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Everything posted by apond

  1. We are trying to think ahead as our kids are reaching the beginnings of high school age and we are trying to up our co-op classes. What has been your experince or even any ideas for classes that would interest highs school age or even ones you would love to see offered. We are also trying to reach a wider group of familes for this age group so any ideas or sugestions would be great. Annmarie
  2. We are in the process of setting a co-op and are looking for any and all ideas for classes. What have you done. I would love to see a schedule of classes offered, cost, how it was structrued ( one mom in charge vs several moms in charge, or just any and all ideas. Thanks Annmarie
  3. I am looking to set up a co-op with a couple of other mom in the fall. We are still in the planning stages of this right now. What I am wondering is have you been involved in one. What has worked and not worked. Do you have a copy of the schedule of classes and ages. I would love anything and everything relating to a co-op that anyone might have. Thanks Annmarie ds (10) dd (8), dd (6), ds (3), ds(3)
  4. my FIL is a retired school teacher and was not for the Homeschooling movement. He is now all for it after seeing what it has done my children and my sil's children. Nothing else would have changed his mind. Good Luck Annmarie
  5. This may sound like a silly question but I am struggling with this. My kitchen floor is always looks dirty. The biggest problem is that it is a very light blue tile and shows every spect of dirt. Can't do anything about that right now. I need something that is easy to pull out and easy to use. I am ussing a regular mop right now that it is so cummbersome. Any Ideas would be great. Annmarie
  6. My kids take Karate and Dance and every friday is Park day where my kids run around for hours. I also outsoarce Music with private teacher and my two oldest will be part of an orchestra that will start in 2 weeks as part of co-op. Annmarie ds (10), dd (8), dd (6), ds (2), ds (2)
  7. I combine everything that is possible. I combine History and science which really only happens for my two oldest the younger ones often go play. I do individual math, reading, grammer, combine spelling ( we use sequential spelling), and writing. My oldest is a little behind and my 2nd is a little ahead so it works. My 1 st grader has struggled with reading and so that is our main focus with her. I plan to just incorporated her into what we and do just simplify it. My husband does sign language and Latin in the evenings, again mainly with the older two but 1st grader still joins in here or there. Annmarie ds(10), dd (8), dd(6), ds(2), ds (2)
  8. Math Reading Grammer Writing Spelling History Piano and other musical intruments Handwriting in the form of Copywork Couple of times a week Science Signlanguage Latin Annmarie DS (10), DD (8), DD (6), DS (2), DS (2)
  9. You should look at Family Math. It has lots of games and hands on math activites and then supplement with the workbook. Annmarie
  10. you want the book list and scheduling and don't need discussion questions written out for you. It gives you the book lists and a scheduling for doing history 3 days a week. We did Middle ages last year and it was great. The schedule includes History reading from a spine and coordinating historical fiction read aloud and then an independent reading book for you child this has 3 or 4 options based on your child's reading level. It does not include dicusion questions or activites. They encourage you to use a timeline and to do narration. This one scheduling does include elementary and middle school scheduling all on one page and if you have a high schooler you would need to buy the supplement. So it is nice if you have multiple ages of children. I If you don't like a schedule and just want the book list then no it is not worth it. Annmarie
  11. I am going through a similar problem and here is what is working for us. I just shelved all the formal math books and am doing more of a living math type program at this point. I had to let go of my "gotta finish the book" attitude. I bought several booklets and I have checked out every book form the library about what we are studying. Yesterday I was reading a book "Life of Fred" to my kids and my son ( who is the worst) just went ahead and figured out the problems in the story all by himself and then declared it to be so easy. If it had been a formal math problem he would have melted and taken forever to finish the problems. My goal with doing this was to get back to his origanal love of learning especailly for math. It was becomming to much of a chore and I don't want that. Then it gets to be hard for me as well. Good Luck. Annmarie ds 10 dd 8 dd 6 ds 2 ds 2
  12. just before my 2y/o twins were born knowing last minute trips to the store would be difficult. I am a firm believer in this. We have continued to do this every since. Needless to say it makes my life so much easier because I can make whatever I need without last minute trips. But more importantly is the financial aspect. My husband has always been on commission and for the most part we do okay but there are months ( like christmas time and september) when he may not do well enough. We fall back on our food storage because that is a place in the budget we can cut. Also with the recent economic turn we are really being hit hard. Thank heavens we have food stored because it would be awful to see my children go hungry. That right there is the more than enough reason to have food storage. Annamrie ds 10 dd 8 dd6 ds2 ds2
  13. My 8 y/o dd would like a penpal and was wondering if you had any suggestions or had a daughter that would like to write to her. Please give me any ideas she is asking daily. Annmarie
  14. But we only had the book. I don't know if it is differnet but the book had pages we could copy and color. I then hung them in our school room. My kids loved it and learned the times tables really well. Now if our kids forget a times table I only have to say a few words and it will trigger the story and the answer. They hardly ever need the trigger words now.. I have never used the other program but the idea is similar and may not make a differnce which you use. I don't know how important the other items would be. Like I said we only used the book and nothing else. Annmarie
  15. I know families call it different things but what do you do for devotional or a group family study time at the start of school. Like scripture study, read from this poet etc. I want a great way to start out school day and I am curious what other people do. Annmarie
  16. This was on my email this morning. http://www.milestonesacademy.blogspot.com Annmarie
  17. McCain the lesser of two evils. Obama seems fake and insincere Annmarie
  18. Other then ruling out learning disabilties have you thought about changing the program you are using. It may not fit with her style of learning or she just doesn't like it. A change might be what she needs to get excited. Good Luck Annmarie
  19. My SIL has a theory that when ever children are whinning and complaining and fighting they have become to selfcentered, Her prescirption is a good old fashioned day of work or two or more if needed. We just got back form camping for a week and my kids would think I have asked them to lick all the floors clean with their toungue. They have whined and fought and complained for the last couple of days about everything. So today we are doing a scrub down of the entire house. We are on Lunch right now so I am able to do this. We have done this before and it has worked. By the way if a child complains they earn an extra hour of work ( We will probably stop around 4) while the rest get to play. So far my dd8 has earned 2 hours and my ds10 has earned 1 hour. My walls are looking great and the attitude it improving! Good Luck Annmarie
  20. What is your morning routine Please include wake up time and chores, devotional ( what you include in your devotional) or other opener etc. I am struggling with trying to get our mornings to get started right and I am not sure where to start. Thanks Annmarie
  21. I have been dealing with this issue with my dd8 for the past year. Then I attended a confernce entitled Teaching Self Government. It is a very simple approach to teaching your children self government. I would highly recomded you check out the website http://www.teachingselfgovernment.com. Here is what we do. Anytime a child does a negative behavior (fighting with a sibbling, complaining about a chore, whining etc) they atomatically earn an extra chore. If they complain about the consequence they have to do some problem solving exercises and if they continue to complain they loose all privalages for 24 hours( no tv, no friends and they spend the time doing chores and sodas for the full 24 hours) This is a very simplified explanation of this. I will have to say that in the last for months each of my children have had to do 1 or 2 sodas and my daughter lost her privaliages once and that was enough for all my children to decide that they didn't want to earn that. My kids have done much better. Not perfect all the time but I will admit I look forward to them earning an extra chore because then I don't have to do it. Good Luck Annmarie
  22. What great suggestions. I really apprecite the advice. Thank You Annmarie
  23. My advice, as I was in the same boat last year, is to slow down and teach your children a love of learning first. If that means slowing down and spending a entire day reading or doing a science project then do it. Your children will learn to love having you teach them. Just because school starts in your area doesn't mean that you have to start that day. Your children will cover the curriclum you need in a shorter amount of time then the ps kids. We had a rough year with my set of twins and shcool didn't happen as regular as I would like. We are now almost to the end of the summer and we are only 2 weeks of lessons away from being finished. My point is that homeschooling had a totaly different feel than PS and I needed to relax and enjoy learning along with my childeren. Good Luck Annmarie
  24. I am trying to pull together a list of books for my son's book club for this next year. We are trying to stick to the WWII time frame to coincide with the girls who will be reading the American Girls seris Molly. The boys are between 8-12. What were your favorite books for this time period or shortly before or after. We are looking for books that give some taste for what life was like in America as well as over in Europe. They can be biographies, historical nonfiction or fiction. Any suggestions would be great. I am trying to get as many read as possible so I can narrow it down in the next couple of weeks. Thanks Annmarie
  25. I don't know if this will help or not but a couple of months ago I had a long talk with my father who has dyslexia, I also have several brothers who have it as well. This is his experince. He said that when he hit college he learned to read the entire sentence as a whole not in parts so if didn't get one word he could usually figure it out through context. This was like a light bulb was finally turned on. He stopped focusing on just the one part and reading got easier. He is an avid reader now always has a book in his had. The other thing that helps him is that he reads lots of Science fiction books for fun. Then when he has to read something really technical (he is an engineer) it is so much easier to focus and understand. It doesn't have to be sciencefiction just fun books that require some concentration but if you miss a word here or there you are not lost. This would be for when they are older and can read better. My parents used these ideas with all three of my brothers and they are all avid readers. Good Luck Annmarie
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