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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Am about to do: Callanetics 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours
  2. This looks really good and I love the cover. :D Thank you. :grouphug: I missed you also. :grouphug: This looks really interesting. :)
  3. I've enjoyed some of her books. My problem is that I don't remember which ones I've read. I don't think that I'll read The Accidental Tourist since I saw the movie (many years ago). Would like to start reading some of her stuff again. :)
  4. In the past few weeks while traveling I didn't get as much reading done as I had hoped I would, but that's okay. Had a great time anyway. I started and gave up on a few books. They failed my 10% Rule. I read the following: The Enchanted April - which I liked a lot, even though I thought that it ended a bit abruptly. Liked it a lot nonetheless. 4 Stars The Litigators - 2 Stars - Much prefer his older stuff Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure: The True Story of a Great American Road Trip - 4 Stars - I don't know much American history or about most of the Presidents, and barely knew anything at all about Truman. Enjoyed this one a lot. What really touched me was the incredible amount of love he had for his wife. Very sweet. Also loved the author's writing style. Very engaging. I just started Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns - absolutely hilarious :smilielol5: - love it so far. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time
  5. You're most welcome. :grouphug: :iagree: and can fully relate. That's how I pronounce it. I think that's how I heard it be pronounced on The Today Show or GMA years ago.
  6. I hope it's okay for me to start this thread. We've been away and I haven't seen this thread for a while. I've missed you all. :grouphug: Just starting to exercise once again. We got tons and tons of walking done in NYC, but other than that, I feel so very out of shape and like a complete blob. The rest of the time was spent eating a lot of yummy food that's not to be found in this part of the world. That and not moving around enough. Am about to go swimming very soon. Can't wait :D. It's been a long time. Reminder/Words of Encouragement: Your acceptance of aging will add peace to your path, and you will be all the more beautiful because of it. Happy workouts everyone and hope your day/week is a great one.
  7. Good for you for being willing to give her another try. Do bear in mind that she's generally light and fluffy. I started reading her books when I was in my late teens and I've read them all. I just googled her page and am so sad to hear that she just passed away a few weeks ago. :( She was one of those authors that I always dreamed of meeting. The first book I read by her was Echoes. Liked it a lot. Don't remember it much. Loved Circle of Friends - even better than the movie, which is usually the case anyway. Many of the characters in her books appear again and again, more so her later books, so it may help to read them in order, but you don't have to. That link lists her books in order. As with any author, even the best ones, I wouldn't recommend reading them back-to-back. I would take a break and read a new one every few months or so or else it's overkill. ;) I can't remember which book I've loved the most. I haven't particularly disliked any of them, but some have been far better than others. I'd probably go with Echoes, Firefly Summer, or Silver Wedding - probably because of order of publication. I also happen to have liked her earlier books more. :grouphug: Stacia, you're so very sweet and kind and I have really missed you. Thought of you a lot in NYC. :grouphug: Rosie, go on! :D Please! :lol:
  8. We were away for a few weeks. Nice to be back and go through this thread. I started a few books and gave up on them after my 10% Rule. I'll post tomorrow on the new thread as to the books I've completed. This is by far my favorite thread on these boards. Since we basically live in the middle of nowhere, when we do get to visit more developed countries, it feels so comforting and nice to see books in bookstores and realize that I'm really not out of it. Most of it is thanks to this thread and all the great suggestions. :grouphug: I read this several years ago and tried so very hard to implement it. I'm a Life Skills flunkie, at least as far as implementing it in a way to get through to my dc. :blush: I really enjoyed the former earlier this year. I've added the latter to my wish list. Sorry it wasn't the best for you. She's one of my favorite authors. as far as light and fluffy goes anyway. I read Light a Penny Candle many years ago. Not one of her best, if I recall. This has been on my wish list for the longest while. I haven't been able to ever really decide on buying it or not. May look into this again after all. Good to know. If I do read these, it'll be on my Kindle for sure. Can't have others see that I'm reading them. ;) We all loved this when we read it a few years ago. Can't wait to start reading the former, hopefully soon. Too many books to read and too little time. Loved Middlesex. :) Hopefully it has gotten a bit better by now. If not, agreeing with Stacia, feel fine to quit. :) Personally, I loved it. Never thought I would. I was very skeptical about this book. For me, it was one of those books that I just couldn't stop talking about and thinking about for weeks after. I still think and remember the characters clearly. Months later. Sounds weird to say, but the story has made me a bit more compassionate, I think. :iagree: and I really love the quote you shared. Makes me miss the book even more. Read this earlier this year. Liked it a lot, but can't say I loved it. Loved this. Love all his books. I wish you would post that thread, Rosie. :D Rosie, I read this a few years ago and it's because of the ending that I refuse to read any others by him. Love the movie "The Notebook", but I don't care for his books.
  9. Thank you again. Looking forward to receiving it. :)
  10. Redsquirrel mentioned a vitamin C capsule method for fading spots and for helping to even out skin tone. I wonder: * Should I look for a low-dose Vitamin A ointment for her acne scars? or * Vitamin E capsules? or * the Vitamin C tip mentioned? Thank you.
  11. Is this relatively oil-free? I wonder if I can have my dc use it on their acne-prone skin. This is very interesting and I think I'd like to try it. I don't have many dark spots. Redsquirrel and any others (sorry to hijack this thread a bit). I asked here and so far no one has replied: Our esthetician told dd to use a very low-dose Vitamin A ointment/cream for dd's acne scars. I couldn't find one. My common sense tells me to have her use a Vitamin E capsule on the scars every night or so. I've always known that Vitamin E is said to be great for scars, etc. I wonder: * Should I look for a low-dose Vitamin A ointment for her acne scars? or * Vitamin E capsules? or * the Vitamin C tip mentioned? Thank you.
  12. Thank you for this. Amazon carries it also, which is good, since the above link is pretty much all out of stock. Quick question: will this work for thick colored pencils? Thank you all so much.
  13. I'm trying to order Becca Beach Tint in Watermelon. Everywhere seems to be out of stock. Do you know of any places online that may have it? I've been googling. Or should I try any particular stores that may carry it? If not, other suggestions? Thank you again, so much. :grouphug:
  14. Unfortunately, dd has been picking at her face and now has some acne scars. Vitamin E capsules haven't been working that well. I thought they would. Her skin is quite sensitive. Our esthetician, whose opinion I greatly respect, said that she needs to use a low-dose (I think she said low-dose) Vitamin A cream. Can anyone suggest a good one or anything else that's good - something that's preferably effective and soothing, that is, not too irritating? Thank you.
  15. I don't have much time to reply the way I normally do - loooong posts ;). I'll link some similar threads and hope they help. I've posted what I know in these. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=367990&highlight=strivectin http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=361697&highlight=strivectin http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=265925&highlight=strivectin http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=257033&highlight=strivectin http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=240062&highlight=strivectin http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=237933&highlight=strivectin http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=233267&highlight=strivectin
  16. This looks good. Ronette, you're so sweet :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:. Same here. I love all your posts. And although I might not always reply to them, I love reading them. :) I can't wait to get one of her books very soon. :D This looks good. Thank you. I just started this book, although I'm getting very little reading done at the moment with last-minute travel stuff and packing. Liking it so far and am learning a lot.
  17. I don't mind raunchy. I do mind bad writing, which, I've heard is a huge problem with 50 Shades. Thank you. Added it to my wish list. :) I enjoyed the movie, but don't think I'd like the books. Our dd has liked the books. Thank you. :) Thank you, Chris. If I do get it (and it sounds quite good), I won't get the Kindle version. :) Thank you, also. This is very good to know. I'm crazy about the movies. Just love them. They even sell the books here, so I won't need to order them. :iagree: That's true for me also. Story for me is pretty much everything. I'm sure that even if I had read 50 Shades and IF I'd liked it a lot, I would have barely noticed the bad writing. Will look into it. Yes, you are correct. I don't read the fantasy genre much. I read and really liked Stones from the River many years ago. I normally love Dickens and we have them all. Can't handle it right now. Too heavy for now. :lol: Thank you. :) Any favorites or ones you recommend first? Thanks for this warning. Not sure if it would be for me after all. Again, I have this and look forward to reading it hopefully soon. I've read two of her books quite recently. Didn't LOVE them, but enjoyed them just fine. This has been on my wish list for a few years now. I'm a huge Fannie Flagg fan and have read and loved them all. Thank you for these suggestions. These both look great. I love the cover of Owl Moon Cafe. Strange question: are these very Christian? Thank you all so much. :grouphug:
  18. Cannot stand pencils and most pencil sharpeners. Not sure which sharpener to get next. The ones that we usually get at Costco really and truly stink. Which of these are your favorites? If not any of these, I'm open to suggestions. Thank you so much. Option 1 - Kikkerland Option 2 - Staedtler Tub Pencil Sharpener Option 3 - Mapped Classic I now realize that I could just get all 3 and see which one we like the most. Guess I have extra time on my hands and feel like posting a thread. :)
  19. Thanks for reminding me of this. I really loved his first few books - all the legal courtroom stuff. Congratulations! :D You must be so proud. :)
  20. Thank you all again so much :grouphug:. I haven't responded to all your posts, but I really do appreciate your suggestions and am looking into all of them. I tried and tried with this a few years ago. Couldn't get into it at all. :iagree: - it was awful. Chris, I wish I could read this. Just reading about it however, scares me. I get scared very easily. Is it scary or something that most might be able to handle? Stacia, I added this to my wish list yesterday from the Book a Week thread. Love the cover. :D Looks like fun. :D I liked People of the Book, but not sure if I'm in the mood for her other stuff right now. Will keep her in mind for later. Thank you. Will look into these. Thank you. Susan, I liked this one a lot when I read it a few years ago. Off to look at your other suggestions. :lol: And then we can go make up shopping together. :D I wish I was into vampires. I would read this. After Twilight, I just don't like books about vampires. :glare: I have one of her books which is too heavy for me to take on our upcoming trip. I really liked The Poisonwood Bible. I keep hearing about Nick Hornby. Any specific ones you would recommend or are they all quite good?
  21. Thank you all so much. :grouphug: :lol: I can relate somewhat. I have a very corny sense of humor and am often giggling when no one else is. :D I absolutely loved the movie many years ago. Will look into the others you suggested. I love this story of your Lit Class. :) I've liked some Anna Quindlen in the past, not all, however. Haven't read her in years. Haven't read any Haven Kimmel. I have this one and plan on reading it soon. I loved the movie Chocolat. Didn't even know there was a book. I don't know if I should read it and then read the sequel. I have Five Quarters of the Orange on my Kindle and hope to read it soon. I didn't like this one that much. Maybe it was the timing. I've read quite a few of these. Just finished two of them. They're sweet and light. :) Thank you all. Need to go, but will respond and look at other suggestions later.
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