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Miss Tick

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Everything posted by Miss Tick

  1. You could try skipping to perimeter problems in MM for a change of pace, a different approach, or just more practice. We alternate between BA and MEP on different days. BA gets completely done, but then I don't feel the need to do every problem in MEP because it is just providing more practice, review, variety, etc. You may not have looked at the BA placement test if you started at the beginning, but I recall it has the student take the test, you grade it, then the student gets a second chance at the problems they missed. That tends to be how I approach the workbooks, too.
  2. Also, incorporating more freewriting that won't be edited by me in any way has helped with increasing volume of output.
  3. I agree with Quill, though. My ds (who sounds just like hers) knows the basics of typing and we use it occasionally, but I'm afraid it will all become typing and he will have to sign his passport with an "X". We have Kilgallon, I like it, we use it about once a month, but it is written for the students to write everything. We do most of it orally, and it has helped everyone's sentence structure. I'm planning to slowly work in WWS starting at the end of 5th (current year) I worry that if we don't start very slowly we won't have time to finish, moving at a snail-y pace. I read all the WWS threads and will be on the look out for signs that it needs to get put on the backburner. If he comes across a fill-in-the-blanks worksheet he will label the choices to reduce overall writing. Yesterday in science he re-wrote his sentence do that it used "velocity" instead of "speed and direction". Fewer letters. Mine is good with the basic composition skills, dictation, summary, narration, copywork. It is something about the physical act that stymies him. I've watched him do copywork and the lack of focus seems to slow him down as much as the writing itself. I've seen slow improvement, however I rue the day I thought italic font would be a good place to start with handwriting!
  4. It all has a home. If it isn't in its home start cleaning until you find it. You could threaten to buy a bunch of string and tie it all down. In our house the calculator is an app on the computer or my phone, so I would notice if it were missing. That would be another option to limit the amount of time spent during school looking for that particular item. I agree about a natural consequence being cleaning up until it is found before free time starts. Sorry. Frustrating to lose things.
  5. They sound happy, I think you are good. I'm a bit envious, my dc will play imaginative games together for ages, but often while manipulating colourful, pieces of molded plastic. So we have many bins filled with legos, barbies, Polly Pockets, plastic food, Hot Wheels. Not to mention papertoys and dollhouse furnishings. Makes me twitchy at times, but presumably will pass.
  6. We are doing both languages. One practical note, I find it easier to separate then temporally during the day, so usually one before lunch and one after. We have been doing Spanish since the beginning, but rarely with expert help or curriculum. We've been doing Latin for 1½ years. It works best for my dc to keep the lessons short, usually 30 minutes at the most, but every day. Note that we have a Latin curriculum, I've been using it to guide grammar topics for Spanish. Because I am following a curriculum for Latin (open-and-go), I would drop Spanish if the middle school years get too full. Although, I would still schedule some kind of review I imagine. As it stands right now, I plan to continue both through 8th grade and then give them their choice for high school. If they choose Latin or Spanish I'm hoping they week be able to test out of the first high level or two. If they choose a different language, fine, what they have learned will likely give them a boost. If we continue down my notional path, I think we will outsource one language to an online class starting in 7th or 8th. Enough about me! I think you should start Spanish now, why wait? Didn't Linney publish Getting Started with Spanish recently? I would suggest continuing your Latin program and adding in 15 minutes a day of GSWS for this year. Then next year decide if you want or are able to keep both languages going. Eventually, to get to fluency, you will need to add in some kind of actual talking to live people, but why not build a base of vocabulary first on your own? ETA: I don't think there is any hurry. I think many colleges want 4 credits of foreign language taken in the prior 4 years, so while starting early has lots of advantages, it isn't something you can necessarily do now to lighten the high school load.
  7. I had a similar problem and sent a message through the conference website. It was resolved quickly. Sorry you are having trouble! Maybe try again?
  8. My kids do well with short lessons without much writing, so we did WWE Monday to Thursday, and FLL three of those days, I think we skipped Tuesday because that was library day.
  9. If you are having trouble letting some of it go you could pick one content subject to release. So for science (or history) put the workbooks aside and let then do what they want. Reevaluate at the new year and see what you think.
  10. Is this some kind of grammar game where one person writes a paragraph and everyone else has to find all the misplaced apostrophes?
  11. I didn't know, but it would have taken too much effort to change my routine...
  12. Aw, I'm crying just reading about it. That is so nice. Sorry about your dad.
  13. I hear ya'! -What's that mom?- A telephone. -Why does it have that curly tail?- Ah, settle yourself in for another story from the Stone Age, dearie.
  14. How, um, did you stop at 5? Did somebody leave a package with just 5 in it, or do you have some kind of stopping ability that I can not conceive of?
  15. Why do people think celebrities are role models??? That just makes sense to me. When I talk to non-homeschoolers I have to be careful to quell my joking. Somebody asked if I have them do school work on weekends and my laughing "I wish!" was met with a horrified gasp. Whoops! Just kidding! Obviously should have gone the serious response route. One more Facebook "crazy homeschooler" anecdote born.
  16. We are trying out a co-op this year partly for those reasons, to spend some unstructured time with other kids and to meet other kids we can potentially get together with at more convenient times. Anticipating that no school work will get done afterwards, I've moved our weekly library trip to follow it. The library is another day-ending activity for us, so I am happy to combine them. Can you you make Friday morning and Tuesday morning add up to a school day? So you have 3 full and 2 ½ days? It's there one subject you could do at dinner or a weekend morning during "park day season"?
  17. My closet. It is big and I don't have a ton of clothes, but it has all my crafting supplies, school stuff, mementos, etc. I can keep the house under control (more or less) and save for the people around me, but my personal space is a mess.
  18. Can you bake the pumpkin, cranberries and applesauce into something you can eat morning of departure? Although, I don't see flour anywhere...
  19. Ha, I had that conversation this week also!
  20. One thing that is clear from all your responses (Thank you!) is that I need to find a resource to do more educating of myself - clear expectations, dividing the whole writing process from start to finish into smaller steps, what is a reasonable size of project at this stage, clever ways to make editing just part of the whole process, etc. These are all things that make perfect sense but I have not been incorporating.
  21. Hmm, yes, I've been conflating editing and revising. Sometimes I have trouble getting them to the point where they feel "done" enough for editing. I'm thinking this is a result of my attempt not to be too constraining and instead giving an assignment that is too open-ended. A revision-only project might be fun to try. Write a long paragraph about an event and then try it from another point of view.
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