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Status Updates posted by Critterfixer

  1. Out messing with the bees again. They make me feel lazy.

  2. Grammar we can do any time, but it doesn't get any better than dancing in the wind before a storm.

  3. Nothing says spring like a good bee sting.

    1. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Ack, I'm so sorry! Around here bee stings lead to trips to the ER . . . I hope your reaction is milder!

    2. Critterfixer


      All fine. Worked my hives today.

  4. Someone called my kids weird and I'm trying to decide how I feel about that...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RootAnn


      I'm with Mama-san. My kids ARE weird. And I'm definitely proud. (Well, today I'm proud.)

    3. quark


      Celebrate the weirdness! Normal is so blah.

    4. melmichigan


      Normal is boring.

  5. Standardized testing day. Do I have enough ice cream?

  6. I'll be placing my order for fifth grade books in the next two weeks. Maybe I ought to start planning, eh?

  7. I don't care how motivated you are. Five AM isn't for being awake.

    1. atozmom


      I will second this!

  8. Day 3 of Spring Break. Wrote, played, relaxed. Did not clean a closet or wash a window one.

  9. Spring Break! I resolve not to empty out one closet or clean one window, so help me.

    1. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Good luck with that!

  10. Dreaming of sunny and seventy.

  11. Almost March. I just keep telling myself that.

  12. Ah, late February! The desire to get to all those resolutions I made and no money or energy to do it!

  13. Murphy's Law 311: Older trucks will break down and require costly repairs around Christmas.

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Yep. Same here. We're only having $500 of the $1000 done.

  14. Three more days, three more days....

  15. 31 hours without power does make one grateful for the little things in life. Like a hot shower.

  16. The coldest rain is when the drop melts as it hits your sleeve. Soaked and frozen!

  17. Open windows today. Supposed to be ice and snow by Friday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Critterfixer


      It's funny to think I'll be checking bees on Tuesday and checking heat lamps by Friday.

    3. Miss Marple

      Miss Marple

      The weekend forecast looks downright ugly! Glad my boys aren't traveling home.

    4. Dmmetler


      Same here.


  18. Freezing rain, freezing fog. Yuck.

  19. It's gray, raining, raw and I'm sick. How November-ish.

  20. The boys have set Poe to music--singing The Bells in the shower.

  21. Hit the superfecta again! (Dinner, a full day of school, clean house and exercise) That's twice this month. I am on a roll.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mathnerd


      You seem to be on a roll!

    3. Critterfixer


      It can't last, but a lady can hope, right?

    4. RootAnn


      WooHoo! Awesome - and only halfway through the month, too!

  22. Turning into a chicken, the older I get. It's dark and I want to go to my roost.

  23. Don't tell me dogs don't talk to other dogs.

    1. quark


      Of course they do! They communicate by tail wag too! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24746107

    2. Critterfixer


      Word does get around. Be kind to one dog and he'll bring his friends to see you.

  24. I pulled out the superfecta today: full day of school, clean house, roast turkey dinner and I got in a run. Boy am I tired.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. extendedforecast


      *bows down in awe*

    3. mathnerd


      Please write a post on how you do it. I want to learn from you!

    4. Critterfixer


      It's like hitting the lottery. Doesn't happen often enough to have a formula.

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