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Everything posted by TCoppock

  1. The curriculum you chose sounds great. We have used many of the books you mentioned with great success. I notice breaking school up into a morning session and an afternoon session works best in my house. I have an active boy who can not sit still for hours on end schooling. Your DSs are young so you might want to try the same. Overall I think you have a solid plan for next year.
  2. I'm one of the Floridians that you would laugh at. When it comes to weather I prefer it in the mid 70's.
  3. That house looks nicer than mine. I wonder where I can sign up to get grandparents like that. I would have loved a playhouse like that when I was younger.
  4. Anything over 85 is too hot for me. Although I live in South Florida I can't stand the heat. I prefer the nice cool air conditioned house.
  5. I cry all the time. :) I am very sensitive. I cry when I'm happy, sad, or mad. I don't really care what others think though. I have feelings which is a good thing. Don't feel bad about getting emotional over your kitten's health.
  6. OK then for number 1. Divide 18.6 by 3 = 6.2 Next multiply 6.2 X 4 = 24.8 Then subtract $40 - 24.8 = 15.20
  7. :iagree: I got the same thing for #1. Find the price per gallon. Round. Multiply 18.6 X 1.33= 24.738. Round 24.74. Subtract 40- 24.74 = 15.26 I am scratching my head on number two. I am going to keep thinking though.
  8. I was only a part of a co-op for six month last year and the one I was in scarred me for life. I will start out with what I THOUGHT would make it worthwhile. 1) I liked the fact it offered classes that I did not. I think the very best class offered was a public speaking and writing class. The teacher was a writer and homeschooling mom. She left at the end of the year which is a shame. 2) My son was able to interact with other children. The children were very accepting of my son and they all seemed to get along well. What didn't make it work though was the fact I was made to sit in a room where no one spoke to me because I was not part of the original click. I felt like I was in middle school. I paid plenty for these classes. There was a $50 registration fee, $80 monthly for three classes, plus supply fees the beginning of the semester. Problem was after we had to pay supply fees I also had to purchase my own supplies. I never figured out where the money for the supply fees went because NOTHING was supplied. Art was the WORST!!! Every week she would send out a supply list and I would be running around picking up $20+++ for the next weeks lesson. Nothing was ever used a second time and I wouldn't see my left over supplies either. I'm sorry it irritates me to no end when I go out and purchase three bags of beads and my son has about 5 on his paper and no leftovers sent home. Oh and I did have to have to be a teacher's assistant in one class which wasn't a big deal. I saw this years classes and thought how wonderful some of them sounded but I couldn't put myself through another second of the abuse. This year we are doing a park group once a week and it is working out well. I love the fact that both the children and the parents get along so well. We have a number of fathers come out too which really adds a nice mix to the group. DH went with me for the first time last week and said how nice everyone seemed. The children age from toddler to high school. Very rarely is there bickering. The mother that first introduced me to the park group also has a chess club set up but I have yet to make it. We will be learning chess this year in MFW and I think I am going to wait and make this a treat. I think co-ops can work but it takes a group that is INCLUSIVE and has well thought out PLANS. Sorry for the rant.
  9. I have been tossing up the idea of buying a potted tree to decorate for Christmas and then planting it in our yard on New Years. Another idea I had was doing things for people as there presents. I remember one of the gifts we use to give my father every year when we were younger was a car wash. I'm not the most creative but those are some of my ideas.
  10. I'm trying to think of some unique Christmas gifts that aren't neccessarily top on the Christmas list but when recieved are some of the favorite gifts. For example, last year we purchased a pogo stick for my DS. DS had never seen a pogo stick and had no clue what it was until that day. It has quickly become a favorite toy for DS as well as the homeschool park group children. For myself my favorite gift was a new plush pillow. LOL My father had my name in the Christmas exchange we did last year and all his presents were exactly what I wanted but didn't ask for. What were some unexpected hits in your home?
  11. This is going to be my first year with MFW. We have been using SOTW Vol. 1 and just completed it yesterday. :hurray: My question is, should I start in the beginning with history or should I skip to around Week 13 and start from where we left off. It appears that the first quarter of MFW RTR is review of what we have already covered. Any ideas? Do the other lessons (science, bible, art, etc.) correlate that closely with the history lessons?
  12. I have allowed my DS to play alone in the backyard since he was about 4-5. It is fenced in and I still check on him frequently. He is 9yo and I still do not allow him to play unsupervised in our front yard.
  13. Kris I feel your pain. Although I am not a perfectionist in every aspect of my life the places I am never seem to be accomplished to my standards. I get this personality trait from my dad. If it makes you feel any better he has been fixing my parents kitchen for over 10 years.
  14. Although I try not to worry, the truth is I do all the time. I am the only one bringing money into our house right now and it will probably remain that way. If the economy continues the way it is (which is VERY likely) I will need to increase my days of work. DH has made it very clear that he support ME homeschooling but, HE will not homeschool. So honestly it is only a matter of time.
  15. As long as your child understands the lesson and is able to correctly do the problems you assign I see no reason to include extra problems.
  16. We have used Evan-Moor Daily Geography lessons as a supplement.
  17. We are having success with WWE. No more tears i our house when it is time for writing.
  18. My favorites include: Saxon Math and SOTW I also LOVE Latin for Children. However, we have not made it a full year yet.
  19. We started discussing the effects of alcohol and drugs with my son already. I personally think the show Intervention is a great opportunity to show children the effects of alcohol. I prescreened the shows though because some can be more graphic than a 9yo needs to see. While I think in theory your method of showing the effects of alcohol would work I don't think it is the best way to accomplish it.
  20. My son rubs my feet and my back all the time and I have never thought anything of it. I'm not requiring him to do this but he always offers. It is a loving gesture nothing more. My DH thinks it is a little wierd that he always asks if I want a massage but I think he is really just jealous. lol j/k Growing up we use to rub backs at bedtime and I continued this tradition with DS; it's very relaxing. I see nothing wrong with it.
  21. I'm a mean mom too. I will allow DS to skip handwriting for the day if all other work is done neatly in his best handwriting. I don't have beautiful handwriting, but it is certainly legible and neat and I want my son to have the same. Keep insisting on them giving you thier very best (not just during handwriting) and slowly it will improve.
  22. We will be out at the polls trying to get voters to vote yes to giving the local community college more money. My father works there and this might be the difference between him having a job next year or not. DS is VERY excited to be a part of the election. I never thought of coloring in the map but I might steel the idea. Hopeful more ideas will come in.
  23. I understand the thought process behind Anita in Ohio's answer but nmoira why do you subtract 15 and 15 from the original difference to get the answer? Sorry I can't figure it out even with the diagram. Sorry for hijacking. Just want to learn for the future.
  24. Paula your coffee must have kicked in before mine. :001_smile:
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