will be do???? Has Continuum been renewed? I haven't heard. I lurve it! Okay, now to the shows I'm waiting on: Once Upon a Time! Once Upon a Time! Once Upon a Time!!!!! Squeeeee!!!!! The Blacklist Sleepy Hollow Big Bang Theory Brooklyn 99 The Mindy Project Downton Abbey Agents of SHIELD Elementary Castle (though I'm still pissed about the season finale) If only I could say I'm waiting for Sherlock, but who knows when they will actually air. Sigh. ETA: The Following!!! That show is so bad is awesome. Also, Kevin Bacon! It's a summer show, but I can't wait for the next season of The Last Ship. It's another so bad you can't watch it. My dad and I laughed on the phone one night because of the insanity of the Cpt going out on all these missions. My dad is retired navy and loves to call BS on the things they do.
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