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Wheres Toto

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Everything posted by Wheres Toto

  1. I didn't, it didn't even occur to me. I did think about it today and thought I should have taken a picture.
  2. I actually missed the Matrix reference when I saw it. I knew the choosing was a thing from something, but I forgot it was the Matrix. I didn't really think about it long because it didn't seem necessary to know. It was funny for itself. What was the "MP horses"? I just recently finished watching The Good Place and I can see why someone would think the walking with Ruth scene came from that, but it didn't occur to me.
  3. While we were eating our ice cream, a really funky looking car with weird lights on the front and a very steeply sloped hood that had a light panel that was very narrow parked next to me. We couldn't figure out what it was. It was a semi convertible (two side panels pulled back on roof). When we went back to our car, I looked at the front and back for a logo and it had nothing. License plate said "KNIGHT". Looked inside (roof and windows were open so it was easy) and the steering wheel wasn't a wheel, it was just a long piece with short curves on either side and on the steering wheel it said..... Knight Two Thousand.
  4. Today is ds's 18th birthday. Officially two of my kids are adults, only one "child" left. We went out to dinner at a place up by older dd's house because we went there for dd's birthday and ds liked their food. He has ASD and SPD and finding restaurants where he likes the food isn't easy so we went there even though it's not that close to home. It was nice, all of us, older dd and my mother. After we went out to a local ice cream stand that has great homemade ice cream. Ds only likes soft serve so is find going anywhere but going there dd was able to come too, rather than us going closer to home to a different ice cream place we usually go to.
  5. Dh has long cage things to grill fish. They seem to work well but one of them is a pain to clean because with the handle it's too long to go in the dishwasher. The other is shorter and much better but he seems to use it less.
  6. Berlin Wall I was at work. I don't remember it super well, but I was in a stage of working full time and going to school full time so didn't spend a lot of time watching news. 9/11 I was at school (college) right across the river from NYC. Someone in the hallways said two planes hit the WTC and my first thought was "that doesn't sound like an accident". Getting home from school took way longer than usual. Traffic was a mess, cell phones didn't work. I know many people who were stuck in the city and couldn't get home until the next day. I don't know anyone who was in the towers, although my cousin was supposed to be there that day but ended up taking the day off work. I know many people who lost people in the towers.
  7. Who has made the decision that he needs to leave? Sounds like he's not causing trouble for anyone but himself and maybe his mother, but people are anticipating that he will cause trouble so want to kick him out preemptively?
  8. Morning. Happy Sunday. I haven't been around much. I worked a camp last week and getting up early was rough. And morning is my usual time to check in and post. I'm doing another camp this week but then all camps are done. One week off to get some stuff done, then we're on vacation in Maine for a week, then classes start and it's 8 weeks of non-stop teaching before I get another break. Oldest dd started a new job so couldn't get off to come to Maine with us, but she is thinking of taking a few days to come up. But that means she'd have to do the 8 hour drive up by herself, stay for only 2 days and do the 8 hour drive back by herself. As much as I want her to join us, I'm not sure I want her doing that. I told her that her and I could take a trip ourselves later in the year.
  9. I wear liners every day for the same reason (although I do have the very occasional pee leak too). I tried period underwear and found the thickness and slight stiffness uncomfortable. I also didn't like not being able to easily change it if I was out of the house all day, whereas I could easily change a liner at work. But I do also really like the regular underwear I have that's really soft and comfortable, doesn't ride up and doesn't rub. I also wear yoga pants everyday and maybe the stiffness of the period underwear wouldn't be as noticeable if I was wearing jeans or other stiffer pants.
  10. Our local CC's have arrangements with the state flagships to transfer credits but many of them won't transfer as major courses, only electives. Our closest CC used to be referred to as "13th grade" but they've gotten a lot better in the past decade or so and are considered one of the top CC's in the country now.
  11. I don't have a favorite color (changes based on mood), movie, book, tv show, or anything. When my younger two were little, it was a family joke that they preferred dh and loved him best. Now that they are teenagers, I am definitely the favorite. Dh is a great dad but he was a little slower to warm up to/more likely to roll his eyes at the non-binary/LGBTQ+ stuff. I don't have a favorite kid. They are all really different. Oldest dd is 29 years old and we've been relating primarily as adults for a long time now. That's a very different relationships than my other kids, even though they are teenagers now. Ds is my only son and is extremely quirky but fun. Younger dd is the most like me.
  12. While I was waiting for the watch I put a pedometer on my phone. I compared the two when I first got the watch and they were very close, within 50 or so steps. So, I feel like it's fairly accurate.
  13. Originally I had the Bip U. I wanted something smaller and now I have the Band 7.
  14. I tried it at first due to excellent reviews in articles for "affordable" or "cheap" fitness trackers. It gets very good reviews.
  15. I'm on my second AmazFit watch. It does all you mentioned, was cheaper than a Fitbit (and is lasting longer than my Fitbit did), and lasts a really long time on one charge.
  16. I really couldn't decide on what reaction to give this. Yes, it's funny but also huh?
  17. No scare tactics. When it comes up for a vote, it gets voted down. Most NJ voters don't want to pump their own gas or they don't care either way, so it never changes. Around my area, pumping gas is a very common job for new immigrants.
  18. I've never seen anyone smoking at a gas station in NJ, although it's rare for me to see anyone smoking at all. I have seen people smoking at self-service stations in other places. Always makes me super nervous (and think they are serious idiots).
  19. I don't see how you can be 100% sure that this girl is the one who made the scratches, but I do find it weird you noticed her feet so much. Are the bottoms of the stall walls higher than normal? I also wonder what someone would think of me in a public restroom. Picture - feet facing forward, skirt pulled down so can be seen, stand up, shuffle feet forward a little bit, turn slightly to one side, turn back forward and shuffle forward a bit more, skirt may "disappear" for a minute, turn sideways again, then skirt pulled up so it can't be seen, feet facing the back, turn around and leave. (sit down and pee, stand up, wipe, turn around to throw in toilet, forward again to reach for purse, pull out a pad, holding skirt over arm so it doesn't drag, unwrap the pad, turn around to throw out the wrapper, pull up skirt, turn around to flush, face forward to leave) I can definitely picture other things that could be happening there.
  20. I went and saw Barbie with older dd (29 years old) last week. She had already seen it but was willing to see it again with me. I loved it and she brought me to see it because she loved it. I did find a lot of it hilarious. There was a lot of laughter in the audience when we went. I'm in a blue section of that heat map but we went on a Wednesday evening three (four?) weeks after release and it was crowded, so I think things may have shifted around here. This dd played a ton with Barbies, as well as American Girl dolls but not so much with baby dolls IIRC. Yesterday I took my younger two kids to see it. Dd (just turned 16) and ds (turning 18 in a week) haven't been to see a movie in years. They don't watch shows on tv or go see movies. But dd had heard about it from friends (it made her girlfriend cry at parts) and ds wanted to get out of the house. Neither ever played with Barbie dolls. Both found the movie funny, thought-provoking, and just really really good.
  21. No guns in regular stores where I'm from, but yes there's usually an aisle with a few paperback books, puzzle books (crosswords and word searches), some magazines, and yep, usually at least one bible.
  22. I'm a super introvert who teaches all day so I definitely prefer not to do casual chatting when I'm shopping, etc. I ALWAYS use the self-service registers at stores if they are available. Getting gas doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because it's what I'm used to but it barely feels like an interaction with a real person. I'm sure the lack of interaction would bother some people but it's really not much of a thing. There is no chatting. I do have a few 24 hour stations around me despite them having to be manned. I'm in a pretty major metropolitan/very densely populated area though.
  23. Morning Happy Sunday. I'm taking the younger two kids to see Barbie this afternoon. In the meantime, Laundry!
  24. I rarely pump my own gas but I know to look and see where the diesel pumps are and don't go to them. All stations I've ever been to have it as a completely separate pump in a different color very clearly marked. In my suburban area, there is usually only one diesel pump. I think in some of the newer rest stops on the parkway/turnpike, they are a completely separate area since there are more large trucks. I've never had spillage when I go to the gas station. The attendants are pretty efficient and since they are doing it all day long, they have the moves down pretty well. Usually it's at least a minute or two before they remove the pump after it stops (they generally stop automatically and the attendant is assisting others before coming back) so maybe that takes care of any drips? Since they aren't pulling it out the second it stops or even before it stops, which I've definitely seen people do at self serve? As others have said, hand them the credit card, ask for what you want, they insert/tap it, sometimes ask for zip code, hand you the card back right away or at the end along with a receipt. No tipping. This did remind me of one advantage to full serve - with attendants constantly on duty and very familiar with their pumps you are less likely to have those readers stuck on the machines that are cloning your card information to steal your card number.
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