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Everything posted by Negin

  1. :grouphug: :) :grouphug: It's often hard to always agree on books, movies, etc. They're all quite subjective.
  2. I wish I could, but I've never been able to get into these. We LOVE the DVDs, however. :) Just purchased it. :D I think I read this a few years ago. All your other suggestions look great also. Thank you.
  3. She has so many. Any specific ones that you can recommend I start with? Thank you. :)
  4. Thank you for this list. I will look into the ones I haven't read or heard of. I really disliked Twilight. I read The Friday Night Knitting Club a few years ago. Although I didn't love it, I liked it just fine. Yes, I also liked Angels and Demons. Off to look at her also. I don't mind non-fiction as long as it's not self-help. Not in the mood for self-help these days. I love hilarious. :D
  5. I'm not in the mood for classics at the moment and preferably nothing that's overly depressing. I don't mind some inappropriate stuff. In fact, I was very close to ordering 50 Shades of Grey, but didn't because so many said that it's very poorly written. Here are some books that I've loved in the past. If you can suggest anything, would be so grateful. Harry Potter books A Thousand Splendid Suns - I love Khaled Hosseini's style of writing. Yes, his books are very sad, but I just love his writing. The Help The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Allende. :D The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy - I wish there were more in this series. I'm really craving something like these. Good storyline and strong protagonist. The Geography of Bliss - enjoyable, funny in parts Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea - great writer, sad subject matter, but fabulous writer Books by Mitch Albom, Fannie Flagg, the older stuff by John Grisham, some of the books by Ken Follett, and pretty much all books by Maeve Binchy Funny in Farsi Confessions of a Prairie B*tch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated Middlesex – Jeffrey Eugenides The Poisonwood Bible – Barbara Kingsolver The Da Vinci Code Thank you.
  6. Yes, a villa would be lovely. My reading is also quite slow these days. I feel stressed, distracted, overwhelmed, and it doesn't help when most of the books that I have just don't interest me much at the moment. :confused:
  7. Thank you again. :grouphug: Yes, natural medium it is. That swatch is so helpful. :) I may be posting later with more questions.
  8. Sorry to keep bothering you and I'm sure I'll keep asking more questions as I place my orders. I know that you can't tell for sure, but based on what you've seen of photos and what you can tell from my coloring, not sure which concealer to get. Tan? Natural Medium (Light Medium)? Thank you so much again. :grouphug: Thanks for everyone for keeping this thread going. I love it and am learning so much. :D
  9. Robin, thank you for starting this thread - this week and every single week. Glad to hear that your mom is doing better. Thinking of you all and praying. :grouphug: This looks good, but I'm worried that it might sadden me too much. :confused: I can't remember if I posted last week or not. I finished and liked (given my mood and not being able to handle anything even remotely serious): Full Cupboard of Life In the Company of Cheerful Ladies I give 3 Stars to both, which, with my rating system means "Enjoyable". :) I'm now reading and so far really enjoying The Enchanted April. I want to be there in that villa in Italy. I really, really do ... Thank you for this thread and whoever mentioned it a few months ago. :grouphug:
  10. Same here, Robin. Thinking of her and praying. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. Rachel, you and your daughters are simply lovely. :grouphug: No problem. I'm giggling at the Pirates of the Caribbean look. :D
  12. I don't have much time these days, but if you visit my blog (link below), I have quite a few posts on high blood pressure. HTH. :grouphug: I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't felt particularly motivated to blog for a while. :glare:
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: Your posts almost always crack me up. Guaranteed! :D :grouphug: :D
  14. Any of the books by these authors. We wish they'd hurry up and come out with more. We love their books.
  15. Yes, can't wait to get mine, hopefully very soon. I saw a bit and really like her. :) Looking forward to sitting down with a cup of tea later and watching more. Paula Begoun's books and site should be helpful. I remember her once saying, many years ago on some talk show, how L'Oreal and L'ancome are basically the same thing - owned by the same company. Stuff like that. She knows her stuff and tests them all out. I used to do the whole black eyeliner thing on my top and bottom lashes also. I've been wondering if this is still "in" or not. Not even sure if I want to do the whole eye make up thing or not. I think I might just start out simple and easy and possibly add in eye make up several months from now, if at all. :confused: Yes, please share. :) I hear you. I take pretty good care of my skin, which, to me, is more important than make up. I only use tinted or clear lip balm. I'm going to slowly work my way back up. Again, not sure about the whole eye make up thing. I love this thread and so appreciate everyone's helpful tips and suggestions. :grouphug:
  16. :lol: :smilielol5: :lol: I keep going back and forth as to whether I should start reading trashy books again like I used to in my teens and twenties. Some Jackie Collins books are sitting on my wish list and I'm undecided. They're absolute smut, but oh, ever so much fun. :tongue_smilie: Decisions, decisions ...
  17. :iagree: I loathe Twilight :ack2:. Read the first book and the half of the 2nd. The main reason I have no interest in 50 Shades is not so much the subject matter, but the fact that it's apparently really badly written. I've become very cautious about fads and so forth. :glare:
  18. Thank you :). I searched but couldn't find the natural-look videos. If you have the time and know the link/s, would really appreciate it. Thanks off to look and then get back to this thread. :D
  19. I really liked this one, but as with all books, I know some who hated it and others who loved it. This looks good. :)
  20. Thanks again so much. I'm going to make every effort to get to a MAC counter. :) I'm hoping to get one this year. It's been on my wish list for the longest while.
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