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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. As crazy as it sounds, though I don't like the cold I would miss Midwestern summers. I'd love to be those people who spend 4-5 months where it is warm and then " come back home. We are considering NC or mountain AZ for winters. We don't need warm just not 15 and snowy. Worse yet is gray. I despise gray weather.
  2. I haven't done this stuff for years. Zero people noticed. I did ask the kids specifically what they like. The answers were all pretty easy-2 specific treats, the smell of the trees, a local light display, a pre-fab gingerbread house to put candy on and the leg lamp. They even said we didn't have to decorate the tree. The lights and smell would do 😀
  3. She agreed to stay until Sunday of her own volition! Of course she could change her mind but I'll take any progress. Her big worry seems to be getting back to school. I almost wish she didn't care. At any rate, I'm glad for a little glimmer of admission that things might not be fine with her. Thank you all again for "listening". If you are praying please continue. I am in your debt.
  4. So after not speaking she suddenly "brightened up", took a med and told psych he could call me. I think she knows who the gatekeeper is. The psych is stumped. She doesn't have enough features of anything to diagnose. She has stumped all the psychiatrists there. They put her on zyprexa because it helps with bi-polar, psychoses and schizophrenia. Not really comforting. She will be released tomorrow morning unless he can persuade her to sign herself in. If we get a judge involved to keep her there the state will take over her care, ship her where they choose and we have no say. The psych feels that is not her best interest . I'm sick to my stomach and know she is smart enough to day what she needs to in order to get out. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  5. I'm praying this virus hurries up and gets gone. Let others help you.
  6. Catnip actually was my idea. Or a mild tranquilizer from the vet. 😀 Maybe a note from Santa saying that cats aren't under his control, heck he can't always get the reindeer to behave. We have used the Santa letter to explain the lack of a new bed. Furniture like that evidently had to be ok'd by parents and fit in the sleigh.
  7. Thank you all. I am a praying woman and believe in " good vibes" so your comments make a difference to me. Today my dh will leave her a message and I will drop off clothes and books. And I will breathe. I am going to try to take my youngest two to buy a tree and cocoa we can put up this weekend. And I'm betting I will cry.
  8. Thank you all. I've spent the day tending to my 3 at home and trying to ignore the fact she hasn't even called to ask for clothes. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  9. Well, not good news. She had her first counseling session last night. The counselor felt she was a great danger to herself, she wouldn't willingly return to the hospital so the police were cslled. She strongly resisted. It was horrible. They got her to the hospital 45 miles away. She refused to speak, tell them her name or look at them. I had to have her put into a 72 hour hold with a judge signing more horrible. At 18 she won't sign anything so I know nothing and have heard nothing. I know she is furious. This was no win just a choice between a bad and worse choice. Sorry, I'm rambling and a bit of a wreck. To come home I think we need to require papers that let us in on treatment and other parameters. This is very upsetting for the 15, 13 and 9 yo and I have to protect them too. Again bad and worse choices. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  10. I'm glad someone is there to take care of you.
  11. I am so sorry this has happened to you but want to applaud your kindness while keeping yourself in a good, loving non-entangled spot.
  12. I am so sorry you feel this way. I don't have practical advice but let your family help you and care for you. (((hugs)))
  13. Thank you all for listening. I have no one to ask advice of. The nearest NAMI meeting is 40 miles away. I sent an email yesterday but no answer yet. I have no idea where to draw lines. She played basketball today and just announced she is going to a friends but she seems angry. I'm sure making a scene about it will definitely devolve into an argument which usually leads to a real low. I know there are no simple answers or straight lines but I'm worried unless she is in my sight which isn't practical for an 18 yo.
  14. No triggering event. The psychiatrist at the hospital was stumped. Straight A's, no drugs, no friend problems, no deaths....he decided it is just brain chemistry possible made worse by Zoloft. Her continuity of care scares me. Once out of the hospital they are done with her. See your family doc was the advice. She has a counseling appointment with a psychologist Monday. It seems so disconnected. I'm trying to find a psychiatrist but they are over 50 miles away with a long wait to be seen.
  15. They did a blood count, T3, T4, drug, pregnancy. All fine. She has been a great kid until about 2 months ago. And yes, I would give anything to make her better.
  16. They asked us if anyone else in the family was using a psych med successfully but no one is so that was no help.
  17. Thank you all. I made myself eat something today. I will contact NAMI, at least for myself. I feel she needed to be kept longer. I feel in my gut I'll be taking her back. She wasn't fine before the first medication but I swear it precipitated things. Now she's angry, belligerent, doesn't want to take the new medication and talks about dying. I am not coping well and I need to keep the three kids still at home with her semi-normal. If you're a praying sort please send one up for my poor, troubled girl.
  18. My dd has gone from mildly depressed to having been hospitalized over Thanksgiving to Tuesday! i am totally out of my element, help is thin on the ground here and I don't know what I'm asking except maybe to hear we might be able to turn this around eventually. I am so scared.
  19. Thanks everyone. I at least have a starting place. If it weren't for cookies I don't think my kids care about Christmas but I feel like there should be something! My 9yo has added paint to decorate her box. Oh my. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
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