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Everything posted by k2bdeutmeyer

  1. Not creepy at all....pics of itty bitty babies do the same to me. :)
  2. I couldn't agree more!! I didn't get the best care, but it wasn't the worst either. I can't imagine getting none. I'm so sorry you went through that.
  3. Just thought I'd pop in for a few minutes to say hello :) Kiran is 4wk old today. *sob* I can't believe how fast the time is going. I even KNEW it would go fast and I'm shocked and sad. I'm doing okay. My pubic bone is feeling much better and I'm able to walk around. I just have to watch how/when I turn to make sure I don't do it too quickly and hurt myself. I ended up with a rash that is still plaguing me despite a round of Diflucan and some topical Nystatin/Hydrocortisone cream. However, I think going from 3 to 4 has been, by FAR, the hardest. I'm exhausted and finding time to do ANYTHING (eat, shower, etc) is near impossible. It seems that my "free time" only exists in 10-20 min spurts, which is hardly time to do anything. I've decided (4 weeks in....you know, when nobody is asking anymore) what I need........about 3 weeks worth of lunches/dinners and a BIG box of craft type activities for the kids - complete with supplies and instructions that I can give to DD13 to do with the littles. They are bored out of their minds and fighting constantly. I'm in no hurry for Kiran to grow up, but I AM looking forward to when I at least have enough time to feed the kids AND myself without feeling like I'm going to have a mental breakdown, lol. And finally.....since it's HG Awareness Day, a little blip of what I posted on FB today: Seven months ago, I woke up each day wondering how I would ever make it through another hour, let alone another day or month. I spent my days vomiting and getting IV after IV. I threw up literally everything I ate or drank. The days were long and bleak. But, now, months later, I have a beautiful, healthy baby boy to hold and snuggle. I am an HG survivor. In honor of Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness Day, please take five minutes out of your day and visit www.helpher.org to educate yourself about HG. It truly is far more than "just morning sickness".
  4. Thank you everyone!! Sorry I haven't been back to respond.....Kiran has actually come down with a cold. Pretty scary at just over a week old.
  5. Thank you so much everyone! In honor of him being exactly one week old, I thought I'd share another pic :)
  6. Yeah, I had NO IDEA it could or would actually get WORSE after delivery. Holy cow! The pain is ridiculous! Thank you so much everyone!! I love him so.....despite everything he put me through!
  7. It's where the pelvic bones separate too much. You can read more here: http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/symptoms-and-solutions/symphysis-pubic-dysfunction.aspx It will heal eventually, but will likely take quite awhile. :(
  8. Baby arrived on 4-17 at 2:26pm. I went in for an induction (which really was only having my water broken) at 7:30am and was already 4cm and contracting (had been for days). They broke my water a little after 8am. Labor was relatively "easy". I was still talking through contractions at 7cm. Then, one contraction felt normal, and the very next I had a slight urge to push. They asked me to get in bed to check me and by the time I was in bed I had a 3rd contraction and a STRONG urge to push. Baby was born less than 30 min after that normal contraction (at 7cm). So.......I know you want to know...... BOY?? or GIRL???? Please welcome...........Kiran Paul who was 9lbs 0.4oz and 21.75in He lost 10% of his birth weight and was down to 8lbs 2oz, but he's doing better now and was 8lbs 8oz yesterday. I had been having pubic bone pain prior to delivery and was very much looking forward to feeling better after baby was out. Unfortunately, it only got WORSE. By a lot. For the first few days after delivery, I literally could not will my legs to move. They put me on Lortab initially and then switched me to Percocet. I'm still on the Percocet. They also sent me home with a walker. Now, it's just a matter of time. DH goes back to work tomorrow and I'm really not looking forward to it. Sigh. Anyway.....thanks for thinking of me :)
  9. Thank you everyone......as of right now, I don't have any updates.
  10. It appears that my 19yr old brother attempted to commit suicide today. I was sitting in "big brother" class with DS when I got the text: "(Brother) is in the ER for pill and alcohol OD. He bottomed out today. He will be admitted to ICU for the night." He's been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster lately, but last I knew, Mom felt that he was doing okay, talking about the future, etc. He had double the legal limit of alcohol in his system and (based on empty bottles visible) had taken a lot of her Ativan as well as her muscle relaxers. He may have taken other things as well. She found him essentially unresponsive in his bed and had to call 911. He's now detoxing and will meet with the psychologist in the morning. It all feels a little surreal right now, but I know he could really use your prayers right now. Thank you!
  11. There are never enough words....or the right words for these things. Prayers....
  12. To clarify....I said that BEFORE I knew about the headache. I get migraines often monthly....and headaches multiple times a week. I know the pain.....frustration....all of it.
  13. There are no words.....my heart is broken for you. But, you are strong.....and she is too.....you will make it through.
  14. I just love stories like this.....as awkward and embarrassing as it was for you.
  15. So, I'm 99% sure DD12 had her first migraine yesterday. She woke up and said her stomach hurt, but no other complaints really. She has a tendency to be a bit of a drama queen and can be one to milk things, so I sent her to band at the PS anyway. I figured it was one class, she'd survive. I got a call from the school nurse to come pick her up, because her stomach hurt. Fine. I went and got her (thankfully, the school is only 4min from my house). She came home, laid down on the loveseat and stayed there for several hours. By lunch time she was whimpering and whining. I told her that if she didn't feel good that was fine, but she wasn't going to lay there and whine and complain. She said she had a bad headache. I told her to take some ibuprofen, but she refused (she has this weird irrational fear of taking pills). I finally talked her into it and she sat up enough to tell me that at school that morning she was having strange visual disturbances and just felt really weird (in addition to the stomach thing). The headache didn't start until after we got home. The more we talked.....I was pretty sure she had a migraine. Mine started at about her age too. Her head was pounding with her heartbeat, more on one side than the other, nauseous, she said she couldn't look outside because it was too bright, etc. The ibuprofen took care of it and she was feeling okay the rest of the day. However, this morning, she woke up saying she had a bit of a headache again......and her throat hurt. She voluntarily took more ibuprofen.....and was okay all day (except for the little bit of a sore throat). DS asked to play Mario Kart about 30 min ago, so the kids all sat down to play. Within 10 min she said she couldn't play anymore. I asked her why and she said she felt like a strobe light was going off in her head. Not a headache.....just how her head felt. She says the best way she can describe it is that she "feels like her eyes are shaking involuntarily". I sent her for more ibuprofen, but......ideas? Do you think I'm right about the migraine? Or does she have a virus? Or both? If it is migraines, should I be getting her to the dr sometime soon? Or since the ibuprofen seems to be taking care of it....let it go for now?
  16. This makes my heart hurt. I'm so sorry.
  17. How far along are you? 33wk 2d Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? Nope....and nope. Although this has proven to be far more stressful than I had anticipated. Have you talked names yet? Well...sorta. But, um.....yeah, baby has no name as of yet. Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) Just a diaper bag.....very excited for some special gifts coming from some WTM boardies though :) How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? 8 days ago.....I go back on Monday.
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