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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. I put the Kindle app on my ipad and android phone so I can read my amazon content on either one and they auto-sync.When I open a book in either location I am prompted to move to the furthest page if I want to. I'm not too good at the multi-quote thing but on the subject of deleting apps. There were a few I deleted on the ipad because I didn't use them and they showed back up. I guess the cloud sent them back or something. I then deleted the same app on the device & in itunes on my computer and it didn't come back even though I didn't connect to the computer. I have no explanation for this but it happened.:) A question for you on the movies. If you didn't buy them from apple how to you get them on the devices? When we get dd hers I plan to load it with some movies but I'm not sure how. Also, if you buy it in Itunes does it show up on all your devices? So far I've only rented movies and will have to figure all this out.
  2. She told me as she was writing "illustrations" that it's the proper word because it's used in books. We learned phonics with ETC and did a little Spellwell at first. We then switched to A Reason for Spelling for about 5 minutes. Both of those seemed to0 easy so I bought Spelling Workout because WTM recommended it. We did a whole book and 2 lessons of the next one and she never spelled anything wrong. At that point I realized she's just a natural speller and we stopped doing formal spelling lessons. Now I do a weekly list from the local homeschool spelling bee group. They provide a just for fun list for 1st - 3rd and we do 10 words a week from that. She spells 1 or 2 wrong on the pre-test and we practice those for the week. I apologize because that's probably not helpful but I really can't take credit for teaching her anything in this area.
  3. :iagree: If I had more time and patience I could have typed that. I will add that I don't think your stance on this issue is necessary for salvation. I think sometimes we get so focused on arguing about this and insisting that we are right that we forget what's most important. I hate it when this discussion is set up as God vs. science which I think is not the actual conversation that we should be having. The idea that scientists are somehow totally neutral and have no pre-existing suppositions is laughable to me.
  4. I would say I use it like SOTW. We are doing Anatomy & Physiology. We really like it but I can say that would not be true if dd wasn't a great reader and able to read the chapters on her own. They are very wordy and I would hate to have to read them to her. I read/scan it. She reads a chapter. We do the activities in the notebook and then get library books on the same topic. The notebook includes suggestions for books and sometimes dvd's for each chapter. I probably wouldn't like it as much without the notebook. The chapter for each notebook typically has a Bible verse for copywork, some pages for writing down key things you learned in the chapter, a "what do you remember" section which is kind of like the narration prompts in the SOTW activity guide, a chart for labeling the body parts you learned in that chapter, a crossword puzzle, and some sort of mini-book or craft/fun project. There's also what the book calls your "personal person" which is one of dd's favorite activities. After each chapter you add a transparent copy of the body system you just learned to a picture of your child they tape in the book. I realize it doesn't make sense as I'm typing it but it's fun for her. I will confess that we don't always get to the experiments. So far we just read about most of them. I bought the kit from Rainbow Resources and plan to do them all at the end as a review. We take several weeks per chapter and sometimes I write in some answers for dd on the narration questions because it's a lot of writing. As for the YE issue, I would say most of the information in this particular book doesn't have anything to do with the age of the earth. There are references to God's design titled "Creation Confirmation" in each chapter but not specifics about creation or evolution. For example, in the introductory chapters there is a reference to the OT and the fact the those who ate according to rules outlined in Leviticus 11:3 did so because they wanted to please God but scientists later discovered that the Ancient Hebrews had better health than some other cultures because following that command avoided animals that often carried deadly parasites. There is a common thread in the book that God designed body systems in an amazing way but no reference to how that design took place (i.e. y.e. creation of a perfect world without sin and death or theistic evolution). I agree with the pp that you can edit out if necessary but that's better than having a curriculum that denies or ignores God's hand in creation all together.
  5. Just to e clear I am not defending Paterno. I don't have any personal feelings about him or whether or not he has a job. I simply feel that in the current media environment it is easy rush to judgement without having all the facts. I don't think football is more important than children. I think those who knew something and didn't tell police should be held accountable. I also think that we don't have all the facts and that the "fire everyone" and ask questions later approach isn't necessarily the best or most prudent.
  6. I think everyone is skipping over the fact that the grad student didn't tell Paterno what he saw specifically. It's very easy to wonder how someone didn't report seeing a rape. That is apparently what the grad student did, that is NOT what Paterno was told. As a person who actually facilitated a relative turning themselves in and going to prison or life for abuse I recognize the severity of the situation but also think some of the outrage is misdirected.
  7. Sylvia's letter was just as cute! It was awesome that she put the p.s at the end about spelling her name right. :001_smile: dh said that both girls obviously have good teachers.
  8. :iagree: I think we were typing at the same time. I wonder if the board was regretting that life time contract?
  9. While I agree that those who covered this up should be punished I'm not sure that this isn't a situation where public opinion and emotions might have taken over and caused a rush to judgement. If the articles online are correct the grad student who called Joe Pa said he thought he saw something inappropriate. That's a far cry from what that same student said to the grand jury about what he witnessed where he specified that he saw a crime. If all Joe Parerno was told was that there was potentially something inappropriate going on it seems notifying his supervisor was the proper response. In hindsight it is easy to seehe didn't do enough but should he be judged based on hindsight? Where's the outrage towards the grad assistant. If he really saw what he says he saw why didn't he call the police immediately? Why at the time would you reference possibly seeing something inappropriate but now provid specifics. Something just seems off about the whole thing to me.
  10. :iagree:I was just telling dh the other day that if/when we have another child it might be a serious shock to me as a teacher because I don't really have to teach dd much. She pretty much just gets things and reads and teaches herself. I'm more of the scheduler and the supervisor than teacher. The only things I feel like I "teach" her are about social skills, having great character, developing a good work ethic or life skills in general.
  11. I post occassional videos or examples of dd doing schoolwork on FB specifically for my mom. She works out of town for most of the year and therefore only sees dd every few months. She's constantly begging for pictures, videos, etc. I've started saying "this is for Grandma at her request" when I post something. If you then choose to watch it I'm not responsible for how you allow if to make you feel about your child's progress.
  12. I have a relative in Northern Kentucky which is basically a suburb of Cininnati. She has found several co-ops and support groups and lots of friends who homeschool. That would line up with what pp said about southern Ohio.
  13. I have used both and think you can probably figure it out. They are not necessarily that similar but they are both user friendly. These days you can use help or forums to figure things out. I think anyone who is computer literate and has basic accounting knowledge from using another system can learn Quickbooks very quickly.
  14. We are just starting year 2 but getting to the library is difficult for us because of work schedules. Dh and I have our own business and we actually do school at the office. Sometimes we're here from 9 to 9! I have found that the best option for me is to search & reserve online and then just pick up the books when I'm alone instead of making it a trip every week. If your library has this option you might consider it. I actually have two different libraries within a few miles and between the two of them I can find most books I need. I plan to stop by each one when I'm near there for other errands and only make a trip with dd every few weeks for her to load up on books she picks. Since the books are already on hold it only takes a few minutes. It's a lot easier for me to find time to search on the computer than to go to it there.
  15. I order this: http://www.mixedchicks.net/ I have tried both the children's products and the regular products. I find the adult products work just fine for dd and they are cheaper. If I was trying to save money I would probably use Tresseme shampoo and conditioner with the instructions they give on their website and just buy the leave in conditioner from them. It is by far the best product I've tried for keeping dd's hair looking nice all day. I also use cheap Aussie leave-in conditioner/detangler from walmart to detangle when it's cold and we don't get her hair wet. After I spray it and get tangles out I use the mixed chicks leave-in. FYI...dd's hair is very curly but also pretty fine/easy to work with. My niece's hair is very course and the product works great on both hair types.
  16. Some apps are available for android and some aren't you might want to make a separate post asking android tablet owners what they use. I do know there is a larger variety of educational material for the iPad but that doesn't mean android doesn't have resources. Also, fwiw you don't have to have a data plan for the iPad. I bought the wifi version and just use it on wifi. For either the kindle or iPad you will have to have wifi access to download apps and some work offline and some do not.
  17. Time and patience. I have homeschooled from the beginning buy my SIL pulled her to oldest out after 3rd & 4th. This is their second year homeschooling but it's still a work in progress. One thing she had to do was start from the beginning in some subjects. She did FLL level one quickly before starting grade level work. She went back to basics with math and worked on math facts and concepts so they could understand when do do a problem not just how. Her children are very bright, one might even be gifted but they were just lacking in the ability to think and figure things out. There has been vast improvement but there's still a long way to go. I try to remind her that the ps had them for 5 years so she needs to extend grace to them and herself and not expect it to be fixed overnight.
  18. If you want to present new earth theology as a creation theory you can look at http://www.answersingenesis.org there are many books and free online resources. I mention this because they will differ greatly from intelligent design resources. I am taking a similar approach to what you described and we are looking at many of the recommended resources in this thread also.
  19. Thank you. I needed that today. We've had a particularly unfocused week and I've been feeling guilty that all we did yesterday was a math test and this letter. I let her spend the rest of the day reading because of some work stuff that had to get done. Apparently she's learning something even though her teacher is distracted and disorganized!
  20. Right now we are sharing but I intend to get dd6 her own before Christmas. I will set hers up with the purchase restrictions you mentioned. For right now, we are on the honor system and it's working fine. I don't let her download anything, even free apps or books. I'm not sure that I will after she gets her own. I think I'll let her make a list for me and I'll do it. I know she will read on hers because she loves to read on the ereader we have. Having witnessed the children of a dear friend skip over the educational apps and dive straight in to angry birds and some other game where you make grotesque looking monsters dh & I agreed not to download any games that weren't educational. I then organized the apps in to folders and dd knows she can only go in to the learning apps folder. We allow very little screen time period and other than playing wii with mom & dad occasionally she's had very little exposure to video games so stack the states is pretty darn exciting to her. If we use the iPad for school it's usually together. When we learn a new concept we do math problems on the doodle app because she thinks it's cool. We listen to our latin chants & Greek songs because she can do so without taking over my computer. There are some learning apps that aren't as fun for her so I will schedule them. Geo master plus is one I use for geography. It's a puzzle for countries inside each continent. you have to place them by shape. That would be hard to duplicate on paper. I also have an sat question of the day app we do together and a sat flashcard app that pronounces the word and uses it in a sentence that I instruct her to "play" with once a week or so. She watches the free brain pop video every day. When she gets her own I might subscribe to that instead of Netflix for her. You probably couldn't get away with that for that 12 year old. I will also load it with a few of her favorite movies. In general I consider all screen time together the same when placing limits. She doesn't use the computer alone yet so for her it's just tv & the iPad. I try to limit it to one hour per day. I don't usually let her have screen time early in the day because I want her to read and focus on schoolwork first. When we took a road trip this weekend I let her use it for 2 hours. She put it down on her own and read the hobbit for the rest of the trip. I can tell you that since we bought the iPad she's asking to watch the tv less. She would rather play scrabble or trivial pursuit as a family or rocket math or math bingo by herself than watch tv.
  21. Heading to the app store to download this now. For op, be sure to search recent threads as there have been several listing educational apps.
  22. Yes, she gets that from me I think. You definately shouldn't ask her a question if you don't want a direct answer.
  23. I noticed on the new paperport version a person mentioned in the review section highlighting pdf textbooks so I bet there's a way to gets books in there somehow. You might be able to do the "insert web capture" option which is available to insert a new page in an existing note set if you are viewing the book online. I also realized after I downloaded the new version which had the instruction page that I skipped over without reading the first time that you can type on the lines too.
  24. I tried to cover it up but couldn't get the picture to show up right and so I decided to just do it and not worry about it. It's no more information than is available on facebook or on our business website. If someone is going to go to all the trouble to join the forum to see this to figure out my last name more power to them. I appreciate you pointing it out and understand where you're coming from.
  25. Just looked in the app store and it's the same app. I agree the original name was better but it looks like it still works the same. I also see on the screen shot an import option that says "image from camera" which is not available in my version. I'll have to figure out how to upgrade if that's available because it would save the whole pdf converter step.
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