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Everything posted by idnib

  1. It was on vimeo 2 days ago. I had a tab open intending to watch it, never got to it, and poof. I'll let you know if I find it.
  2. Eliana, thanks for sharing your photos! Mazel tov! (I hope that's appropriate.)
  3. I'm reusing everything for DD's first grade that I used for DS's except OPGTR, which was effective but a bit dull so replacing it was mostly about me not wanting to go through it again. I think it would have worked fine and I could have reused 100% of my materials. I didn't own any large expensive programs though.
  4. :party: As for vacuuming, I think you don't have to but call the company and check. They might charge extra. We had vacuumed, but that's because they carpet cleaners came after the move-out cleaning.
  5. I wish I could figure out how to actually implement something like this. I know she has some practical tips, but I feel like it really requires a change of mindset.
  6. Umsami, please be careful about posting any of your concrete plans here. Your DH might be reading. Take in everyone's ideas but keep your own close to the vest. Move to PM or start a closed social group and be sure to log out when you're not on the computer. Change your password if it's something he knows or might be able to guess.
  7. Not to get too off topic but you reminded me of these materials.
  8. Umsami, my sister, I am crying tears for you. :grouphug: Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives and the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.― (155) Who say: when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah we belong and to Him is our return." (156) They are those on whom (descend) blessings from their Lord and Mercy and they are the ones that receive guidance. (157) Qur'an 2:155-157 I don't have much advice that hasn't already been given here. I strongly agree with seeing a lawyer and removing the passports from the premises. DH suggests a safe deposit box belonging to someone you trust.
  9. I felt the same way right before our move. You can do it! Good call on having someone do the move out cleaning and the carpets.
  10. I have a plan in my head through 12th based on a general idea of what competitive schools require and how to end up there, but I'm also leaving some openness for my kids' own interests and foibles. One of my favorite quotes is from Mike Tyson, of all people: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." :lol:
  11. Thanks for mentioning this. I've been looking for a tree book to supplement Ellen McHenry's Botany unit that we just started on the first day of spring.
  12. We do Singapore M-Th and Beast Saturday and Sunday for about an hour each day. We're "behind" in Beast because DS only does it on the weekends and because he was in 4th when we started 3A. We wanted to start at the beginning of what they had. In this way he's gotten to most topics in Singapore before Beast so we use Beast as an in-depth review. A few times we have gotten to a topic in Beast before Singapore, and then I gave him a few selected exercises in Singapore when we reached it there. If he performed well and remembered Beast, we skipped the topic in Singapore. If he had forgotten we did Singapore anyway.
  13. Thanks for this thread. DS made a similar request last week!
  14. DH and others I know who get bad headaches swear by the Shakti mat. It's basically a modern plastic bed of nails. It hurts a little when you first lie down on it. You can control it by the surface (floor is more painful than on the bed) and weather you wear a shirt and what thickness. DH has gotten to lying on it without a shirt on the bed but the floor is still to hard for him. You can make other modifications like rolling a small towel and placing it under the mat in the neck area if you want more pressure there. It releases endorphins and puts you in a state of relaxation. I always fall into a deep sleep on it.
  15. A funny thing. I mentioned in the last thread The Most Dangerous Book: The Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses as a future read and DH, without knowing I was thinking about it, brought it home from the library yesterday! So that's on my list to start. I also read the first chapter of Euphoria last night and am still working on Authority from the Southern Reach trilogy. I've almost finished Herodotus (Chapter 1) in On History. Oh, and for a guilty pleasure, I never got around to reading the last Jack Reacher book Personal and DH brought that home yesterday as well, for both of us. The Western Canon goodreads group will have a short read (TBA) starting this week before The Pilgrim's Progress. I might skip the interim read in order to get caught up on this other stuff before Chronicles of Narnia.
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