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Everything posted by Negin

  1. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: This is so true for me. Thought of your post all day yesterday and did a thorough search for it again this morning until I found it. :D
  2. Yoga, yoga, yoga :) I have never met a yogini with poor posture. Editing: I'd give her a choice or have alternate between either Yoga or Pilates, etc. type stuff - as others have suggested - DVDs or classes - until she finds something she loves If you have a rebounder - that helps a lot also. Rebounding has many amazing benefits. The key is that at her age, she needs to like what she's doing. Forcing her won't be sustainable over the long-term.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. I was so sad when the HP series ended - both times, mind you. We're huge HP fans. Thank you. :) Yes, vacations are seldom long enough ... :grouphug: Stacia, thanks for this review. :)
  4. :iagree: I think you would look even more gorgeous and beautiful than you already do. :grouphug: I can relate to the too much hair weighing me down problem. My hairdresser is wonderful. She listens to me and doesn't rush. As far as eyebrows go, personal decision ... mine have naturally been out of control, I have them waxed once a month or so. I never do anything to them myself. Again, personal decision. Some thread. Others wax. But I know myself and my limitations. And brows are not my area of expertise. :lol:
  5. I might start a new thread on dark circles. Somehow, I feel that I recently started a thread on this ... or there was one. Need to do a search. Thanks for the hydrogen peroxide Waterpic tip. Maybe finally I'll get to start using a Waterpic. I'm the only one in the family who doesn't. Not good. Not good at all ... :tongue_smilie: Dawn, my avatar pic makes me look a bit darker than I really am. I'm actually more olive skinned than the average Caucasian, but quite white for an Iranian. If you go to my user page or whatever, my profile pic shows me more accurately in my naturally slightly paler complexion. Off to either start a new thread or to post tips here later.
  6. Yes, I thought the article was very interesting and almost posted it here also.
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D :grouphug:
  9. I like this approach. Once a year/every 6 months shouldn't be harmful, I don't think and is quite affordable. These strips are certainly not cheap. I'm not Shelly. I did use these a few years ago. My teeth are not perfectly straight, but I think they are quite bendable and flexible. Actually, I wish others could tell me what to do ... :lol: Right now, I have a looooong word document on this. It's overwhelming and I don't know what works. Haven't had time to really look at it. I'd like to start a thread on that when I have time. If anyone has any tips that actually work, would really appreciate it. I do know that they may be caused by: • Age (dark circles are more prominent as we age because the skin gets thinner and blood vessels under the eyes become more visible) • Allergies (one of the most common causes) • Dehydration – not enough water • Food Allergies • Gluten Sensitivities • Heredity • Liver congestion • Excessive use of drugs and medication • Nutrient Deficiency and an unbalanced diet • Poor Sleep Habits • Stress • Too Much Sugar • Weak Kidney Energy Good to know. Thank you. Will be doing that later today. When I remember, I try to brush my teeth with baking soda a few times a week, at least. When I remember, that is ... ;)
  10. I just realized that he has written another book, which I think looks interesting.
  11. Added the HP book to my wish list. :) Yes, Heathcliff is a monster. I need to re-read that book. I went through a phase a few years ago when I read so many classics. I really want to read this. Finished Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading other Flavia books. I'm busy reading some travel books before our trip - mainly Rick Steves. Also, will be re-reading the U.K. chapter in one of my very favorite non-fiction books at the moment - The Geography of Bliss. Very accurate and humorous. Also, quite deep. :thumbup: Wish he would come out with more books.
  12. And no sign of Mr. Frumble on that page ... :lol: ... love Richard Scarry and Mr. Frumble. :D
  13. Sorry. :grouphug: I should ask you when I have doubts about some books also. :) Lucky you! I want the same dreams. Think I need to read this book. :D
  14. I'm getting older and more self-conscious about 2 things ... not overly obsessed, just slightly concerned: 1. dark shadows under eyes - sleep doesn't make a difference really :confused: 2. teeth not as white as they used to be - herbal teas, green teas, coffee, etc. do not help the situation So, did some research and here's what I came up with for #2. If anyone has more tips to share, please do so. Also, if you have tips for #1, please feel free to share those also. :D Strawberries may help whiten teeth because they contain an enzyme called malic acid, which can be found in some whitening toothpastes. You can mash up the strawberry or just rub it on your teeth, cut in half. Leave the juice on your teeth for one minute and then rinse with water. The fiber in strawberries also behaves as a natural cleaner by removing bacteria from the teeth and mouth. Apples, Celery, and Carrots These fruits and veggies act like natural stain removers. They increase saliva production, which is the body's built-in cleaning agent. It may sound hard to believe, but some people swear that rubbing raw carrot sticks on your teeth will make them look brighter. These foods are high in vitamin C, which prevents gum disease and gingivitis and kills odor-causing bacteria. Citrus fruit, such as oranges and pineapples, also cause the mouth to produce more saliva, which help clean the teeth and whiten your smile. Just as they naturally 'bleach' your hair, lemons will lighten and brighten your teeth. Rinse with half water, half lemon juice once or twice a week. However, do not rinse with this concoction more than two times a week and do not rinse with straight lemon juice. Overdoing it would be too acidic, which can be damaging to the teeth. All of the experts agreed that baking soda is one of the strongest -- and safest -- whitening ingredients out there because it's an acid neutralizer that gently removes stains and buildup from the enamel. If this mild abrasive agent is not already mixed into your toothpaste, you can sprinkle a bit on top of your paste each day. Brush with straight baking soda twice a month. This is similar to what your dental hygienist does. When drinking dark beverages, like soda or grape juice, sip them through a straw. The straw allows food dyes to bypass teeth altogether. Rinsing with Hydrogen Peroxide a couple of times a month can also brighten your smile, thanks to its oxidizing agents. Many mouthwashes are alcohol based, but hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic. Mouthwash kills existing bacteria, but hydrogen peroxide prevents the growth of bacteria. You can gargle daily with hydrogen peroxide, but it always needs to be done in a 50/50 solution with water. Hydrogen peroxide is good for preventing infections and can also be helpful for preventing bad breath, which is often caused by bacteria. Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide with water (about one tablespoon each) and swish around teeth for 60 seconds. After a minute, spit it out, leaving the bubbling and whitening action of the peroxide [to] sit on teeth for another minute or two, then rinse mouth with water. Brush and Strip - I don't like to use these more than once a year, max. Call me paranoid or whatever. I have read time and time again, that excessive use of whitening products are not good overall and may lead to increased risk of oral cancer. Crest Weekly Clean is a good product because it contains heavy silica ingredients that work to brush stains away. Most over-the-counter whitening strips contain a peroxide-based whitening gel to brighten teeth. Crest 2-Hour Express Whitestrips, which are made with an advanced-seal, no-slip technology that allows you to talk, drink water and go about your day are also said to be good. Someone on another board who works in a dental office say that they always recommend starting with these. I saved some tips on using this from amazon. Using it every other day helps. Try oil pulling with sunflower oil. I keep reading about this and have yet to try it. Some say that teeth and gums look healthier. I always thought that one should brush immediately after tea, coffee, etc. I still do this. But then I read that doing this too soon after may cause teeth to discolor :confused:. That you have to wait about 20 minutes for the "spit coat" to form and protect your enamel. Anyone know anything about this? Thoroughly confused. The best bet, I guess, is to avoid all that - yet green tea and herb teas are good for us ... and I don't think I could live without those.
  15. Me too, probably more since my 20s or early 30s. Just for anyone's interest - unlike what some fear, pain does not necessarily mean the c word. I'm quite sure that my shooting pains are hormonal. Just because you have a lump in your breast doesn’t mean you have cancer. Pseudo Lump is breast tissue approaching 1 inch in diameter that has formed into a lump, such as a pocket of dead fat or scar tissue that resulted from trauma caused by surgery or injury. Lumpiness – little bumps that are approximately one-eighth inch in diameter. Harmless and perfectly natural – and has not been linked to later development of breast cancer Cyst – These lumps are fluid-filled sacs that are most common in women between 30 and 55 They feel squishy near the surface Those that are more deeply embedded in breast tissue feel harder Fibroid or Fibroadenoma is a lump ranging from half an inch to 2 ½ inches or larger. A rare cancer occurs in about 1% of all these lumps (usually the larger ones). This type of cancer is relatively harmless because it doesn’t spread. You’ve got plenty of time to look at all your options. Cancer Lump – By the time a cancerous lump is large enough for you to feel, it’s usually grown about half an inch in diameter. If a cancerous lump is much smaller, you won’t feel it. In the early stages, a lump of cancerous cells feels like normal tissue. It will not change with menstrual cycles and is rarely painful. Unless the type of cancer you have is extremely aggressive, you still have time to get information and examine your options.
  16. Laundry room and only laundry room for us - too hot and humid here. Too gross to do otherwise.
  17. Peela, thank you as always for your very helpful feedback and incredible wisdom. :grouphug: :iagree: and great reminders. Thank you for reminding me to practice what I already know ... How hungry are you right now? 1. Physically faint 2. Ravenous 3. Fairly hungry 4. Slightly hungry 5. Neutral 6. Pleasantly satisfied 7. Full 8. Stuffed 9. Bloated 10. Nauseous Each person is different, but as a general rule, you’ll want to eat whenever you notice yourself between 3 and 4 on the scale – that is, when you are fairly hungry, but before you become ravenous. If you wait until you get down to 1 or 2, your body will go into starvation mode and you’ll wind up eating more than your body needs and storing the excess as fat. Practice tuning in to your body once an hour and giving yourself a number from 1 to 10 until you begin to notice differences between different points on the hunger scale. The more you practice tuning in to your own hunger, the sooner you’ll be able to recognize your body’s subtle signals long before your stomach growls and your brain starts to get fuzzy.
  18. By American standards, we're all equally liberal and Democrat, very much towards things like universal health care, etc.
  19. If I lived somewhere where this was available (unlike here) and I had the funds, I would join WW. That's it. The success rate is amazing. All clear and laid out. Not a fad diet. Looking forward to hearing what others have to say. The No S diet is also popular, but, to me, not very clear and laid out the way you describe. Weight loss is VERY slow on it, it seems. They do have a book, but it's not needed. There are other plans, but many are a bit on the fad side. Again, I think WW is the way to go.
  20. :iagree: Couldn't stand this. This looks interesting. Please share as you move further into the book. :)
  21. I had no idea about this at all. I thought that one could not eat more than 3 meals per day on the no s diet. Wow, learn something new every day. :) But how would say 5 meals work? Wouldn't the other 2 meals feel like snacks? :confused: Anyone have any examples? I also hate and love food. In fact, I wish that I hated it more. I seem to love it a bit too much. ;)
  22. Fun books: Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg and most of her books - very sweet and light - and quite funny - this is the first one that came to my mind when reading your post Funny in Farsi - if you need a nice laugh as well as her other book Laughing without an Accent The Help ... great book, but not always fun, fun parts for sure The Geography of Bliss – non-fiction, very insightful, fun, but again, non-fiction
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