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Everything posted by melik

  1. I know nothing about Timberdoodle but we just completed Calvert (k) this last year. It has a ton of busy work! My kids actually enjoyed it but it was a bit much in my opinion. Make sure to give them all a placement test. We should have had one but didn't and were stuck all year with curriculum way below level. We had already started to use it when I realized it, so I could not return it. I did not love our year with Calvert but I will say that it was a fine place to start. It is thorough and very will planned out for you. Now I know what I want and don't want. Best wishes, Meli
  2. We have laminate and I hate it!!! It will not last like real hardwood floors. Ours have moisture bubbling and chips in them. It doesn't really scratch but that is about the only upside. Please really really think about this, because the price you will pay for a really good laminate you could try to find a good deal on hardwood. At this point I'm willing to say that I would choose vinyl long before I would EVER use laminate again. Best wishes! Meli
  3. Hey! Another CVA person here. I have to agree with you Sadonna, I am also a little intimidated by the SLP. It seems like CVA doesn't volunteer much information and I'm not always great at asking ahead of time. I really want this to work. I have already purchased all of our curriculum for the year and really just want CVA to pay for the extra curricular activities. I have to say that I have it in the back of my head that is it's too much of a headache I'm just going to drop it......but I am really trying to keep a good attitude. I have to say that this thread has helped though!:bigear: Thanks, Meli
  4. I could have written this post! There is a group called Overeaters Anonymous. I have been thinking about going to a meeting. Having a hard time taking that first step;). I have a friend that goes. She highly recommended it for me. You can read more about it here: http://www.oa.org/ Meli
  5. Waiting, waiting for news........it might be bad. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. It's time like this I realize how weak my faith is! Talk about a reality check. I say I want God's will but when it doesn't line up with what I want I turn into a mess. Just needed someone to talk to. My three year old wouldn't understand! ;) Update: I just heard what I've been waiting all night to hear. I was totally worrying for nothing. But it has shown me how deep my feeling run in this situation. I just hope that I can really let go and let God use this situation for his Glory and not for my gain! Thanks to all for your wise words! Meli
  6. One day a friend of mine suggested that most yogurt is not much better than eating ice cream. I havn't looked at yougurt the same way since. We still eat it but mostly I go for plain with fresh fruit. Meli
  7. I want to get a stick vac for my kitchen floor. We had a swiffer vac in the past that I liked, but I want to move onto something maybe more powerful. Also I am not opposed to a sweeper but I just want it to work well! We have 4 little kids and after meals we call the kitchen floor the buffet....:lol:. This is only a phase until I can teach my dc some manners. But help save my sanity in the mean time. Features I would like: Swivel head Cordless Long(er) lasting battery optional: Removable hand vac I would really love any suggestions from your personal experience. I have found a couple online that would work but if anyone out there has one that they just love please share.:bigear: Thanks, Meli
  8. I just went off cold turkey. I did it about a month a go. Of course the first 3-5 days are bad!!!! But after that I really don't want it. I remember how it makes me feel. I did have a 1 piece of cake for my birthday and it made me sooooo sick. It's a great incentive to avoid it. I don't eat anything with sugar in the first three ingredients. Best wishes! Meli
  9. I really, really wanted to thank everyone for their advice. You all gave me so much to think about. I really needed some advice that was not coming from people that are emotionally involved. I received a copy of both wills and neither of them are signed or even have her name on them. It is really very sad. I think I'll keep the rest of the details to myself, I am now seeking legal advice and feel I've come to a decision I can live with. But what I have learned from this is that you must have those hard conversations with your loved ones. I also have been very convicted to get my own affairs in order. If anyone thinks about it prayers over the next few days will be welcomed, I will be having some of the hardest conversations of my life. Pray for peace and wisdom! Meli
  10. I loved their dishwasher detergent! I liked most of the products I tried. My issue and why I stopped my membership was the shipping and the minimum purchase amount (per month). Meli
  11. I need impartial advice.... My grandmother passed away this last fall. I have to admit I really wasn't all that close to her. She was a really sweet lady but my dad died about 20 years ago(I was a teenager) so my connection with that side of my family has been very little. I have had more connection with my aunt in the last few months due to my grandmother death. She is a great lady and I have been happy to get to know her better. Sad that it has to be a death to bring people together. My aunt called last night and said that while working out my grandmother estate they realized that the will she created had never been notarized and was not valid. The "unofficial will" stated that the money would be divided among her three living children. However, since it is not valid they have to include me in place of my deceased father for a 4th of the inheritance. I was not counting on any money coming from this whole thing. But suddenly I'm getting a BIG sum of money. Here is the kicker.....they want me to take only 1/4 of my 1/4 and give the rest to them. I am so torn. I can see where they are coming from. But on the other hand I'm kinda in awe of them even asking. There are many more details that I won't bore you all with. I really want to do the right thing. Taking the smaller amount would help us out (a lot), but the larger amount would really put us in a great place. I would like to walk away form this w/o it getting ugly. So far communication has been fine. But I HATE dealing with money and family, or friends, or ....well really anyone!:confused::confused::confused::confused: Any advice out there???? Meli
  12. I have it occasionally when not pg but I noticed in all 4 of my pregnancies. It can be very unnerving. My doctor wasn't concerned either. I would still keep an eye on it just to be safe. Blessings, Meli
  13. This is soooo strange. I saw (imagined) my house on fire at the same time my dad died in a house fire hundreds of miles away. It was one of those times when you just can't shake the feeling even if you know it's not true. We found out the next morning. I was also in the 7th grade. Meli
  14. Actually last time I did it I just found it better to not replace the food with something else. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners. I can get carried away with any kind of sweet food!:tongue_smilie: Thanks for your reply! Meli
  15. I'm going cold turkey today! I've have got to get the sugar out of my system. I figure I'll start working on the other foods after my body goes through it's withdrawals. I'm also trying to avoid lots of carbs (processed carbs), although this will not be long term, I just think that I need to really stick to protein and whole foods while I detox. I know this sounds a little overboard but really I have a sugar problem!!!! ;) Anyone have any tips? Any foods that help detox your body? Well I mean besides the obvious like water. I guess I'm a little late for a New Years Resolution but something has got to give. I guess I could give it up for lent but I think that my motives are all wrong! I've given up sugar in the past (9mos) and have had great results. I eat nothing with sugar in the first 3 ingredients. Since that fist time I did it I haven't been able to successfully do it again. Any advice? Meli
  16. So we have a lot of people out there that had a pretty rough childhood, myself included. So I'm just wondering how did you change? Counseling, determination, help from friends or family? I have tried to be different from my mother in so many ways, but I know that I have a long way to go. Sometimes I feel a little hopeless when it comes to changing some of those really bad habits that came from my upbringing. What does the Hive say? Meli
  17. My 20mo old was a little behind your little one. Now within the the last month and a half she is putting together 3 words at a time. It seems like she says 2 or 3 new words everyday. She is the youngest and had no trouble getting her point across. But it is a big relief now that the words are starting to come! Meli
  18. I knew that this might ruffle some feathers but I' m really grateful for all of your input. In my original post I stated that I haven't really thought that much about this yet, but I was wondering what more experienced homeschooling have done. My kids can be a little sensitive but I don't think that most of these stories will have a big impact. I just really wanted to go into this proactively. I didn't want to fill my kids with fuel for them to question their foundation. I'm very concerned with giving them this information in such a way that it will build them up in Christ and not fill them full of doubt. As their teacher and mother my 1st priority is CHRIST and their relationship with him. A well rounded education would always fall somewhere below that. I understand that mythology is huge component in classical literature but I'm not sure at this point I want to put so much emphasis on it. Anymore stories and suggestions are appreciated. All of your comments have been food for thought! =) Thanks again, Meli
  19. I'm sure that I'm opening a big can of worms. But...I wanted to get your opinion. I have to admit I haven't really thought this out. So please forgive me if my thoughts seem scattered. Since I read "The Well Trained Mind", I have really been thinking that I will use it's suggestions because it really seems to make sense to me. As I was really looking at next years(1st grade) curriculum I was concerned.....wondering.....pondering.....I'm not sure the right word for my feelings but just thinking that as a Christian I'm not sure I really love the idea of filling my kids with all of that mythology. I love the idea of the classics and a really well rounded education. I know that mythology is a part of that. I'm just concerned that at such a young age and that most of the 1st grade reading suggestions were mythology based that it could cause some confusion in their little hearts about Christ and the bible. So any Christian homeschoolers out there with more experience, or have given more thought to this subject? Thanks, Meli
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