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Everything posted by MotherGoose

  1. True. They Can strike greater than the distance of a garden hoe so I vote shotgun from many feet away. Dh has training in wildlife removal and wears protective clothing.
  2. Here's the thread. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/659850-experience-with-copperhead-snake-bite-anyone/ Please do not play around with this. No the snakes do not attack, but they easily hide and can easily be stepped upon. Mine was hiding under a bush during the early afternoon. I thank God my child wasn't bitten instead. My children used to roam around all over the place. I vote for nuking them. I don't kill good snakes either but snake bites are just awful. I'm still quite ill from it. A child could easily have horrible scars or disfigurement from a bite on a tiny hand where there's nowhere for the venom to go. I always killed venomous snakes, but now we are actively Hunting for them. I do not want to give over the outdoors to the snakes.
  3. I don't generally use "reading comprehension " programs, but can she complete a grade level read the passage and answer some multiple choice questions? As in have you had her reading level tested to make sure she can really read and comprehend?
  4. I have gone barefoot my entire life and was barefoot when I was bitten (if not barefoot I would have been wearing flip flops which would not have made a difference). I think of the literally thousands of times I have gone into my garden over the years: have worked in it mostly daily for 12 years and this one time was it. Going to get myself some snake boots as soon as I can get my foot into a shoe, as well as snake boots for all the kids, although I don't know if they come in toddler sizes. I was pulling weeds off a bush and it was under the bush. And that is crazy how they treated your ex too. However, the antivenin has some very serious potential side effects so that's why they are hesitant to give it out, not to mention the cost. I was very sick. No way I could have left. He just not have gotten a full strike.
  5. Thanks so much! If you or she has any links that might be helpful I would appreciate it. I guess the parks tell people to stay on marked paths, etc. I grew up in an area where we would roam through the woods, always aware of snakes, but never seeing any except rarely.
  6. Fabulous....we live in a rural area with lots of things like that. 😜There are many rock piles in the woods from where farmers cleared land, we should check there. Any ideas on how far snakes travel from dens? I appreciate your information. I recall that your daughter is very interested in reptiles? I've scoured the internet but most of what I have found has been along the lines of "don't kill the snakes, they are docile and won't hurt you if you don't bother them." I have great respect for nature and don't indiscriminately kill snakes...I even share my chicken eggs with the ETA "nonvenomous " snakes as long as they don't decide to move into the henhouse and eat from the egg vending machine. But my dog was bitten by a poisonous snake and only lived because he had the rattlesnake vaccine, and then my lawn man was nearly bitten by a rattler, and we killed a copperhead earlier in the summer, and now this. We have s serious problem and I have three young children whom I'm scared to let outside much. I love to be outside in my garden and I feel violated and scared. I wonder how Charlotte mason And her nature study would have handled this (and 100 degree days, ice storms, etc.??? :) ).
  7. My husband has been out looking. It's not the first one, plus we have seen rattlers. And ideas on how to find a den?
  8. He bit me twice in immediate succession.I'm told. I had symptoms within ten minutes. Numb fingers, lips, and vomiting, plus all my blood clotting factor were all crazy, as were my electrolytes. And of course I was at home alone with the kids when it happened. I had it together long enough to call dh and 911 but then just started feeling confused and awful.
  9. Update one week post-bite: I was in ICU three nights and regular room two nights. Ten vials antivenin. I'm able to walk with crutches and put minimal weight on my foot--bite was on my foot. My foot and leg remain extremely swollen. There is no necrosis and they expect me to make a full recovery. Pain lessens a bit each day. My entire leg feels bruised and my muscles feel "pulled" as if I've overdone exercise. Still feel very tired.
  10. Saxon dive cds? I use them with my dd. Not completely independent bec I have to check her work but I don't have to t school the lesson.
  11. I'm feeling okay today, I guess. Still in significant pain. My leg continues to swell. They gave me some lasick To see if that would bring down the swelling, as well as Advil. They are talking about PT to get me walking but I told them No way can I walk on this. And I was pushing myself to walk laps around the halls less than 24 hours after my c section so I could get home. Not a whiner about pain generally. Basically imagine the most awful bruise you've ever head, and imagine your entire leg feeling that way. Thanks for all the reassurance!
  12. I was bitten yesterday on the foot (gardening barefoot). I'm in hospital, getting antivenin, taken care of, etc. they say I will eventually get Over it. Currently in a lot of pain if not medicated. Any experiences to share?
  13. Well, I compare all aquariums to the Chicago aquarium :). And it was something like eighteen dollars per person, or at least adult. Aquariums are expensive, I get that.
  14. Thinking about aquarium: it's got great info on PNW, but it's not that great of an aquarium in my opinion. If you have one near you've gone to I wouldn't bother. I only had a baby with me when I went, so he was free, but I would have been sort of irritated to spend all that money to go there if I had to pay for two adults plus kids.
  15. I convinced my mom, after years and years of effort, to consign some dishes and other things. The dishes she hasn't used since about 1985ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ and they aren't family heirlooms or valuable China, but I do see them for sale at consignment stores. Plus I got rid of a bunch of random garden pots.
  16. And Chinatown. That's interesting. Taking the metro is fun too if you aren't from a city. And the space needle. I Used a frommers guide. They have things planned out for you.
  17. My almost two year old can say, "I want bottle" in blurry baby talk and then when he gets it scoots himself into my lap to drink it. He's my last baby and I'm in my forties. I enjoy baby snuggles. He won't go to kindergarten with a bottle ;)
  18. Hey it even varies from child to child. First child ate sugar and junk food almost never. Almost no screen time until she was four or So. We know that the third child prefers to lick the icing from his Oreos and also enjoys certain tv shows. I'm a tired mama.
  19. My sixth grader has not read where the red fern grows or old Yeller. She is aware of the plot of Old Yeller and doesn't want to read it. I read both at the usual age and was terrified my father was going to fall on an axe while hunting. So I'm okay with waiting for books that might cause distress like that.
  20. I don't think the OP meant her post to denigrate all males as boring :) my boy is not boring at all, he's to busy trying to destroy the house to worry about pretty.
  21. This isn't about "I made bad decisions." This is about having a serious character problem and being willing to push anyone under the bus, so to speak, whom she thinks she can to further her irresponsible behavior. If she hasn't done this to you by now, I would consider yourself lucky. ETA I read your later posts and I get not wanting to distance yourself. It sounds like you have good boundaries and I understand wanting to support (emotionally) a long time friend.
  22. I don't but plenty of people appear to. "People" is a general term, not applying to anyone here specifically. Should you feel guilty because you drive a truck instead of a bike? No. It is what it is and, even more so than bike versus truck, you have absolutey no choice in the matter. So there is no reason to feel guilty about it or do or say things to put yourself down.
  23. Interesting analogy. I believe in white privilege, but I've never thought about it in that way. I'm glad I live in a place where, although it's traditionally racist (Southern US) there is a large population of people of color, who live in my neighborhood, go to my church, and shop at my stores etc. I may not be in the majority in many places I go. The population is very nicely integrated in my suburban area. Now if you get into the city, it's not as integrated. Not to say there aren't problems, because there are. But my kids aren't growing up as I did and as many people around the country still do, if my travels to the Midwest and PNW are any indication, in segregated societies. The integration is the key to removing white privilege. Actually I just went to the grocery store and there were these two black young men, who were nicely dressed, sitting out front and smoking cigarettes...it's common for people to do that here. I made sure I smiled and said hello to them, just as I would do for anyone. I don't want to be that white lady who seems scared or something. I wasn't scared, by the way. I just figured their mamas were going to hear about them out there smoking from someone and I hoped she was mad!
  24. 80s refers to a plural number of years, 1989-1989. I was born in the 1980s. So you add s to make it plural. For 80's the apostrophe implies possession. I think ??? Someone agree or disagree here, that if yOu say 80's music, you use the ' because the music belongs to the 80s, like Mary's dress.
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