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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. At least in my area clear uses the sprint towers so you pay a little less but your speed is slower because you have less bandwidth. Fwiw we have sprint mifi and have been happy with it. You can connect to either 4g or 3G. 4g is unlimited but 3G is limited. Basically we only connect to 3G if we're somewhere that 4g isn't available. That doesn't happen much for us so we've never had a problem. We checked in to satellite Internet several years ago for our office because it was all that was available but at the time it was not reliable so we waited and had dsl installed.
  2. Fwiw I skipped wwe2 and went to wwe3 when we finished wwe1 because dd wanted to read herself instead of having me read the selections to her. I was hesitant at first and was prepared to go back & get wwe2 if necessary but I think the more detailed instructions in 3 are helping her. She needed a lot of coaching the first week or two but seems to be catching on well. It's been a while since I looked at the level two book so it may do this towards the end but in level 3 it asked for a specific number of sentences and gives guidance on what each sentence should say. For example, give me a sentence that tells me who the story is about, now give me one that tells me the most important thing that happened in the story, now give me a sentence that tells me what the characters learned or did because of what happened. That was wordier than I intended it to be. My main point was to say that I think your dd will be fine when you move to the next level because the coaching is outlined very well.
  3. We also did ssl then prima Latina. If Ssl 2 had been available we probably would have done that instead od of prima Latina. Now I am using lfc a with dd who is working on about a third grade level.
  4. I doesn't require advance prep but it works best if you read and discuss together. In my case, dd liked the book so much she read it all the first day so we just reviewed and discussed it a few pages at a time. Satori smiles schedule is great for planning all the books. We moved a bit faster for grammar island & the beginning of practice island but then are following the schedule for sentence island, moth & building language. There are activities in the book that are written for more than one student so teaching two at the same time should be fine. I really like the material but as I mentioned on another thread I see it more as a supplement. I know some people use it as a stand alone but it's not quite structured enough for my taste. Of course, fll3 is more structured than I like so we use a combination of both and it's a nice balance.
  5. I love getting stuff as a PDF for the iPad. You can load it in iBooks which bookmarks it do that you're always on the same page you left off when you come back. For me, the iPad has totally changed my view of paper vs PDF. I bought fll3 & wwe3 in PDF but always found myself printing the pages because my laptop just wasn't as convenient. Since buying the iPad I haven't printed anything. Also, i use PDF expert to write on some of my teacher books. I.e sotw activity guide. I write in the library information & make notes. I think you can do that in the noterize app too but I haven't quite figured it out yet. I load most pdf's in both iBooks and PDF expert
  6. I am doing lfc a. With dd & love it but I checked out the link and think that could be a cool supplement. I keep saying I'm not buying anything else & then I see something else cool on this board!
  7. So, I'm pretty bad at scheduling, planning & executing craft projects. As such, I just signed dd6 up for a fine arts program at a large church near our home. She starts this Sunday evening. I'm thinking the fact that she just got excited about writing the names of continents on dividers for a notebook and said, "yah! This is a fun craft project" is confirmation that I made the right choice.
  8. I'm not sure how to do the fancy split up quote thing but... Syncing - I think I need to sync both because I have an android phone & want to use the iPad for the group texting feature among other things. I'll let you know if I encounter any problems after working with both for a while. I think the reminders list could be used for birthdays because it can be tied to dates. On the video it showed something about location specific reminders also. In other words, the iPad could remind you to do a specific task when you arrive at home. I haven't tried to figure that out yet but it sounds cool. I'm checking out the free version of the spelling app so we'll see. So far we've used spell well, a reason for spelling & are now working on spelling workout c for dd6 but it's all seeming like a waste of time because she never spells anything wrong on the pre-test. I've considered ditching spelling as a subject all together and just doing something like spelling bee lists so I might try the app for that.
  9. Thank you! It worked great. Now I have another question...should I take out the gmail account I set up by clicking on gmail in the mail set up screen since the contacts only sync when I set it up as an exchange account? Btw one thing I love about the upgrade is the new reminder app with lists...already using it for a grocery list and a library list. I enjoyed the post you linked to stating why you love your iPad. I thought I wanted an android too but the software dh and I use for clients was developed for iPad first & they said they may or may not do android in the future so the decision was pretty much made for us. Now that I have it and I love it and can't believe I considered anything else. What app do you use for spelling? I've been considering ditching our spelling program for something more challenging.
  10. At first we were trying to memorize everything but then I realized that as we moved forward there are review chapters...just when I thought it was getting a little too tough for dd we hit ch 5 which was review and a mental break. I'm also finding that as we move on there is a lot of review. My goal is to memorize everything by the end of the unit. In other words before we moved to ch 6 we needed all of the vocab memorized for 1-4. Daily we do the chant for current week's lesson plus one for review. The memorization is a lot easier for dd than for me so I had to scan all the vocabulary pages as pdf's and put them in my iPad to review daily and reference if she gets stuck.
  11. I have had an iPad for a few weeks and an android phone using google contacts for several months. When I set up the iPad I linked it with gmail and my email & calendar show up but not my contacts. I was holding off until after I updated to the iCloud to see if it fixed it before asking questions but I did that yesterday and still no luck. In settings I have contacts set to sync but it doesn't happen. Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it? I've tried googling but so far haven't found anything that works.
  12. Check out the recent blog post on http://www.mathusee.com on this exact topic. I'm trying to link but for some reason it's not working. It's on the home page so it's easy to find,
  13. We've done both ssl and prima Latina and definately prefer ssl. We did pl because she was young when we finished ssl & I thought lfc was a little too much but it was really dry & both of us were relieved to finish it & move on to lfc. Had there been ssl2 we would have done that. I also don't think tm is necessary. It's just a reprint of student book with answers in it that you can figure out for yourself. You can live without flashcards too. We made our own.
  14. How strong is her reading? After wwe1 we skipped straight to wwe3 because dd was bored with me reading to her. The selections in level are designed to be read independently and are a little longer and more interesting. You mighty try looking at a sample online.
  15. There are words on the screen & after the vocabulary section there is a grammar lesson which explains the why/what of the chants. There are also some story vignettes between chapters that are in English & Latin with words from the lessons and some new words which you can figure out from the context of story. Dd really likes those & the animated stories in the website. We did ssl then prima Latina because she was young and it seemed easier than lfc. After finishing pl i decided I would rather go slowly through something we both enjoyed so we started lfc. We've been doing greek alphabet code cracker and I'm probably going to add ssg at some point. She wants to do it now but I've challenged her to learn all the letters and sounds first.
  16. The Latin for children dvd's are instructor led and with each chapter there are children on the DVD "chanting" the lesson vocabulary. There is also a companion cd with the chants for each chapter. You could probably go through the lessons one time like that and then circle back to the workbook when the reading/writing improves. I took a similar approach with ssl because we started it very early. We listened to the songs for several weeks before we started the written lessons. Looking back I probably could have just used the lfc dvd's with no written work until she was ready. Also, if you purchase the Greek alphabet CDs cracker boknthey have flashcards for the alphabet & mp3's of the letters and letters & sounds in song format. Prima Latina also comes with a pronunciation cd. We did it and it reinforced English grammar and taught dd a lot of derivatives but both dd & I were pretty bored with it.
  17. When we were doing etc for phonics they used the term "outlaw word" for any word that didn't follow normal phonetic rules for pronunciation. I think there was a picture on that page of what looked like an outlaw from a western movie. Dd thought that was funny so we've continued to use the term for any word that isn't pronounced or spelled according to the rules.
  18. Add me to the list of not using the ereader until I bought the ipad. I received a literati (color ereader that used kobo store) as a gift for christmas and read a few times on it but never really took to it. I would take it on trips for dd but most of the time it just sat on the desk. When I bought the ipad for some reason now I love the ebook option. I have kindle and ibooks plus pdf expert so I can write in the pdf versions of teacher's manuals (like wwe). I use the ipad so often that reading books on it is just more convenient. I also put things like sotw on their in pdf which means I don't have to share the hard copy with dd. Also, after I bought the ipad I loaded the ereader with just books for dd which means it's getting used more now too.
  19. Thanks for the additional information. I just sat dh down and told him I can't possibly keep up with dd's reading on my own (we co-own a business, I do the buying and books for another family member's business & I coach her homeschool p.e. class and both of us have lots of responsibilities in our relatively small church). We just agreed to take turns reading some of the books ahead of her so that we will be able to discuss the content. Someone else mentioned a kind of family book club so we're going to try to do that but take turns.
  20. Just discovered iTunes university and I'm downloading a few free classes to see if we might be able to use some of them. It seems like every day I fond another cool thing available on my iPad. This is the happiest I've been with a technology purchase in a long time. 2 cool new apps we downloaded recently Sat vocabulary from lucidity. There are 1000 free words and for .99 cents you can add 1000 more when you learn those. There is a flashcard mode that pronounces the word audibly and has a sentence on the card for proper usage. There's also a quiz mode. Dd6 thinks it's a game :001_smile: College board official sat question of the day iPhone app.
  21. I pretty used etc exclusively because I didn't discover opgtr until after dd was already reading well. We skipped the 1/2 books too. The only one I used was 4 1\2 because she needed more work in syllables.
  22. I've never seen this site before and just found videos to go with current history lesson. Thanks for the link!
  23. Others have answered with the more technical answers on why it's important but I would also add that it's fun. At that age children love fantasy and stories and reading about Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc is exciting for them. We started SOTW when dd was 5 and history immediately became her favorite subject. It's a lot more fun and interesting than social studies and what is normally covered in ps now. We started biblical history before SOTW and I've found that we refer back and forth often and it's given her a great reference point. It adds meaning to her lessons in Sunday school that she is familiar with the Babylonian empire from our history studies. It's also nice that she knows where to find places on a map. I don't have a formal geography curriculum but we do Kathy Troxel geopraphy songs for 5 min. or less per day and it's given her good context for all of her reading. My goal wasn't necessarily for her to be an expert on geography but to understand when we read a story about Africa where it is compared to Mexico or Australia. Around the World in 80 Tales is a good book that we've referenced for geography also.
  24. Originally the reason was our desire to provide s solid biblical foundation before sending her off on to the world. I used to wonder why people sacrificed their desire for a moral foundation by sending their children to school to get a "good education". Then I read wtm and realized that school isn't providing a good education anymore so being well-educated personally and providing that same education for dd was added to the reasoning. Now after doing it for a few years I would probably put freedom at the top of the list. I can't articulate it better than laughing lioness but I would say it's freedom of time, freedom with curriculum choices, freedom from negative cultural influences in the ps environment and many other things.
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