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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. Personally, I taught reading first, and once we were pretty well into that, we started AAS and it serves as phonetic review as well now that she's reading fluently. I find decoding (reading) came much more quickly for her than encoding (spelling).
  2. Jellybean Tunes? http://appsforhomeschooling.com/2011/homeschool-app-review-jellybean-tunes/ What Note is This? http://appsforhomeschooling.com/2011/homeschool-app-reviewwhat-note-is-this/ This one is really simple but incredibly effective.
  3. I would definitely start with level 1 - I even started my DH with level 1 remedially and he learned quite a few things he didn't understand about spelling phonetically before :).
  4. We've been doing both programs, and well, both are OG as far as I can tell, they are ideal for us :).
  5. Homeschool group day here too - which is basically kids run around and play while the moms talk :). The rest of the day we do basic household chores and errands while we're in town. :)
  6. Does anyone have this Memory Work Notebook that Christian Liberty Press sells? http://www.shopchristianliberty.com/memory-work-notebook/ Is it a consumable? Do you need one per child, or can you share one for the family? I can't seem to find any 'look inside' options on this title anywhere. Thanks!
  7. Yes, I do mean Christian Liberty Press :). Sorry about the confusion! :) Thanks for your answer! The program looks so nice :). I'll likely get it then - easy answers, well - new baby!
  8. For the CLP Bible do you need the teacher's manual? I love the looks of their 4th grade - chronological, maps, timelines - wowza!
  9. Thanks Donna, I'll check that out - my oldest is really liking a worktext type format that she looks passages up in her Bible with, and I'd like something EASY to administer (new baby coming in November!) Thanks Alison - we might, erm - keep skipping 'formal' reading in that case ;).
  10. I've just made my own new tiles with magnet tape and construction paper :O! I actually bought Sound Literacy for the iPad so we just use that now instead of the physical tiles.
  11. So, big question. I'm looking to have more independent work for my oldest (4th grade) but she's been working slowly in math, I've been inconsistent in English etc. etc. SO - can she jump into the English in 4th? It looks like it has a lot of review. I might try her with the 4th grade reading too - she's an awesome reader, but hasn't done any formal analysis/comprehension etc. In math we'd have to backtrack though - 2nd/3rd is gappy for her. And - Bible question. Is it slanted strongly Arminian? It looks more theological in the upper grades, but maybe the lower grades aren't too much? Would they work for us as Calvinist leaners? I signed up for a free postal Bible study that is sort of like a mini-workbook and she REALLY likes that, if she had something to do like that daily, she'd dig it :). Thanks!
  12. Catalog request completed! Thanks again :).
  13. Thank you, thank you! I like ordering from the real company - better shipping here to Canada.
  14. Definitely AAS would help understand rules - you could do it in around 15 minutes. My DD is much the same - awesome reader - spelling...erm, not so much. AAS helps, big time.
  15. SO. What with a couple bouts of PPD and many, many moves, a few new babies etc. oldest DD (9) hasn't had a lot of formal grammar. She's starting 4th grade, but we've really gone, erm 2/3 of the way through Rod and Staff English 2 sporadically over the past couple of years. Sigh. So - what would you do? Jump her into 4th? Speed track through 2nd and 3rd (I do have both). Opinions please :). I really do need something she can do herself this year (and I think she might be capable of independent work a bit more now) since new baby is coming in early November!
  16. We moved cross-country last month - NO IDEA where to find Rod and Staff's phone number so I can get a catalog/order from them - help?
  17. Spelling Power isn't the kind of thing I could get together and off the ground - a bit too complicated to administer - it also isn't really explicit on the rules all of the time. I'm using AAS because it's all scripted, open and go.
  18. Spirit of Math Drills? Lots of levels - pretty amazing app.
  19. You want an iPad. SERIOUSLY. If you want to put math pdfs on there and have your child complete it with a stylus, that's about the only device to get. Then just get the free Kindle app and voila :).
  20. Math apps I've reviewed: http://appsforhomeschooling.com/category/2bysubject/math/ Lots to pick from :).
  21. We're All About Spelling users :). Comprehensive phonetic encoding for spelling! Scripted! Open and go pretty much! It is progressive through quite a few levels (7 I think), some people think it's expensive but I think it's worth it. Works like gangbusters. :)
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