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Everything posted by m0mmaBuck

  1. I am looking for something for my 5th grader. I want to encourage him to be able to pick the main points from reading selection and then reconstruct what he read with a certain amount of detail. Would this be a good place to start?
  2. My 20 yo DSS is quite young behaviorly/psychologically. According to his counselor, he is "stuck" around 14-15 years old and at present refuses to admit there is an issue so getting help is difficult/impossible. The good new is that most "late bloomers" do come around. Think back to your 20s and certain friends that you had that just couldn't seem to get by without calling Mom/Dad or doing whatever the crowd wanted to do. I bet they are functioning adults now! You said "I completely agree that at these ages, they are responsible for their own choices and becoming their own people. I didn't set them upon these paths. They have to take responsibility. But though I know that, I go back to thinking, "but what if I did contribute to it or cause it?" But.... Whether I set them upon it or not, they would need to take responsibility for where they are and where they are going next. But my whole goal in parenting the way I did was to give them a head start. I wanted them to have what they needed so they could make good choices and do well and be happy." That is how my husband and I are feeling at this point. Some things came up this week that are making us worry even more that we had previously because he is now making bad choices that affect people other than us. A few of his current choices are illegal. Yes, he is 20 yo and is making his own choices but he can't seem to see that they are bad ones. It's always someone elses fault. (i.e. "I had to drop out because you wouldn't pay for my school." "I had to work so I couldn't XYZ." "That cop shouldn't have been there." "My insurance card is got lost in the mail." "I lost the ticket with the court date." "Home brew equipment shouldn't be available to me if I'm not old enough to drink." On and on it goes.) Anyway, my point is... You are not alone. I wish I had the answers. We can't stop caring about them no matter what bad choices (or lack of choices) they make but maybe we need to let them fall down so they can figure out how to pick themselves up again. Of course, whatever bad decisions they makes will somehow be "our fault" but we're smart enough to know that they are doing it to themselves (even if they aren't mature enough to realize that). And a few bad choices with consequences may teach them more about personal responsibility than we ever could!
  3. DD6 is doing CLE LA 100 and LTR at present and does fine with it. We don't bother with the spelling lists because they seem random and she has not problem spelling the words that are in the lessons. We tried CLE LA 100 w/ DS when I pulled him from PS midway through 2nd grade and the repetition and weird diacritical marks were just too much for him. Then again, R&S also proved to be overload. LA in general is his kryptonite.
  4. I think this is what is happening to me. Itchy itchy!
  5. I have a latex allergy acquired from years of wearing gloves at work. Not anaphylactic but I break out in some pretty nice hives/contact rash so.... I need some recommendations for preferably cotton underwear that either don't contain latex in the elastic or at least have cotton over the bands. Thanks!
  6. It's 3:30 p.m. DS10 is still working. He has only managed LA, penmanship, and math thus far. My 6yo has been done since noon.... and in the time it took her to do LA, reading, penmanship, and math..... DS did LA.
  7. You may find that your driving would be less. I would definitely talk with some in your area.
  8. Fish and chips Chicken fajitas Stir fry rice with chicken or shrimp Stuffed shells with sauce Pizza
  9. I bought mine from Avon years ago. It looks sort of like this: http://www.amazon.com/Avon-Insulated-Makeup-Bag-Tourquoise/dp/B009J32WPU/ref=sr_1_12?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1351187275&sr=1-12&keywords=bag+makeup+insulated ETA: I would think you could also use a curling iron over for the same purpose.
  10. I forget how painful it is this time of year until it is this time of year again.
  11. I feel like The Craw! Not the Craw! from Get Smart. Anyone care to commiserate?
  12. I keep mine in my insulated makeup bag (meant to keep my makeup from melting or freezing but does the same for my epipen).
  13. I can tell you that what I have learned from the medical interpreters that I have worked with is that their schedules can be very hectic. They want to be available in order to keep their jobs with the company so that may mean going to a doctor's appointment in one city, driving 40 miles for a therapy appointment in another city, and so on. Depending on the company they work for, they may or may not get paid for mileage and drive time. One interpreter told me that her company covers all of the workers' comp cases for XXX county which means that even when her clients go to a specialist 3 counties away, she has to make the drive. It seems to be a very fulfilling career choice but it might be hard to work yourself toward the top of the call list (people who take more assignments get the first calls in her company) unless you are readily available.
  14. I have these: http://www.zappos.com/dansko-professional-black-tooled
  15. For tromping around in ice and snow, I would go with something like the Bear Traps. I see them at Cabela's and briefly wish we got enough snow to justify a purchase.
  16. I spent the day in Seattle at Woodland Park Zoo (Homeschool Day.... There is another one on Monday and again on Halloween if you want to preregister and go. It was fantastic.) and not so much as a drop of rain the whole time we were there. My husband said it rained pretty hard for a while in Oly though. Glad I missed it. :)
  17. The kids butt heads constantly. They are currently in there rooms under maternal mandate. It is the 2nd "rooming" today. Earlier it was because she told him (jokingly, but he doesn't "get" sarcasm) that since he likes the Seahawks he has to dye his hair green so he hit her. I sent them both to their rooms (her for picking on him and him for hitting). This time I turned my back long for long enough to pick up a book and put in on the "return to the library" pile... and she stole "his" orange crayon (two piles in the center of the table) and he resorted to screaming at her rather than using words to ask for the crayon back. Then, when I told her to give the pencil back he turned on me and started yelling that I always take her side. :glare: I told him he needed to stop talking until he could get himself under control but he couldn't stop himself so I sent him away. And she is in her room for stealing the crayon from his pile. So... This is my life. Yes, the younger one antagonizes the older. Yes, the older one overreacts to every little thing which is why the younger one does many of the things she does. So.... What do I do to stop this? It makes me not want to be here.
  18. I'm thinking of leaving FB until after the elections in November... Or until after Christmas so the post-election buzz has died down. Either that or I'm going to have to fill my page with political propaganda until people decide I'm crazy and leave me alone. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. :)
  19. I address them by their first names unless I am referring to them in conversation with my children in which case I call them Gram and Pap to save the kids from being confused.
  20. You are all right. I had stepped down in June. I had stopped doing all my duties. And then our CM got sick and stepped down, leaving a huge hole as we had also lost our Treasurer, Webmaster, Pack Activities Coord, and Secretary in June. I guess my mistake was stepping back in to get volunteers for all of the vacant committee positions. I should have let them deal with it while I watched in the background. Hindsight being 20/20, I would have stayed retired.
  21. I would use them year round regardless. I say do whatever is easiest for you, which is probably buying a large amount of festive yarn and going for it.
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