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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I just want to thank everyone for their really, really helpful replies :grouphug:. I'm busy copying and pasting everything into a word document to read later, since I read better that way. :) I may soon post with additional questions if no one minds. Thank you again.
  2. 7 or so more years to go. Probably get back to work in our family business. And sleep, lots and lots of sleep. I know for a fact that I'll cry a lot and have a mid-life crisis. I know that I'll be very depressed when they leave home. I dread that. They'll be leaving home right around menopause and hormonal imbalance. Not pretty at all. :iagree: :lol:
  3. I'd like to read this a few more times. Not sure if it's been mentioned here already, since I've been offline for a little while.
  4. I need variety. I love DVDs, but I also love swimming, rebounding, and walking outdoors. Too much of anything, even the things I love the most, bore me. Plus, variety is better for overall health and challenging the muscles.
  5. I diagnosed my mom with celiac. She'd been suffering for a while. I happened to read about celiac and suggested she cut out gluten. She felt much better within days. Apparently, the average person with celiac suffers for up to 11 years (!!!) before doctors realize what it is. :glare: :iagree: :grouphug:
  6. Will be going for a swim in the next hour or so.
  7. Bar Method: Designer Sculpting - this is one of my favorite Bar Methods.
  8. Stacia, hope your day was a lovely one. :grouphug:
  9. Aerobics Trying to remember as often as I can. :D Wonderful. Have been thinking of you. :grouphug:
  10. Sorry about the slightly tacky card ;), but this is really how I feel - you're always so sweet and kind to everyone here :grouphug:. Hope your day is a great one. :D
  11. I'm looking for a latin workbook-type program. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. What I like: * Workbook format * User-friendly and minimal work for me :) * Mainly vocabulary-focused * Preferably engaging and not too dry * my main reason for wanting them to study Latin is to improve vocabulary test scores I'm looking at Galore Park - Latin Prep. Also this one. If you have any suggestions, please share. Thank you.
  12. I have this problem also. When I style my hair, particularly when I use my CHI straightening iron, I notice more hair loss. When I do nothing with it and just embrace the crazy frizz :glare:, there's less hair loss ... For me, it makes no difference what I use. Just styling and using heat exacerbates any hair loss. I've known a few women who barely ever did anything with their hair and who experienced very little hair loss. Most I know who did a lot - blow drying, styling, etc. - have had far more hair loss. Yes. Some things may help. Just takes a lot of time and patience. This thread might help. I posted lots of tips there. Yes. In my case, it's due to more greys. The grey hairs are the frizzy and coarse ones.
  13. :D :grouphug: :D So proud of you. Takes a lot of courage. :party: Wendy, me too. Standing up anywhere never works for me. :lol:
  14. Stacia, that's good to know. I'm enjoying it. My only challenge these days is having a hard time focusing on pretty much any book. :confused: I really don't like this problem and it's so unlike me. The more I read, the more I dislike Mozart. Always loved his music. As dh reminds me, I have to separate the art from the artist. ;) Me neither. ;) Thanks for this. It looks good.
  15. Callanetics: 10 Hour Challenge That's nice. :D Great job. :) I hear you on the hydration thing. It's hard to be hydrated and yet not feel overly bloated, particularly with workouts like running, swimming, etc. Wonderful! :D
  16. My reading is extremely slow these days. I'm reading Mozart's Wife.
  17. Rebounding :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: It's quite a good one. :)
  18. I didn't see a new thread for this week, so I'm starting one now. Today, I did: Ellen Barrett: Skinny Sculpt
  19. Emma, I grew up in the UK and can relate. I used to drink milk as if it was going out of style. I still love the stuff, but just happen to drink much less of it now. I love ice cream and dairy and it's hard to completely cut them out - for me, anyway. I do think that there are many factors. Yes, pasteurization has its definite drawbacks. Also, cows in the U.S., at least, are often given hormones, which can give us humans so many problems. Never mind the fact that all milk makes our bodies more acidic. This is not necessarily the worst thing, but can be if our diets are already quite acidic. Too much of anything can't be very good. Too much milk may lead to cancer, especially breast; acne; osteoporosis; asthma and allergies, etc. I don't know much at all and am sure that you know far more. :) Raw milk, I'm sure is much healthier than pasteurized. You're lucky to have access to it where you live. Thank you for this. Very true. Yes. I love goat's cheese and I also love plain yogurt. I've been told by my naturopath friends that both are good. Thank you for this. :)
  20. :iagree: I have yet to be disappointed by anything Ellen Barrett.
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