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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Does she have any particular interest or hobby? I'm wondering if you can find a really cool podcast ahead of time and bring it for you guys to listen to together. It won't be as aloof as reading and it will show you put some thought into her interests while allowing some non-conversational time. I don't see this changing unless you stop going or your DH bucks the system himself.
  2. We're still plugging away at the make-up work from October when DS was sick. 2-3 hours/day plus music practice. We should be getting it done on time.
  3. I tried the T Rowe Price one you mentioned because although I've used other calculators in the past, I'd never tried a Monte Carlo one for college. (I have for retirement.) I was shocked at how much more money it said I needed to put in each month compared to other calculators. Poking around I found it assumes a 4.90% return on the market. That's definitely quite conservative, and it's for the actual stock market, not some kind of return for an automatic mix of stocks and bonds as you get closer to matriculation. Of course as the time for matriculation gets closer, average market returns mean less. The difference between 7% and 4.9% over a year is not that significant. But if you're planning for a baby's future fund, I personally find this assumption too conservative over 18 years. It's nice to oversave, but not if one is sincerely struggling in the meantime.
  4. I'm sorry this happened to you. Stay strong, mama. Lots of hugs. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. Where can I watch Broadchurch? (I don't own a TV.) I've heard about it and now I'm intrigued.
  6. Yeah, I probably should have declined. Lesson learned. It wasn't completely out of the blue, though. Last year I tutored him in grammar and this year I've just started tutoring him in phonics. He's doing okay in school, with some problems that his mom and I think are mostly related to lack of drill and practice. He's a bright kid, he just needs more repetition than most and he has some minor eye tracking problems. She and I have talked a lot about the school not meeting his needs. So the request/acceptance wasn't as out of the blue as it may seem. But yeah. The schools around here are doing what they did when I was in elementary in the 1970s. Here's a list of words, test next week. Retest the following week on any missed words. I don't know what they're doing for kids who have trouble, though. We had an aide in the classroom to help kids who were falling behind. I don't think they have that. Congrats on the spelling bee!
  7. I got a Shakti mat and it's helped a lot. It also relieves headaches. Basically it's a modern bed of nails that releases endorphins. There are 3 levels; the fewer the spikes on the mat the deeper each one works. We have orange. My friend's daughter also stands on it after serious ballet to help her feet.
  8. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: These don't sound petty.
  9. Thanks for your help. I find the entire exercise of creating the Ayres list to be fascinating. Thanks for chatting with me about it. I think if I brought it up in real life people would think (know?) I'm even weirder than first believed.
  10. I'm following the idea outlined on p 37: This what I mean when I'm talking about the neighbor's kid being a year behind his grade level and my kid being ahead. I'm using the percents correct against the chart on p 28 [corrected]. I've been working on the list with my son, who I thought had spelling difficulties, and he's ahead of grade using this method. How far ahead I do not know, as I keep giving him the next list and he gets 99% or 100% so I move to the next one. I'm waiting for him to "fail" but it hasn't happened yet so I'm not sure where he's at. (Don't ask how I could have been so wrong. I'm wondering myself.) Am I doing this incorrectly, then?
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