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About Tam101

  • Birthday 03/26/1966

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  • Location
    Washington State
  • Interests
    Scrapbooking, Reading
  • Occupation
    SAHM/Homeschool Mom
  1. I got a free one last year when I order samples from http://www.studiesweekly.com/sample_request.php . I don't know if they are still including the globe or not.
  2. We did Getting Started with Latin last year in 3rd my son enjoyed it. He is doing well with Lively Latin this year.
  3. My son is asking for a Chemistry set for his birthday. We are using CKE Chemistry this year and they recommend Chemlab 1100, but that is all I have to go on. Can anyone recommend this one or have a different recommendation for me. TIA
  4. I would describe WWE as expository writing and Writing Strands as creative. I'm doing both with my son this year and he is doing well. I was concerned it might be too much, but I knew he was ready for more. I have him using WWE in combination with history and the week on week off (appox.) of writing strands keeps it feeling balanced.
  5. We moved on, I'm letting him use the chart and also have him playing some multiplication games for 10-15 mins a day.
  6. I picked other. My daughter is a senior this year and will graduate in 4-years. We are so proud of her! She has worked so hard! She got through school with a volleyball scholarship, grants and loans. We have told her we will help with about half her loans. We had to help her with cash her freshmen year and will again this year too, but soph and jr year she had enough money. After the stress of dealing with a sport scholarship, coaches and the extra load, we won't encourage our son to go that route, so we are going to make sure to put money away for him.
  7. I've always used MM, so I don't have any other math suggestions., but...With MM I wouldn't expect them to get entire sections done in a day or to do all the problems in a section. I have my son do every other problem, about 8 maybe 10 math problems a day. For sections 3 pages or longer we spend two days on it.
  8. Math Mammoth, I don't think we every cried, but we have been on both ends of the spectrum with this. Some areas have taken so...long...to...get...through and my son struggled so much, borrowing in subtraction (he still messes this up if he isn't paying attention) and multiplication. But all the work is paying off now. He started long division last week and it is going smooth as silk. I was expecting to be in for another long haul, but, while he still needs some practice, it isn't going to take months to get through. :)
  9. The main differences are that the old book was level 1 & 2 combined with no workbooks. They have now split them up and added an optional workbook and made them line up better with WWE, so there isn't as much redundancy between the two.
  10. That website is great! I've already printed the game and cards! :)
  11. :iagree: Exactly! Thank you for taking the time to write out what I was thinking. ;) You really need to be strong in mental math and know your math facts forwards and backwards, then long division isn't difficult.
  12. Keep in mind my son is a history buff! It's by far his favorite subject and he can't get enough. K-We studied U.S. presidents, I didn't use a curriculum we just did our own thing. 1-US Geography/Star Spangled States (I had to modify it slightly for his age) 2-SOTW1 3-SOTW2 4-SOTW3, State history and he is taking an American history class 5-SOTW4 and American history 6-7-8 I'm not sure yet. I don't think he would like doing another round of SOTW. Has anyone tried History of the World with a middle-schooler that absolutely loves history!!? Or maybe I'll just have him work through SOTW on his own in 3-years and let him pick areas he want's to read more about. I still have a couple years to figure it out.
  13. I was taught that the comma before 'and' is optional. FLL teaches to put a comma there, so that is what I have my son do.
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